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Got pulled over......


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for going 2 miles over the limit!!!


Ha! My husband and I went down south Friday/Saturday. We were just leaving Lancaster to head over to Hocking.  We were on 188 and getting on 33. We see a trooper pass us the other way. As we are getting on the ramp, my husband tells me the cop is following us (we have communicators). Shortly later pulls us over.


Get off bike.


Cop: License and registration.

Me: ok. dig out all the stuff.

Husband: Gives ID. Why are you pulling us over?

Cop:  Got you going 57 up there.

Me: 57?

Cop: Yeah.

Me: Confused. Isn't the speed limit 55?

Cop: Yeah.

Me:  Confused? So 2 over?

Cop: Yeah.

Me: Seriously?

Cop: Yeah.............most bikes like yours run.  (looking hugely disappointed)

Husband: Sorry to disappoint.


So the guy runs all our info. Verifies insurance, registration etc.  Meanwhile, Ed and I start quoting Supertroopers.  Pull over. I am pulled over. Pull over......


Supertroopers video below.




So he actually gives me a written warning after all this.  Strange encounter.

Edited by Mary#17
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Profiling:  it's not just for blacks and people who look like they might be Muslim!




My favorite was back when I had the ZX10. Rolling down my street at about 20 MPH. Guy comes running out of his house to tell me to slow down. Apparently if it's loud and sporty, it must be speeding.

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I would argue 2mph in court, unless you admitted to it.  Was it 57 on radar?  Calibrated recently?


I once got a ticket doing 55 in a 55.  Cop said I accelerated several feet before the 55 sign.  Just one of the many reasons I think cops are jackasses.

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I would argue 2mph in court, unless you admitted to it.  Was it 57 on radar?  Calibrated recently?


I once got a ticket doing 55 in a 55.  Cop said I accelerated several feet before the 55 sign.  Just one of the many reasons I think cops are jackasses.

Radar is re-calibrated yearly (sent into a professional company), calibration is checked before shift start and directly after every citation to ensure nothing happened to radar in time between...or at least thats the way I was trained. 2 MPH over is pathetic. I'd of gotten shiity about that with the officer. While he was wasting his time to pull u over, I bet someone blew by at 10+ over.

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Selective enforcment....um, correction, taxation.


Glad to hear he wasn't a total douche bag and gave you a warning. 


Sorry, I respectfully submit that he hit total douche bag when he pulled them over to just profile them.

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My experience in cases like that, are that there is a vehicle roughly matching your description on the want list.

So pull them all over, no exceptions. Any excuse will suffice. and it will always seem strange.


Warning: This can mean additional encounters in that general area.


I also tend to think that a bike that doesn't run gets a lot of leniency.


Not to mention that our bikes can momentarily smack 20 mph over with a rapid snap of the throttle.

If that's done within range of the radar/laser, it's captured, regardless of the actual road speed intended.

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This is why you need a helmet camera!!!

What difference does it make? If you're breaking the law by 1 or 100 mph you are still breaking the law.

I got hit with a 180 dollar citation earlier this year for 73 in a 70 in my wife's sedan.

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What difference does it make? If you're breaking the law by 1 or 100 mph you are still breaking the law.

I got hit with a 180 dollar citation earlier this year for 73 in a 70 in my wife's sedan.


The fact that a lot of people don't want to be portrayed being an asshole even when they are. People have the tendency to be much more professional if they know they are being recorded. Sure it doesn't change the fact that you were breaking the law, but let's be honest, if a Cop pulls you over and writes you a ticket for 3 over, 1 of 2 things happened: either you gave the cop a hard time so they wrote you a ticket out of spite, or they were being a complete asshole and odds are you'll get it dismissed in court.  I've talked to numerous cops who say that they won't write tickets for anything under 10 mph over the posted limits (provided the weather doesn't dictate otherwise).

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Does this constitute profiling? Sportbike riders aren't a protected class. I believe a technicality is afoot.


Protected classes are required for discrimination, not profiling.


Police absolutely profile, because it generally works.  I seem to remember reading that literally HALF of Ohio motorcyclists only had a temporary permit, and not a full endorsement.  That stat may have changed since I read it, but when accurate, that means that officers have a 50/50 chance of writing a valid ticket any time they pull over a motorcyclist on the highway.  I think (as a population) riders are also more likely to be riding without insurance.   It's a numbers game.


It's just a matter of "who is likely to be committing a crime?  Let's go hassle them."  Black people get pulled over in wealthy neighborhoods, and white kids get pulled over in shitty neighborhoods.  Why?  Because police look for who is out of their element.  White kids in East Cleveland are either lost, or they're buying drugs.  Hell, anyone in a decent vehicle is either lost or buying drugs (or sex) in that neighborhood.  That's profiling, but it's also pretty damn effective.


There will always be a struggle for police to achieve a balance of efficiency and discretion.  It sounds like this particular cop had a bad attitude, but if he had pulled over an uninsured rider with no M endorsement, who has 4 outstanding speeding tickets, we wouldn't be looking at 2mph over as some kind of injustice - it would be viewed as what it was:  a fishing expedition.  Rightly or wrongly.

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The fact that a lot of people don't want to be portrayed being an asshole even when they are. People have the tendency to be much more professional if they know they are being recorded. Sure it doesn't change the fact that you were breaking the law, but let's be honest, if a Cop pulls you over and writes you a ticket for 3 over, 1 of 2 things happened: either you gave the cop a hard time so they wrote you a ticket out of spite, or they were being a complete asshole and odds are you'll get it dismissed in court.  I've talked to numerous cops who say that they won't write tickets for anything under 10 mph over the posted limits (provided the weather doesn't dictate otherwise).

I remember the conversation

"Sir, I have an ohio concealed weapons license, a weapon on my right hip and I would like to know why I was pulled over"

He grumbled you're speeding, at that point I told him I was going to assert my 5th amendment right and not speak for the rest of the stop. All cops are dicks, end of story, with or without camera. I was breaking the law, I got a ticket. But cops will still be dicks even when on camera. They have no attitude conduct rules to follow. Just remember we were all lied to at a hong age, cops are NOT our friends.

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I remember the conversation

"Sir, I have an ohio concealed weapons license, a weapon on my right hip and I would like to know why I was pulled over"

He grumbled you're speeding, at that point I told him I was going to assert my 5th amendment right and not speak for the rest of the stop. All cops are dicks, end of story, with or without camera. I was breaking the law, I got a ticket. But cops will still be dicks even when on camera. They have no attitude conduct rules to follow. Just remember we were all lied to at a hong age, cops are NOT our friends.


Do you not see why you got ticketed? You could have easily just played nice in the sandbox and spoke with the guy and I'm sure he'd have let you off without a ticket. I understand your rights, but I also believe that you could have easily had a friendly conversation without attempting to prove you being a dick by invoking your 5th amendment right before he even began to question you about it.  When you give a cop an attitude, he's going to ticket you out of spite for thinking you know the law better than him, which is how he took the situation when you said "I'm invoking my 5th amendment rights".


I've been pulled over several times and been completely polite the entire time, showed a conscious effort that their safety was important to me (by putting both my hands on the steering wheel, not making any quick movements, etc.), calling them sir or ma'am and I've never had any issues with the police. They've been more than courteous to me back and usually let me off with a warning (one time I was doing 55 in a 25), followed by a hand shake thanking them for their service. 


Maybe you should try it sometime and you wouldn't think cops are all assholes.

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