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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. Don't be postin' my "Government" all over the internet mayne... The watchers may be watchin' Yeah, it's Drae
  2. DAMMIT! Never saw the post date.
  3. It's a near-certainty that I will be down there, but I plan on leaving the bike in the garage.
  4. I have an article from Performance Bikes (Circa Oct. 2007) which opens with something like: "Every sportbike enthusiast has considered owning an SP-1 or SP-2 at some point." However RC owners get a lot of flack on the message boards. I think that it's the Kirstie Alley effect: Secretly you'd ride it/her, but you don't want your mates to know that you enjoy being on a pig. So they run out and scoop up a Paris Hilton: The Suziki GSX-R 1K... ALWAYS seen in the streets, and ridden hard by the masses! BTW: No dis to the named victims of my comment!
  5. Heartbreak Hotel was another good one!
  6. Welcome VFTBS! The MSF Course is probably the best move. Even if you decide not to ride, some of the stuff that you learn will make you a more conscious driver (and we could ALL use a few more informed drivers on the road).
  7. Then slam a Trojan in her lap, look her in the eye and say: "What's up... You tryin' to see me tonight?":D
  8. Pillows on the floor?!!? Where's your sense of adventure? When you're a kid, it ain't fun unless something or someone breaks!
  9. Walked into that one huh Jagr?!!? DAMMIT!
  10. Done deal. If they win, I want an invite..... However, I will settle for a sizable chunk of wedding cake:D
  11. +1 on the "Lean" You know how many times I busted my isht as a kid trying that in the living room???
  12. I can dig it. Don't wanna usurp anyone else's role.
  13. Awww... That just warmed my heart...
  14. Good point. I often wonder about the large amount of athletes, entertainers, politicians, and others who have garnered mass amounts of fame, fortune, and power, and then go off of the deep end. I always wanted to know at what point do they "snap". So many go from great students, community leaders, exceptional athletes; and then take the leap into foolishness without warning. My bad for the digression.
  15. No question. Especially since in the vid he had 2 p.j.-adorned kiddies on his lap whilst reading to them:lol:
  16. Chime in if you want, just want to know what your favorite MJ (RIP) tracks are. I'll kick it off: 1. Off The Wall 2. Human Nature 3. Beat It Honorable Mention: Dirty Diana
  17. Off The Wall FTW! Just got a flashback of driving the rental through Mexico last fall singing that isht at the top of my lungs:dj:
  18. Yeah, I just heard a quick "breaking news" segment stating that he'd stopped breathing, but they were trying to revive him. There's no doubt that MJ is/was a talented musician. RIP
  19. I'm sayin'... NO SOUR CREAM. That's just how it is. Come to think of it... I really don't recall proposing friendship in the first place. LOL (Just kidding).

    On the real, I really like the place that I'm renting (only it doesn't have a garage, so the RC sleeps in Dublin). The space is more than sufficient, my neighbors are mostly young professionals, and I'm not paying an arm and a leg for the spot. Check out Metrorentals.com (good resource). Let me know if you have any questions.

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