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Everything posted by AOW

  1. Little one is fine, nothing major, just that wife decided to wait until 6:30pm to take her in so of course that meant I was missing bike night. I'll still lurk on this forum, lotta cool folks w/sick sense of humor. I'll be at bike night next week, but in the cage:mad: Still up for grabbing a beer or six over the weekends though P.S.: the bike got picked up yesterday (day early since dude was around corner at AMA museum), then about an hour ago my new exhaust parts and my new riding gloves get delivered. The motorcycle gods are pissing on me!!!! Told the wife I may end up buying a bike to hold me over for the next couple of weeks.
  2. great vid.. I know quite a few folks out there with a helmet 5+years old.
  3. Pretty sure throwing a Marines woman into a suitcase will get you an M16 enema... so I'm going to say no. Got here from Pit area about 2yrs ago, and got to Pit by way of Cali. Wife's younger sisters all live there, and the wife is feeling all "mother hen" and what not. Only thing that costs more is housing. Our grocery bill more than doubled when we moved back east, especially in the winter. Most foods come from Cali during the winter and early spring months. Flight don't leave until June 10th, so I'm still up for a beer or six up 'til then!!!
  4. a rose by any other name....
  5. no pix... with all the water flying off the cars and trucks, it was pretty much grey everywhere. I did see a car that slid off the road and flipped over, then a truck that slid off just a couple miles further down.
  6. For Memorial weekend I figured I would do a farewell tour over to PA to say so long to the family and friends. After getting a small overnight bag packed (sans rain gear pants) I head out Friday morning around 9:30am on the bike to start the 360mile (6hrs w/o stops for fuel per google maps) ride out to Harrisburg, PA. The ride was just awesomeness! My cruising speed was 90mph with occasional burst of 110-115, and I was loving it the entire way, especially on the PA turnpike. I arrived at my final destination at 15:19. I know arriving 11 minutes early isn't all that impressive, but when you factor in the gas stops needed due to a small 5gal gas tank and lav breaks at the same time, quick break at Starbuck's to refuel and relax for half hour w/several other bikers, it adds up to a pretty damn good time. Friday I stayed at my brother's house where we proceeded to polish off 2 cases of beer and a shite load of chips and chicken. Saturday we head out to make the tour of the rest of the family and just do some cruising together for the last time. Saturday afternoon go back to the brother's house for "quick" cook out meal w/some friends and the mom, and end up getting on the road at 18:30, when the wife calls me from the Pittsburgh area and informs me our friends out there planned a surprise going away party for us. OH SHIT!!! I'm 3.5 hours away and was supposed to be there at 18:00. Jump on the bike and hit the turnpike. All is good until I come through the Blue Mountain Tunnel on the PA turnpike. It was overcast up until then, but as soon as I got through the tunnel it started to rain a bit, not much, just enough to be annoying while riding w/mesh jacket and pants. No biggie, I've ridden through worse. Just as I think that the heavens open up and it starts coming down in buckets. I know I'm only about 10 to 15 miles from the next service plaza, so I push through instead of pulling off at an underpass. (yes this was dumb). When I hit the rain I had to cut my speed from 100+ down to 80 to keep from hydroplaning off the road, but those Metz tires handled that rain without issue at 80mph. Get to the service plaza, park under the gas pump canopy alongside couple other bikes that got pissed on. Couple of 20 something HD riders w/out any helmets or any gear, so they were waiting out the storm. I grab my dry gear head to lav to change, and that's when I remember that I did not pack my raingear pants.. PHUQ!!!!! Change shirts, put on the rain liner for the mesh jacket, call the wife let her know I'm riding through a flood and won't be there anytime soon, but will be there around 10pm. Talk to the HD dudes and guy tells me he called his GF that lives in Breezewood (15miles down road), and it is only a drizzle but still 80s there. I say fuck it, throw on the FF and hit the road. Now forced to keep bike at 80mph, but don't care since I'm only stuck in the rain for 10 more minutes. BIG MISTAKE.....160 storming, driving rain miles later the rain stops, and after another 15-20 miles I pull into the Last service plaza on PA turnpike. It's now 80°, but thinks to riding for 1hr 40 minutes in a downpour I'm fucking freezing. I go into Starbuck's for some warming coffee, call the wife tell her my ETA. Go out to the bike, take off the waterproof boots, then take off the soaking wet socks, wring them out, throw my dry-ish set of socks on the hot exhaust pipes to pre heat them, finish my coffee over the next 15 minutes, dumped about a quart of water out of each boot (water got wicked down via the socks thanks to the mesh riding pants), cruise over to the gas pumps and fill her up for the last push to Cranberry Township, PA. Until that day, I would have never believed that it could be 80+ outside and be able to freeze your ass and nuts off! When I got to the party at 10:15pm I was shivering from being so cold. Pretty sure my core temp drop a degree or 6. Changed out of all my wet clothes, did 2 shots of Vodka, followed by Bass and I was warm again. Just to be sure, I drank another 10 Bass Ales before calling it a night at 3:30am So folks, the moral of this saga is ALWAYS PACK YOUR FUCKING RAINGEAR if you're gonna take a 800+mile 2 day road trip!!!!
  7. Well, as of 16:00 I am no longer in possession of my ride. The transport Co. picked it up, strapped it to a pallet, and drove off into the sunset/humid haze. This whole moving to CA thing is now really starting to sink in. I just met most of you and only had the opportunity to do one group ride (which was a blast) It's been great being able to chat with, drink with, and piss off many if not most of you:D Thanks to all!
  8. AOW

    Go Pro video

    I'll be kind enough to vid my rides through CA during the winter months for you.
  9. I have a 60gal husky and a 5gal pancake husky. I use the pancake 95% of the time. Compact, easy to move, and drives most tools without issue. Keep in mind that cheap air tools (read as crap from harborfreight) require higher flow rates as they are not efficient. You may pay more for a quality tool, but you will be happy with the performance and longevity. The pancake drives the impact wrench when I work on the bike w/o issue as well. For sanding and most painting I use the 60gal.
  10. AOW

    Go Pro video

    I've been thinking about doing a helmet mount or front fender, but that makes it a bit more difficult to use and adjust on the fly
  11. baby girl had to go to Children's.

  12. AOW

    Go Pro video

    nice vid. That suction cup mount has better suction than a $200/hr hooker
  13. sandhillspowersports is a good place for discounted gear. I saw that Stella jacket for $240
  14. AOW


    PM me, I have a notary friend that works in Polaris.They owe me, and we're good friends so it won't be an issue.
  15. guessing I'm out, wife just had to take 2yr old daughter to Children's..... nothing major, but DAMN!!! This is my last chance to ride into bike nite in OH-IO
  16. AOW


    me thinks he is saying that his schedule and the seller's schedules don't mix. So he already has the seller's signature but needs to get notarized, which won't happen as both parties need be present at same time.... schmuckingham, PM me I have a hook up in Reynoldsburg
  17. you're not that sweet that you need to worry about melting in the rain!
  18. AOW

    Go Pro video

    make sure you carry extra AAA batteries. This thing drinks batteries pretty good. It doesn't seem to like rechargeable batteries either. Still ab-so-phuq'n-lootly love it!
  19. yes, everyone eats, but you don't "Have" to dine out.
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