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Got pulled over......


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Do you not see why you got ticketed? You could have easily just played nice in the sandbox and spoke with the guy and I'm sure he'd have let you off without a ticket. I understand your rights, but I also believe that you could have easily had a friendly conversation without attempting to prove you being a dick by invoking your 5th amendment right before he even began to question you about it.  When you give a cop an attitude, he's going to ticket you out of spite for thinking you know the law better than him, which is how he took the situation when you said "I'm invoking my 5th amendment rights".


I've been pulled over several times and been completely polite the entire time, showed a conscious effort that their safety was important to me (by putting both my hands on the steering wheel, not making any quick movements, etc.), calling them sir or ma'am and I've never had any issues with the police. They've been more than courteous to me back and usually let me off with a warning (one time I was doing 55 in a 25), followed by a hand shake thanking them for their service. 


Maybe you should try it sometime and you wouldn't think cops are all assholes.

And when he can't even tell me what speed I was doing, fuck that. I'd rather take the ticket than give some scumbag pig the time of day being polite.
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And when he can't even tell me what speed I was doing, fuck that. I'd rather take the ticket than give some scumbag pig the time of day being polite.


Last time I got pulled over I was nice to the officer, CC at the time.  Accepted I was going a little fast (20 over) and he gave me a verbal warning.  In my experience, treating the police like human beings is cheaper than being confrontational.

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Welcome to Lancaster branch of OSHP. Commonly known as the worst highway patrol branch in the entire state.

Bunch of militant bastards making that money for the state. Even had one call me his "customer" once while giving me a ticket.

Never met one that didn't act like a complete douche.

Edited by max power
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 one could argue that a motorist with a CCW permit gives police LESS cause for caution than one who doesn't.   The officer immediately knows that the CCW holder has not been convicted of any crime that would disqualify him from carrying.


Unless you're legitimately leading cops on a high-speed chase, I think it would be rare to have a traffic stop where the officer has a legitimate reason to be confrontational and irritated...

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My favorite was back when I had the ZX10. Rolling down my street at about 20 MPH. Guy comes running out of his house to tell me to slow down. Apparently if it's loud and sporty, it must be speeding.

I had a lady come running at my pickup once yelling there's no trucks allowed on this street.  the sign said no thru trucks lol

john Q public is mostly made up of morons.

Edited by serpentracer
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