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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. Seriously though.... I support the President, and would like to see him succeed in improving the state of the Nation. HOWEVER, I do maintain that the award would hold more weight if it were presented after the initiatives have been implemented. I agree with RSV, JRMiii, and others who believe that this kinda cheapens the award for the predecessors who've accomplished great things in the world, thus earning this distinction. Truth be told, I'm not sure if "my" pride would have allowed me to accept it... But that's just me. Stepping out of bounds here, but perhaps this could act as preemptive motivation... You know, give you an award for what you say that you're going to do, now the WHOLE world is watching, listening, and waiting... You have NO choice but to deliver. However I've learned that this tactic does not work with children and candy (the lil' bastards will eat your Snickers, and still leave you with a nasty car and a yard full of leaves... FCUKERS).
  2. .........Enters Kanye............ "Yo Pres. Obama, I see you got the Nobel Peace Prize. I'm real happy for you, and Imma let you finish, But the Dalai Lama was the most peaceful cat of all time! OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. It may be possible for me to make that move killer!
  4. Make "Lemon-Drink"! Wait... There's no real juice in "drink".....
  5. Pour the juice in one glass, fresh urine in the other..... See if anyone can tell them apart:D
  6. Chuck them at the people! Helluva stress reliever
  7. Glad that there was minimal damage, and that you were able to scoop it back up. +1 on what was said about ibuprofen and water. I guided my RC down after if fell off of the rear stand... I was all kinds of sore the next day.
  8. I'm with you PrincessP! Cute: After a few vodka-tonics... Tap-able: Perhaps... Hot: Nah.
  9. QFT! When I was a kid, I was at a church which hosted a haunted house. I began to spaz and started swinging... They drug me into the hallway and made me sit in the corner for a while:D
  10. That's what's up... We were just looking out...
  11. As much as I'd like to, it's been crazy lately, so I'm sure that my "package" will need much rest.
  12. Basically... Tell the lil' homie to breathe or something!
  13. Yota, do we need to buy you another hooker?!!?
  14. Scam?!!? A scam would be selling it for $10-$15,000. That sounds like bait for some rape-age! Careful if you plan to go out there for a test drive, dude could be on some Buffalo Bill type isht... "It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!":lol:
  15. KruelHouse Publishing has approved this statement.
  16. Thanks Elliot! Now I have to wipe water off of my desk. Arse LOL
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