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Motorcycle Accident Scene Safety And Management


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This past weekend I organized a safety/first aid seminar for the local riders. The class was designed and taught by Sue from NoMar Tire Changers/Mototire USA. Before she was slinging tires she was a firefighter/paramedic instructor.

It's not as good without her. But, here's the handout from the class


Main things to focus on are:

Don't follow the rider into the ditch

Make the scene safe before you enter it. Ie traffic control, don't stand in unburned fuel, etc.

Enroll help from people driving by

ABC's Airway Breathing Circulation

Always have your CURRENT In Case of Emergency info on you and make sure the other riders know where it is

Be careful out there. And, always lookout for your fellow Hooligans

Edited by MaximumJEFF
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