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re: kent (from school shooting thread)


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Both are hazardous behaviors. Was he a psychologist? How about a psychiatrist? So he handed a diagnosed ptsd patient a loaded gun based on what?

I am not a special ed teacher but I deal with retards all day, actually I am dealing with one as I type this. So what is your point?

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Both are hazardous behaviors. Was he a psychologist? How about a psychiatrist? So he handed a diagnosed ptsd patient a loaded gun based on what?

your parents have failed you. i can NOT believe I have to explain this to you. Did your parents leave the school system to explain to you about the birds and the bees, too?

i know you're thinking "well, they both put themselves in harms way, therefore, they are equal in my derptastic world. hurr, i believe in logic!". here's the difference, kiddo:

one died putting his/her life on the line for the love of cigarettes (and a variety of other factors).

the other died, putting his life on the line in the act of helping fellow combat vets, and not in an active war zone after having already put himself in the way of extreme danger serving his country.

you know you dont have to have this explained to you. why do you insist on playing ra-tard?

also, you still have no answer for why you can't tell the difference in decency between THINKING "I'm fine with the way he died" and going to a public place to tell a group mourning that "I'm fine with the way he died, live by the sword, die by the sword herpa derpalurp". I know why, and you know why, but I'm hoping you'll remember what it is to be a man.

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I left for the gym, coming back to what I was hoping to be more epicness and I get 2 icons and that's it. This thread is sucking for 2 hours now, WTF. Maybe since the sun is out people have their bikes out but winter is still here so we need drama.

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also, you still have no answer for why you can't tell the difference in decency between THINKING "I'm fine with the way he died" and going to a public place to tell a group mourning that "I'm fine with the way he died, live by the sword, die by the sword herpa derpalurp". I know why, and you know why, but I'm hoping you'll remember what it is to be a man.

because this is a public forum, and I'm free to express my opinions publicly.

I think you're mistaking ORDN with a funeral home, those people were mourning, those people were affected.

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because this is a public forum, and I'm free to express my opinions publicly.

I think you're mistaking ORDN with a funeral home, those people were mourning, those people were affected.

Right. Your excuse is: because I can, because I'm edgy as fuck.

I think you're mistaking "just because I can" with "I wouldn't because I'm not a scum bag".

Do you ever read the shit you post out loud?

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Oversensitive much?

This whole discussion has taken place on a motorcycle forum. Not a memorial for war veterans, not an obituary, not a funeral home. Get over it. If he was a friend of yours, or your brother, or your uncle, or your aunt's step son twice removed, I could see the error. But he wasn't, he was just a public figure, he was a big boy, took his own risks, lived his own life.

please continue with the "righteous indignation"

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The retarded douchebag strikes again!
Never ever go full retard on the first post :nono:
it's like you're calling a guy a fag with his dick in your mouth.
What a moron. ..
This should be mags sig so that no one forgets what a special kind of scumbag he is.
I wanna live in magley's fairytale land. It must be so awesome there. I bet he rides a unicorn too.
I believe him to primarily be an Antagonist.
nobody can be that stupid.
As usual Fuck you Magz.

I am not a special ed teacher but I deal with retards all day, actually I am dealing with one as I type this.

Magley it's unanimous. Everyone here agrees that you're stupid except you.

And not a very smart one, either.

Magz, here are at least 12 references to your lack of brain power, flawed logic, & general asshatery. Read them slowly.

Not 1 comment by anyone that thinks you have any idea what you're talking about. I consider that to be significant. In this day and age, it's very hard to get that kind of unanimous agreement.

...so either everyone else is wrong, or YOU'RE WRONG. My money is on you, brah. You're sense of denial is quite strong, but it may be time to get over yourself and let the healing begin.

