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Part of why I'd rather live here.....


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When the general population in the US starts dash-camming everything like they do over there,  you won't want to live here either.  Just because it's not on video, don't fool yourself into believing it doesn't happen.  Just look at the daily road reports for Columbus as there is a highway closed somewhere in this city on a daily basis due to big accidents caused by shitty driving skills.

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I love how the bike jacker drops the bike on himself after he takes it away.  Serves him right.


I can't believe the guy in the second video at 3:51 survived!  I assume that's all Russia.


Isn't the frequency of finding a drunk individual anywhere in Russia at any given time something like 1 in 4?  It doesn't give you good odds when you get on the road.  I'd be scared in anything less than a tank, I assume they're all shitfaced, especially the truck drivers.


Here's one of my favorites

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