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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. Had a blast out there with you all this afternoon. I honestly couldn't have asked for a more perfect day, venue, or people to share it with. Many thanks to the organizers, sponsors, and wait staff!
  2. Prayers are with you and your family. Just stay strong and you all will get through this.
  3. +1 I had a 99 TLR years ago, and though I loved that bike, it was kinda like riding a "land yacht" However even with it's weight, I still fought to keep it down in the lower gears.
  4. I can dig it! Nothing wrong with a little paste.
  5. Haha! Yeah, I almost lost my isht when I heard that too:lol:
  6. Yeah... I will be in attendance. How about yourself?

  7. Birthday... Happy... Alcohol
  9. I honestly think (regardless of brand or size) that whenever the stealership tells you that you need tires, they start @ $1100 and gradually work their way up. I was just quoted $1500 for tires. I ever-so politely told them to fcuk off. I assume that Zorro did the same.
  10. Don't sell the RC mayne!!! Can't you pawn a kidney instead? J/K. Good luck with the sale.
  11. You win the opportunity to wash/polish MY bike!!! yay. And you are correct, "y'all" is 2 words smooshed together, as all contractions are. However when you decided to type "y'all" instead of you all... You forfeited the right to claim 2 words in the wordcount.
  12. And the award for most gratuitous use of smileys in one post goes to........... ChickOn2 for 4 smileys in a post with 11 words (I even gave you credit for the articles)
  13. RIP to your friend. Prayers with you and family.
  14. KEEP THE LSL's. After having done this procedure on 2 sets of plastics for my bike, I can tell you that the hardest part is summoning the testicular fortitude to drill and cut your baby's panels. It may be helpful to have another set of eyes, but you'll be okay. Not to mention, the LSL's are top kit (and in the unfortunate event of an off, they supposedly sell replacement bobbins so that you won't have to buy a full set). Oh, be sure to get some masking or painter's tape and tape off the plastic around the hole that you drilled before cutting with the saw. Also, set the drill to a slow/moderate speed when using the holesaw (you don't want to warp your plastic from the heat generated).
  15. I heard that last month as well. They were going to increase the limit to 70. Not only to compensate for the higher speed of semis, but also to achieve congruency with the limits of neighboring states (PA, WVa.)...
  16. I can dig it... My bad on the "2xL" faux pas. So indulge me... What, other than spelling, differentiates Michele from Michelle? ;)

  17. Guess so.:D

    Quick question: Assuming that the "M" in "osuMJ" stands for Michelle (as I think that's what you told me)... What would the "J" stand for (Jordan, Johnson, Jameson)?

  18. Would have suggested SATO but they don't make an exhaust for the RR beyond 2006. With that, Akrapovic looks like a win! Arrow may not be a bad choice either.
  19. Yeah, I probably should have been clear about my use of that site from the beginning. I used it to pinpoint areas/neighborhoods (as I'm not from OH), and THEN hit up CL for the spot UNDER 1K. That's kinda how I found my spot. There are a few reasonably priced gems floating around in the area. Just all depends on what you're looking for. Would you be comfortable spending more than you are now, and if so how much (you can answer that in a PM)?

    Oh yeah... MJ, would you be my friend? LOL (something about that JUST didn't feel right). LOL

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