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Incident at Dayton Mall Today


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Situational awareness is great but you have to let it down sometimes or you turn into a.paranoid freak. In her scenario a car rolled thru the parking lot of a mall first thing to notice. Should you turn back inside? No you'd never make it out of the mall if you turned back around whenever you saw a car driving in the lot. Ok next thing to notice is you profile the cars occupants as being "thugish". Now do you turn aroundand go back in? Once again you'd probably never make it out of a mall. Or they take notice and see you as afraid and a potential target. But if you truly think something is up now decide where the closest safest place is and have a plan to get there and what to do when you arrive. Sounds like she decided this was her car about this point because it was stated she noticed them. Now they started to holla at her she ignored them and continued to her safe place her car. They chased she noticed and ran to the car and secured herself inside then left. I don't see how she lacked situational awareness in this situation. The only criticism I have is not calling the police. Now the creeps have gotten away with it and feel empowered to try it to the next chick who may not be so lucky. First thing after leaving should have been call 911 before the thugs could clear the area. Chances are Dayton pd have an officer nearby.

You ask how a gun would help. If carried properly ie not the bottom of a purse. She could start thinking where the gun is as soon as she sees the car rolling nearby. She can start to get ready to grab it when she notices people in the car that appear to be up to no good. When the start to "holla" at her she can place a hand on it especially if its in a purpose built purse with the built in holster and they'd wouldn't notice the gun yet. Now tell them leave me alone loudly and confidently. Then if they continue to pursue draw the gun and as loud as she can scream stop. If they dont they need to be shot.

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She doesn't have anything like that. I'm gonna buy her some pepper spray tomorrow. Hopefully that will help her feel a bit safer. For now though she said she's never going shopping alone again.

There is a difference between "feeling safe" and "being safe" don't arm your wife with the illusion of safety. Get her a god damn gun so she can shot some asshole in the god damned face!

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AB here's the deal, pretty much everything cooter said was right. My wife carried pepper spray for who knows how long. Here's the better thing I just found out that she carried pepper spray around with her in her purse probably a month ago and the only reason I found out she had it is because she found it in her purse and said there's my pepper spray after she was clearing an old purse to put her things into a new one. So scratch the pepper spray idea.... Luckly I don't have to worry about her just having pepper spray anymore because she packs a glock 26 around nowadays.

And I know the Dayton mall area quite well. I grew up in the area and that was the mall of choice for my family whenever we needed to go shopping. I also worked there at finish line for two years. And what nick said about it being the new Salem mall is 100% correct! I was there when the Salem mall closed and our customers changed drastically when the bus wouldn't take them to any other place to shop than the Dayton mall.... It's not the same mall.... End of story. I live less than 5 miles from there and I would rather drive 15 miles to the green and shop there.

Moral of my story go and get training and try to stay away from places that are crowded with all these thugs. Like the Dayton mall. And if you don't have to time to go up to Columbus and hang with Todd for the day while you get your ccw training, which I highly suggest, I can get you in touch with some people around here that are close to as good.

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Awareness has saved me countless times. Just because you are aware of your surrounding doesn't make you paranoid. I grew up in the Dayton area and worked in the "bad areas" before I ever carried. It does help. Ccw can get you hurt if you are not going to use it or if you hesitate. Screaming fire and running will draw attention. Just my .02

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Awareness has saved me countless times. Just because you are aware of your surrounding doesn't make you paranoid. I grew up in the Dayton area and worked in the "bad areas" before I ever carried. It does help. Ccw can get you hurt if you are not going to use it or if you hesitate. Screaming fire and running will draw attention. Just my .02

My point is she didn't show any lack of awareness and that wouldn't have helped if the guy could run just a bit faster. I know all about situational awareness I'm border line paranoid. It drives my wife nuts I never sit with my back to a room I'm always looking at people sizing them up checking for weapons looking for exit routes along with concealment and cover what's behind people that are possible threats objects that can be used as weapons if need be. I can't relax in public. But situational awareness does nothing for you if you don'thknow what to do when you notice a threat. Or if something gets the drop on you.

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She was lucky she was fast and looking back you always see the signs you missed. But the next step is up to her, if she chooses pepper spray she will need to carry it properly just like you would any weapon. Other wise it is a buddy system or becoming a hermit.

Nothing is a guarantee.

Edited by snot
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