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A sad update to my bike I raffled off


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I got a phone call earlier and this picture from the guy that won the bike I raffled off in December.


He called to tell me he wrecked it today riding home from work, and not to be mad at him. After talking to him some, I told him I didn't care about the bike at all but I was upset that he didn't listen to a word I told him about wearing his gear. He had a helmet on at least, but no jacket and very minimal gloves.

I kind of felt personally responsible for this guy since he hadn't ridden a bike before. I told him maybe this wasn't the best bike to start out on, and I would help him sell it and find something else. When he decided to keep it and ride it anyway, I preached to him about wearing his gear and about how nasty road rash was when he picked the bike up. But he decided it was too hot to wear a jacket today. I bet he wishes he was maybe a little sweaty instead of being full of road rash.

Another reminder to wear ATGATT and prevent this from happening to you.

Edited by TRMN8TR
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People are stupid!

overconfident in their own abilities and/or self-restraint.

Who's to say he wouldn't have crashed a 250 as well?

the lack of gear is stupid, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to riding in just a helmet. Especially in my first year.

In a lot of ways, the track is the thing that forced me to buy proper gear, and educated me on how bad things might have been in a crash.

I hope he heals up fast and isn't sour on riding.

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He's ok, no broken bones or anything like that. The rash is going to suck but he will be ok. He probably would've walked away with a few scratches had he at least had a jacket on.

He came into a corner carrying a little more speed than he was comfortable with, panicked and grabbed breaks. Could've happened on any bike really, said he was only going about 35-40 but it was a sharp corner. (Chagrin River Rd. for those that know the area)

I do think this has scared him away from riding though. (Aka his wife, pregnant with #3) The bike is rashed up pretty good. I'll be picking it up from the hospital for him tomorrow but from the pics I saw the insurance will total it.

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I had a bad feeling about it when he stalled it out several times in the driveway that day you were over.

What bike was it? Also I will participate in the next raffle. Just make sure I win. I will take real good care of said bike. ATGATT ftw. I'm buying my track pants on Saturday and I will have my 2 piece suit. I will be buying a mesh outfit for the summer. Sucks about the crash but at least he is not injured too bad considering it could of been worse.

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The bike is rashed up pretty good. I'll be picking it up from the hospital for him tomorrow but from the pics I saw the insurance will total it.

Glad he is mostly ok.

So will this be the back up track bike, assuming he / you buys the bike back?

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How is your brother doing?

Yeah, how is he coming along with therapy? Walking and functioning better I hope

Wow that sucks, but that is inn no way your fault... He is an adult, and you warned him...

Here's hoping he heals up quick.

This ^^^ All you can do is offer advice and help to new riders. Sucks to hear but he started out on a hell of a bike and about the best deal anyone could ask for on price. Here's to hoping he can get back on a bike, get it fixed up, buy some real riding gear, and take in some track time to develop a skillset

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How is your brother doing?

He has come along pretty far from his original diagnosis of a complete spinal cord injury and highly unlikely he would ever walk again. It's been about 8 months since his accident, and he's able to walk for about an hour using forearm crutches. He recently started driving out of pure frustration, just got in his truck one night and took off. Doing good with it so far, just avoids rush hour traffic. So overall he is doing better than expected and making slow but steady progress.

I'll actually get to see him tonight. (he lives in Florida) My parents are coming up with him for a visit. He hasn't been able to leave home much since he's been going to rehab 4-5 days a week. He's finally to the point where he is allowed to get away for a week.

Edited by TRMN8TR
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If I wrecked a raffled bike I certainly wouldn't be telling anyone.

I sold a 68" Cougar once, to my best friend, who had to have it ... (the car was way above his abilities) ... his girlfriend wrecked it the next day.

I was sad.

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He has come along pretty far from his original diagnosis of a complete spinal cord injury and highly unlikely he would ever walk again. It's been about 8 months since his accident, and he's able to walk for about an hour using forearm crutches. He recently started driving out of pure frustration, just got in his truck one night and took off. Doing good with it so far, just avoids rush hour traffic. So overall he is doing better than expected and making slow but steady progress.

Good news! Progress is good.

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Glad he is mostly ok.

So will this be the back up track bike, assuming he / you buys the bike back?

I didn't ask yet, but I'm going to strongly suggest he buys it back from the insurance when and if they total it and lets me have dibs on it. I was said to see it in pieces at first, but then I looked and thought "parts bike!"

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If I wrecked a raffled bike I certainly wouldn't be telling anyone.

I don't think he wanted to call either, but I would've found out sooner or later. He also asked me to trailer it back to his house from the hospital today since he has no way of transporting it. I guess he was near a hospital and the bike was rideable, so he went straight to the ER.

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Great news about your brother. I wouldn't loose an ounce of sleep over the guy who wrecked your bike. You did you part by trying to educate him and he didn't listen. Life lesson learned and he'll have the marks to prove it.

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