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Everything posted by AOW

  1. All the "stimulus" monies given to Columbus went to finishing that "historic" jazz theater downtown that nobody will go to or cares about. That restoration was something like $50million!!! Even after we were clearly in a recession, the mayor & governor still opted to have it finished on schedule instead of funding the police and other necessities. That whole "we're not gonna tax the little guy" always ends with the little guy getting fucked by "the man" taxing anything and everything the little guy utilizes to make their life a little less stressful.
  2. so, how did the first ride to work go for you?
  3. AOW

    2 questions

    Daily gear.... Nolan modular helmet, Icon stealth or Timax gloves, Icon accelerant boots, Icon leg/knee armor under jeans, Fieldsheer armored jacket. Back in '07 I figured that since I was only going 1 mile down the road that I didn't need all the gear, and only put on my riding boots. When I got hit (by two cars) .1 miles before my destination, my ankles and feet were the only thing not damaged or road rashed. I wore a hole in my knee about an inch deep and 2" around, shattered my jaw and arm, spent 6 weeks w/jaw wired shut, and 2 weeks of being in a coma. I still refuse to wear a full riding suit as I ride a cruiser, but I'm 90% protected from head to toe. Wear the gear, your family will thank you later.
  4. +++++another 1 for leaving early. If you have to stop behind a car at a stop sign or traffic signal, leave plenty of room between you and the car in front of you so you have an escape route. Keep your eyes on your mirrors while stopped, and pump/flash your brakes when you see a car coming up behind you while you're stopped.
  5. AOW

    white dudes

    I did the drive thru in PA like a week after I had the bike. Was pretty cool, but the bike was still stock and whisper quiet. I'll have to try it again now that the pipes are alive!
  6. been there done that, wrecked a Honda Hurricane on that, then slayed that on rebuild Hurricane!! Awesome road, all the time I spent on that road I've never seen a cop.
  7. At least now I know why they call them "bucket" seats! Even with the rain, I would gladly do it all again.
  8. awesome, sounds like you had a great ride... OH, make sure you pick up some locktite for the jiffy stand bolt.
  9. well since is't already past 18:00, I might swing out to classics later.
  10. sandhills powersports is where I get most of my gear.
  11. AOW

    Stolen Bike

    Haven't seen it, but will definitely call if I do. NOTE TO ALL OTHERS: if you park your bike outside, buy and use a heavy duty bike chain.. Hell of a lot cheaper than buying a new ride!
  12. Troy-Bilt 42" mower deck, bagger attachment, mulching kit, cruise control, front bumper guard. Mower is about 5 years old. In great shape, oil changed every season (synthetic), automatic tranny, battery is 2yrs old, but stays on battery tender all winter and during the mowing seasons. I have a 46" snow plow blade as well, but the mounting/adjustment bracket needs work, but the blade is in great shape and you have all summer before you need to worry about snow anyway. All is included in price of $700. We listed this on Craigslist yesterday for $800, but I will gladly sell to a forum member for $700. Unit is available for pick up immediately. Selling because we are moving to California in two weeks. Located in Pickerington, OH-IO
  13. With the dunlops in the rain, I could never go more than 60-ish, and forget turning or cornering. With those Metz, I just kept it at 80 and they still handled like a fucking dream.
  14. There's a shit load of helmet options out there. When I rode sport bikes I always ALWAYS wore a FF Shoei. When I got the VROD I switched to Nolan modular and a brain bucket. I use the Nolan the vast majority of the time, and it is very comfortable and protective. Since you're going to be on a sport bike, you should invest in a Good FF helmet. Stay away from bargain basement brain buckets, (you only get one brain), you may also need to experiment w/different sizes of cheek pads and liners to get that perfect fit. Head to the Pony and let them hold your hand through the process.
  15. Semper Fi! I couldn't agree more. Hell yes it's torture, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do! If that means you have to cut the testicles off some poor bastard to get info to prevent 100's from being harmed, then so be it. Fuck the moral high road, give our boys over there a fucking chance to win or at least not be targets holding a gun. War is no place for a fucking 'I was too much of a chicken shit to join the military' news man. Reporting on a war should just be simple Xs and Os. "This week we killed X amount of the rat shit enemy, and we lost O amount of troops" Take the news out of the war and I guran-fucking-tee that our casualties would decrease greatly, and the opposition forces would be reduced to 10% of what it is now. Now for all those bleeding hearts that are sad that we are sending men & women over to be killed, THEY volunteered for the military, the military fights our wars both on the books and off. They knew they weren't signing up for a cocktail hour (except maybe the Airforce:D). No one likes war, but as a soldier war is what you are trained and retrained and prepared to do from day one. It's like being a firefighter, you hate like hell that homes catch on fire and people get hurt, but it's your job and your passion to run into that burning building. My rant is done.
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