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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. HAHA. Careful with the "Suthern Boys" comment... Though I moved here from DC, I grew up in VA. LOL Either way I never really went for "backstreet b*tches" LOL.

  2. Sorry about your misfortune mayne. Glad that you were not seriously injured. Just rest up. +1 on all that was said on also filing a police report, and saving all receipts for ANY purchases related to this accident. Hell, if you had to buy food while at the ER (because you weren't at home to eat your own food... Save that receipt too). I went through this process with a friend who was seriously injured by a drunk driver whilst on his bike (Nukcrash 69). We spent hours going through all of his financial records preparing for his case... Its good to be prepared.
  3. Too bad, he could have been a SafeAuto spokesperson:D. Son could've been getting that SafeAuto endorsement loot!
  4. There was a guy at my old company named Richard Burns (however, he went by Dick)... That's right, the man's name was Dick Burns! You know how many times he's called my office starting a convo with: "Dick Burns here", and I've had to keep from saying things like: "Some penicillin should clear that right up."? I should have gotten a larger bonus just for sparing his feelings!
  5. 1. Don't joke about one eyed hoes! They're already disadvantaged as they can't see you cumming... That's probably how she lost an eye in the first place.

    2. Make sure you're "handlin' biz" that way, young Patrick won't feel the need to consult these mangy scalawags.

    3. Tell him that if a whore did that to him, he needs to DEMAND a refund!

    ***Note: Feel free to delete this message should it be a lil "too explicit" for you profile page.***

  6. HAHA Funny. He said something about being sick on Sat. What's wrong with him? BTW, I was at the movies on Sat. when he sent his txt... If you guys haven't seen "The Goods" yet, check it out. Not as funny as "The Hangover", but I cracked up anyway!

  7. Mel,

    Just got your msg. Apparently I wasn't able to make it on the KY ride. I let Pat know what was going on this morning.

  8. HAHA! Yeah, I don't really have any spies, only my acute sense of hearing...

  9. Ahh... It's not official until the fish take up residence. Have fun in Michigan. Think that I'm going to the zoo tonight to kick it with the rhinoceri!

  10. Yeah, isht happens! I've got a really "whiney" client who drops a deuce in his pamper whenever he can't find me. Occaisionally I have to "play the game"... Sukz, but we all "sell out" a little in our careers.

  11. I just hit you back, and hung up (didn't wanna pay the standard rates). Save my isht. I'll hit you up after I leave the zoo.

  12. Em-Jaye (That's how it looks in my head whenever I say "MJ")!

    I just read your message inquiring about domestic mental entertainment. HA! So are you all moved in? How's the surgical recovery? Hope you're okay kiddo, and heal up fast, for the time is nigh to consume mass amounts of elixir!

  13. Yo. I forgot that I had tix to "Brew at the Zoo" tonight, but I'll try to swing a small entourage your way if everyone isn't too lit. Hit me up with your whereabouts.
  14. HAHAHAHA! You're funny. Sorry I had to drop off like that. I was at work, so I had to... well... WORK. LOL

  15. If it's that clean RR with the Arrow exhaust, I would be willing to trade you my girlfriend's high-school class ring (that she found under the bleachers) for it! I talked it over with your BF, and he's cool with it!
  16. That bike is pure sickness!!! I have you tracked it yet? How's it handle?
  17. Glad that dude's gonna be alright!
  18. Sorry to hear about your dog. Hopefully you and your family will soon get beyond the grief and be able to truly appreciate the gift that he was and the fond memories that you shared.
  19. That made me lol a lil... Rep for you good sir!
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