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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. Chief: Hit up this forum: http://forums.dealofday.com/stuff-sale-trade/ Not sure if there is a minimum post-count required for classifieds, or if the hosting company will take some sort of cut, but ppl are selling gift cards and such on this site.
  2. Congrats on a nice bike. I've spent many-a-day drooling over the Green 04-05s!
  3. Riiizzzzzlllaaaaaa:D And throw some of those crispy GP cans on it as well!
  4. Her name is Molasses and she treats me well dammit!
  5. Not to threadjack, but don't EVER question my dedication to the RC! I was there and took her in when no one else would. Gave her a home, and a fresh change of clothes. LOL Take the '02.
  6. Shitty, I vaguely remember a story that broke a few months ago abuot a football player in TX being detained and ticketed in the hospital parking lot for speeding. His wife's Mom was dying, and he and his wife were rushing to be by her bedside. The cop was extra-belligerent and wouldn't let he OR his wife get out of the car. Finally he let the guy's wife go in (she barely made it), but kept the driver until the ticketing process was over. Mother-in-Law was dead by the time that he got to the room. Jacked up story. Putting my skewed tangent aside, I'd say that if (and I mean IF) a ticket MUST be issued in that situation, it would prob. be best to do it there rather than the scene (and I'm not sure of the statute of limitations regarding ticketing post-accident). I don't agree with it, but I can see it happening. Especially if the victim is in the ER waiting room, and not being wheeled into surgery or something.
  7. I say we just screw a medical halo into her head, confine her to a wheelchair, and steer her azz everywhere using the the halo as a joystick(Wanna go forward? Pull Halo forward. Go backward? Pull Halo backward. Direction changes? Snatch halo left to right.). This should practice should remain in effect for a MINIMUM of 1 year.
  8. I was hard-pressed to figure out what was behind the title. So what should I be making jokes about, Tony Danza teaching English, putting the Philadelphia City School System on television, or the fact that the Mayor's last name is "NUTTER"? Hmmmm J/K... Tony Danza is "coherent-enough". I'm sure there are some good schools in Philly (no matter how dirty that city is), and Mayor Nutter........ I'm sorry, I can't do this! HAHAHAHA
  9. Oh... Well, I just may be able to swing that. At first, I was wondering why you'd start partying a week before graduation, but I guess I just assumed that you were hardcore like that son!
  10. Congrats mayne!!! My Friday JUST GOT BOOKED, but Imma try to shift sum things around for this!!!
  11. D@mn Sheety, you really didn't give us any good options there did ya sunshine?
  12. I'm posting up because a friend of mine is looking for a rt. rearset for a 2005 636. Please post up if you can help.
  13. I cannot say that I condone this behavior... It's a nice bike though. Why don't you just double-duty the Kaw, and let me permanently "borrow" the CBR?
  14. Ahh... I can dig it. I guess that I was just hoping for a funny anecdote... Although Shitty's comment made me "Lawl" the first time that I read it.
  15. Ok. Now I know WHO Mr. Mayo is, however the origin of that moniker is still quite unclear.
  16. Did I miss something? WTH is Mr. Mayonnaise?
  17. Glad to see that you're healing kiddo! I don't think that an extra 20lbs is something for you to fret over (unless it all landed on your head/neck). LMAO at Putty's "cereal IV comment tho. Continue to get well!
  18. Thanks guys! Not quite sure what happened with the pics. They should have APPEARED "re-sized"
  19. Just found this one of the left (prior to the "Woody" stickers). Wish I had a "before shot" of the tank... Paul really worked some magic on it. http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2489/arialeftside.th.jpg
  20. Finally uploaded pics (even though most of you have seen it already)! http://img231.imageshack.us/i/ariaside.jpg/ http://img25.imageshack.us/i/ariarear.jpg/ http://img7.imageshack.us/i/ariafront.jpg/
  21. To the theme from the commercial for "My Buddy & Kid Sister" "My helmet. My helmet. Wherever I go iiitttttt goessss." That will be all. Catch me at The Newport performing live tomorrow night.
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