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Exploding Targets Illegal In Ohio?


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"I know these binary explosive targets are legal under Federal law, but this opinion says they aren't under the Ohio Revised Code. This opinion will likely depend on the explosive components of the individual target and may not hold up to a court challenge, but i wouldn't risk it. My best advice: Don’t blow anything up with Tannerite in Ohio!"


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Morrow County Prosecutor Charles Howland has researched exploding targets, and believes that charges against a non-permitted user could be as severe as a second degree felony.


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You can buy them, you can possess them but once you mix them and detonate them(shoot them) you are {possibly/most likely} committing a fifth degree felony in Ohio or so I have been advised :mugshot:

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In my opinion, just don't go crazy with it, and you'll be just fine.  When you start using enough to shake windows a mile away, you may be getting carried away.  Fun?  Yes.  Going to attract attention to yourself? More than likely.  

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