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Girl needs biker friends: trainwreck edition


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  OsuMj said:
Hey guys, if you want to post anything that isn't a 'welcome to the board' or tips for a new rider or the like, please post it in the R&R section. This is an intro thread whether she has decided to leave or not doesn't matter. Thanks!

Some fucking bullshit right there.

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I have my own welcome policy. Unless I know you ahead of time you are not welcome until you prove yourself by the content of your contribution. We have had some real dumbfucks that took hard work to modify their behavior or drive them off. Why welcome them only to wish you hadn't.

I'm not much for modifying the group’s behavior in the welcome threads either. The group is what it is and artificially modifying its behavior in intro threads is dishonest and boring. Fraternities, sororities, branches of the military, police departments, MC clubs etc. don't modify their behavior for the new folks, they fit in or they don't. People that are thin skinned enough that they can't make it through the intro thread won't be adding much to the rest of us anyway.

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  Uncle Punk said:
I have my own welcome policy. Unless I know you ahead of time you are not welcome until you prove yourself by the content of your contribution. We have had some real dumbfucks that took hard work to modify their behavior or drive them off. Why welcome them only to wish you hadn't.

I'm not much for modifying the group’s behavior in the welcome threads either. The group is what it is and artificially modifying its behavior in intro threads is dishonest and boring. Fraternities, sororities, branches of the military, police departments, MC clubs etc. don't modify their behavior for the new folks, they fit in or they don't. People that are thin skinned enough that they can't make it through the intro thread won't be adding much to the rest of us anyway.

I agree, but for the most part, guys don't post "show me your titties" in every (non intro) thread started by a chick around here, so in essence, I think that a modification of behavior is already occurring by creating a first impression that the guys here are disrespectful to women - when generally they're not. Sooooo, why does everyone think its ok to be shitty to women in an intro thread (even if they post hearts and smilies)?

And beyond that, you're issuing a double standard. The ladies of the site almost never (I won't say never bc I can't realistically prove its never happened) pop into every dude intro and say, "show me your weiner!"... I can imagine that would make some guys uncomfortable enough to leave, and some would laugh, etc, a similar response that the ladies who join give. But, we don't do that because its not a behavior that we partake in for other threads. I really can't explain why everyone gets so ridiculous in an intro thread when that is not the general behavior of the site.

And I agree with you on your policy of welcoming new people. I don't generally hop in and welcome people unless I think they're going to be a contributor to our site.

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  OsuMj said:
I agree, but for the most part, guys don't post "show me your titties" in every (non intro) thread started by a chick around here, so in essence, I think that a modification of behavior is already occurring by creating a first impression that the guys here are disrespectful to women - when generally they're not. Sooooo, why does everyone think its ok to be shitty to women in an intro thread (even if they post hearts and smilies)?

And beyond that, you're issuing a double standard. The ladies of the site almost never (I won't say never bc I can't realistically prove its never happened) pop into every dude intro and say, "show me your weiner!"... I can imagine that would make some guys uncomfortable enough to leave, and some would laugh, etc, a similar response that the ladies who join give. But, we don't do that because its not a behavior that we partake in for other threads. I really can't explain why everyone gets so ridiculous in an intro thread when that is not the general behavior of the site.

And I agree with you on your policy of welcoming new people. I don't generally hop in and welcome people unless I think they're going to be a contributor to our site.

I was going to stay out of this but since you're now dragging out a violation and the subsequent nannie behavior modification that I've experienced first hand - none of us guys would give a damn if the women asked to see our dick.

We all know it is a JOKE.

Well, those of us who are adults and don't need to be slapped around by the moderators with bullshit infractions that stick around for a year.

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There is no double standard, the standard is most women behave differently than most men in social situations.

Let anyone get on this site actually disrespect MJ and they will be in for a world of hurt from the bitch slap put on them from the regulars here. That goes for all of the regular female posters here. Not one of the girls here aren't capable of taking care of themselves but the pile on would be amusing. Harassing the noob is a time honored tradition that should be expected and if the one's being initiated can't take that then they don't belong. The girls that make it through the hazing that goes on here are quite well respected and harassed only to the extent that they allow.

If some guy joined here and couldn't take some girls harassing him I wouldn't want him around anyway.

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