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Starting An Ohio Petition To Legalize Lane-splitting - Need Your Help!


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After doing a forum search to look up lane splitting information on these forums, I see a lot of threads on the topic but no action to petition. Then I did another search on change.org (a massive petition website) to see if there was an Ohio Lane-Splitting petition already going. I saw a few petitions for other states, but none for Ohio. Therefore, I want to start a petition, but I want to do it right. I want to include statistics and research to back opinions of most riders.


This is where you come in. The following is what I have already found and typed up. I'm going to do some reorganizing of the thoughts to include the strongest points up front to get the point across early (ie. Rider safety -> reduces congestion -> energy saving). I want to speak on behalf of most motorcycle riders and not just my opinions so I want to get other rider's opinions.  Post some other reasons that lane-splitting should be legalized. Also post some reasons why it shouldn't,  so we can dispute those in the petition as well. Try to include statistics from reputable sources to back your claim if possible.


Petition to Ohio General Assembly:


Allowing motorcyclists to safely lane split can have many advantages. These advantages extend beyond the rider and to other drivers as well. Some of these advantages, which I'll explain in detail later, include added safety for the motorcyclist and reduces congestion during peak periods. For the purpose of this petition, the terms 'lane-splitting' and 'filtering' are identical and defined as allowing a motorcyclist to travel safely between two slow moving lanes in the same direction.  Within this petition, any gender related terms such as 'his' is interchangeable for the gender opposite 'her'.

During the summer hours, the increased heat discourages riders from wearing all the proper gear. This gear is far more bearable if the rider can stay moving. We don't have the luxury of air conditioning while sitting in stopped traffic. While our bikes are also stationary, they continue to heat up, causing additional radiant heat to increase the amount the rider feels. Allowing the rider to filter to the front at stopped lights or keep moving in traffic jams on highways will keep the rider and bike cooler allowing them to wear more gear keeping them safer.

Motorcycles help to free additional space when lane-splitting. When motorcycles move from the travel lane to the center line, an empty space is created where the motorcycle would have normally been sitting in traffic, thus reducing congestion. Another advantage to this filtering is that a motorcycle would become a much more viable mode of transportation in heavily populated areas. This would be beneficial to both energy saving (bikes typically get 30-90 mpg, far higher than most SUVs/trucks) and congestion reduction.  

In 2009, Europe completed the Motorcycle Accident In-Depth Study (MAIDS). The study included 921 in-depth investigations in five sampling areas located in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Out of the 921 crashes investigated, 4 (0.4%) were engaged in lane-splitting as the pre-crash motion. Comparatively, 26 (2.8%) accidents occurred while the motorcycle was stopped in traffic with a speed of zero.

Information from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) suggests that rear-end collisions are the most common type of collision dynamic for all vehicles in the United States. Safety measures that can effectively reduce the occurrence of this type of impact would enhance motorcycle safety on American roadways.

Proponents of lane splitting state the Hurt Report of 1981 reached the conclusion that lane splitting improves motorcycle safety by reducing rear end crashes. Lane splitting supporters also state that the US DOT FARS database shows that fatalities from rear end collisions into motorcycles are 30% lower in California (where lane-splitting is legalized) than in Florida or Texas, states with similar riding seasons and populations but which do not allow filtering or lane splitting.

It is generally accepted that a motorcycle rider is at a higher risk while commuting versus a car or SUV. Allowing the rider to make decisions that allow him/her to ride safer should be highly considered. Allowing a motorcyclist to filter, puts his/her safety back in his hands rather than a sitting duck in traffic waiting to be ran over from behind.

 California and numerous countries have legalized filtering and have reaped the benefits of doing so. Thus, there is no reason to suggest this wouldn't be the same for Ohio.


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Ill pass.

Ohio doesn't have the congestion of LA, it's not needed here and it's dangerous. Only rookie riders and douche bags on Harley's will do it, neither of which have the skill to do it so an accident will be caused. Expericed riders that can pull it off safely know better and wouldn't do it anyway.

Find something more productive and worthwhile to fill your urge to petition

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suggestion would be to relate a real life personal story about how you (or someone else) had to lane split during heavy traffic to either prevent your bike from stopping and causing even more traffic, or how you narrowly avoided getting smashed into a meat-metal pancake when some asshat rear ended the car you were just behind.


just some thoughts.

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why anyone would want LESS freedom and options, is beyond me.  While it's very unlikely to pass since Ohio is filled with dildos who can't get out of their own way, or at least vacate the left lane, feel it absolutely compulsory to rubber neck, and other such stupidities, i've been in plenty of situations where clear language allowing lane splitting would have allowed me to slowly and safely get past stupid stop and go traffic.  instead, i just did it anyway cause fuck you that's why.


the end.