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Those like Magz who care little to nothing or show no empathy even for those whom they have never met or have never known, are one of the things wrong with this country. I reckon he has no sad feelings, respect, or heartache during Veterans Day, what about all the fireman and police "and countless others" that died trying to save "people they did not know" in the towers on 9-11. What about all the innocent victims in the Connecticut massacre, did/does that even bother you? He takes all the liberties and freedoms that he enjoys for granted each and every day, this country exists because of the countless others that have laid down their lives for the rest of us they never even knew. I read obituaries in the paper and I see those whom have had a long life and those that have had their lives cut way too short, and it makes me think about how long I have on this Earth and am I doing my part to try and make things better for other people? Just what exactly do you stand for or believe in Duane, or are you just fine with whatever? Be glad that countless others believe in something, will die for countless others so that they may live, who try to make a positive difference in this world. Dude you have made and are still making so many enemies on this forum, and I have no doubt that some would even go so far as to knocking your teeth out should they meet you. I know your elbows are registered lethal weapons in your mind, but there is always somebody tougher smarter and wiser than you. You are truly a miserable person, you just haven't fully realized it yet........but many of us here get it.

Edited by Pokey
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Oversensitive much?

This whole discussion has taken place on a motorcycle forum. Not a memorial for war veterans, not an obituary, not a funeral home. Get over it. If he was a friend of yours, or your brother, or your uncle, or your aunt's step son twice removed, I could see the error. But he wasn't, he was just a public figure, he was a big boy, took his own risks, lived his own life.

please continue with the "righteous indignation"

I've said this before so try listening this time. It has to do with honor, integrity and personal courage. You being a keyboard warrior doesn't compare to wearing a military uniform. You insult one of them, you insult them all by association. Go enlist and see how long your mouth allows you to survive. You can even be a chaplain and not be required to carry a gun. You really are more stupid than I thought you could be.

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Don't even think about using my sarcastic post to refute the majority opinion.

I sometimes entertain myself by taking a different stand on things to spark debate if time allows. I usually get bored with it if someone really challenges me because I can't make up enough fake logic to support what I don't believe. Mags determination in sticking with his contrary beliefs lends me to believe he truly follows his own rabbit hole of delusion. I like different views of things; it tends to help me form a stronger platform to my basic instincts.

My instincts are telling me "Fuck you, Mags!" you have given me sufficient proof that I shouldn't value you opinion on topics. I really hope your social disorder isn’t something I should be embarrassed about by picking on the outcast. I have thoughts certainly not within the scope of normal social acceptance but find the impulse control to suppress uttering it. I hope you can find help with your disorder because it’s sad to see it displayed without a proper support system for you to utilize.

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just what exactly do you stand for or believe in Duane, or are you just fine with whatever? I have no doubt that some would even go so far as to knocking your teeth out should they meet you.

There is plenty I stand for. Reason, logic, family, friends. There is way too much shit going on in the world for me to get all emo about all of it. Does that make me heartless? Maybe...

And are we really resorting to thinly veiled threats at this point? If someone took a swing at me, they'd be charged with assault and slapped with a lawsuit.

I have nothing to prove by fighting anyone.

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There is plenty I stand for. Reason, logic, family, friends. There is way too much shit going on in the world for me to get all emo about all of it. Does that make me heartless? Maybe...

And are we really resorting to thinly veiled threats at this point? If someone took a swing at me, they'd be charged with assault and slapped with a lawsuit.

I have nothing to prove by fighting anyone.

I would suggest for anyone who wants to beat up MAGZ to set up a LLC in New Mexico as a holding company for your assets. Most lawyers who work on contingency will do an asset search of the Defendant to see if they have anything worth taking.

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There is plenty I stand for. Reason, logic, family, friends. There is way too much shit going on in the world for me to get all emo about all of it. Does that make me heartless? Maybe...

And are we really resorting to thinly veiled threats at this point? If someone took a swing at me, they'd be charged with assault and slapped with a lawsuit.

I have nothing to prove by fighting anyone.

Oh, so if someone took a swing at you, all you can think of is playing the victim and suing....oh, my, how libertarian of you.

Grow the fuck up.

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Oh, so if someone took a swing at you, all you can think of is playing the victim and suing....oh, my, how libertarian of you.

Grow the fuck up.

I'll note your disapproval...

I've got nothing to prove to you or anyone else.

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