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New "little" Buddy For The Family


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My wife is actually considering making our own food for the guy. I'm not too sure about this idea - so if anyone has any thoughts on it let me know. She's been doing some reading up, and you can actually end up saving some money and also get to know the protein quality (chicken/turkey/whatever) that goes into the grub. Anyway, interested to hear if anyone knows anything about this.

My pup gets raw. I read up a bunch on the nutrition requirements and put together a pretty easy fairly balanced diet. But she is a small terrier so food costs are low no matter what she eats.

I get whole chickens from Costco for about half her meals and a small variety of organs and meats from hare-today.com for variety and extra nutrition. Its fun watching an 8lb puppy crunch through a whole raw chicken leg. Amazing the power in those tiny jaws. Shes about 16lb now (18months).


With a large breed dog you have to be extra careful about your calcium ratios to ensure they grow at a good pace. Also keep them lean!!!



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If you make your own food, try feeding a raw diet... Google "BARF dog food diet"

This was going to be my recommendation. BARF (bones and raw food) we had a few show dogs many moons ago and they lived this. Did very well on it always had nice shiny coats well maintained weight etc etc

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