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This is my point. Those of us that can already do. Those that can't will start when it's legal and then we all know what happens.


Ill pass.

Ohio doesn't have the congestion of LA, it's not needed here and it's dangerous. Only rookie riders and douche bags on Harley's will do it, neither of which have the skill to do it so an accident will be caused. Expericed riders that can pull it off safely know better and wouldn't do it anyway.

Find something more productive and worthwhile to fill your urge to petition


I smell a salesman here.

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Its not needed on the highways, but in cities I would say it is. I lane split almost every day riding around Cleveland, but it is just to get to the front of the line at lights to avoid getting smashed. 

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Its not needed on the highways, but in cities I would say it is. I lane split almost every day riding around Cleveland, but it is just to get to the front of the line at lights to avoid getting smashed. 


What about stopped traffic on the highway in the instance of a traffic jam.

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the law already says that.  it is illegal to open your door into moving traffic until it is reasonably safe to do so. you see this from time to time when someone parallel parks, does not look, and swings their door open and it gets taken off by a car coming down the street. the person who opened the door is at fault and can be cited.

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What about stopped traffic on the highway in the instance of a traffic jam.

I do it in this instance too but only if everyone is stopped. Once traffic starts moving again I jump in line because people are gonna start cutting you off to get into the good lane.


Is it actually stated anywhere that lane splitting it illegal? Or is it just "no more than 1 vehicle may occupy a lane"?

Edited by JStump
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Legal or not, some Dbag will open his door to stop the MC because "That's not fair" or "If I can't do it, they should not be allowed to"

This. However, I'm all for making it legal. I did it once (mostly on the shoulder though) on my way home the day we had the big wind storm this spring. I barely made it home in time before it hit. Had I waiting in traffic, I would have been caught up in it.


I was just in San Diego and a bike lane split next to us and I about crapped my pants. We were in stopped traffic and I wasn't expecting it...he was moving pretty good with a pretty loud exhaust (once he got beside and in front of us).

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Is it actually stated anywhere that lane splitting it illegal? Or is it just "no more than 1 vehicle may occupy a lane"?

No it is not specifically illegal. They get you on improper lane usage....stuff like that. In California it is not specifically legal either. It all started years ago when the chief of CHP said publicly that there was nothing wrong with it and his officers would no longer hassle people for it.

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Working for the last two companies from CA and being that I've logged thousands of miles in CA, lane splitting is an awesome thing.  There needs to be the idea that CA adopts.  Only a certain speed and in congested areas.  I think that a motorcycle can only lane split at speeds 30mph and lower.  They also can run the car pool lane like most states allow anyways.


They can also move to the front at intersections with lights, etc.  It's great for traffic and allows the bikes to manuever easily and quickly without issue.  Stop and go with a motorcycle is also danergous because the car drivers are texting and not paying attention.  Look at the rear end accidents.  Think about a motorcycle oreo cookie...  Lane splitting keeps them from that.


If done properly and with care, you can make a lot of ground and never once piss off the drivers.


It is a great idea, but I highly doubt Ohio would adopt...

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What I took from that... "More states should allow it and MORE MOTORCYCLIST SHOULD LEANR HOW TO DO IT SAFELY." Not going 75 splitting two semi's with your arms flapping after just doing a wheelie would be a good start. I never filter cause Ohio drivers get pissed when someone is able to get somewhere faster... I do however, split when in traffic and I see the person in front of me doing anything other then paying attention to the road. I get the hell away...

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Try to get a list of Ohio law makers that have a current

motorcycle endorsement on their driver's license. 

Educating them and getting them on board with the

idea may be a good first step to getting some favorable



If that doesn't work, we could do what other groups do

to get their way.  For example, check out what happened

in France when the Transport Ministry started talking

about citing bikers for filtering.



Like everyone else that whines, cries, and raises hell to

get their way, where are the Jesse Jackson's and Al

Sharpton's of motorcycling?



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Try to get a list of Ohio law makers that have a current

motorcycle endorsement on their driver's license. 

Educating them and getting them on board with the

idea may be a good first step to getting some favorable



If that doesn't work, we could do what other groups do

to get their way.  For example, check out what happened

in France when the Transport Ministry started talking

about citing bikers for filtering.



Like everyone else that whines, cries, and raises hell to

get their way, where are the Jesse Jackson's and Al

Sharpton's of motorcycling?



That takes the meaning of "sidecar" to a whole new level at 5:10-5:12... Wtf? lol

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