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So where's the Dick Dynasty thread?


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it's true - you can attempt to sue for anything ...but that doesn't mean that your lawsuit won't be thrown out virtually immediately.


Where else are the courts getting involved?  Give me an example of where you think courts are over-stepping their bounds.  From what I have seen, I agree with your assertion that people are sue-happy when their feelings get hurt, but I do not agree that the courts side with those people and award damages.  On the contrary, I see courts dismissing such complaints and chastising the attorneys who file them for wasting the court's time with cases they know have no chance of succeeding.


Sharia law......but that is a whole other conversation. ;)

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not a fan of laws based on religion, huh?




Got news for you Duane, if you knew ANYTHING at all about what Sharia Law truly means "what it is" and what would happen should it continue to gain in power in this country, you will not be laughing one day. I have a few good books you should read, but of course I am sure you would totally disregard or discredit them. You would see that all those crazy whackjob Christians were not so bad, and how the term tolerance would no longer exist as we know it.

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I'm not worried... as quickly as islam is growing, christianity is growing faster...


Know what else is growing?




also, not all muslims adhere to sharia law... just as most christians don't adhere to abrahamic law.


as much as you religious people like to claim god says this or that or the other thing, you can be counted on to be lazy in your beliefs on the whole...

Edited by magley64
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*You're a real comedian... and I wasn't joking...


christians, jews, and muslims.. you're all generally lazy when it comes to enforcing religious laws...


For example...how many times have you commited adultery in 2013? after you answer, read matthew 5:28 and answer again...

Edited by magley64
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Oh I sin everyday, and I am quite good at it. We are all hypocrites and imperfect in whatever we believe, but we are also incapable of not doing wrong, and I am no better or less of a man than you are in that regard. Nobody is actually going to the pretend Heaven or Hell, once life here is over it is simply over.......no possible way that intelligent people could believe otherwise, life as we know it is just a giant game of chance. ;)

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The inspiration of the Bible depends upon the ignorance of the gentleman who reads it.
Robert Green Ingersoll 


And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.

-Thomas Jefferson


In case you think Jefferson was talking about yaweh...


“The Christian God is a being of terrific character - cruel, vindictive, capricious, and unjust”

-Thomas Jefferson

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if that's your view, why are you so afraid of sharia law?


I'm not even going to try and explain it to you, just let it be known that I am not "entirely ignorant" on the subject. Yes there are different versions of it, a few of those which are quite frightening to anyone outside of that belief system. But versions of it are creeping in here, that is not to be denied. Look no further than Great Britain, and to honestly think that could not and would not happen here is foolish. Yeah Christians and their beliefs can be annoying at times, but it is a far cry from many of the practices and laws of Islam.

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I'm not even going to try and explain it to you, just let it be known that I am not "entirely ignorant" on the subject. Yes there are different versions of it, a few of those which are quite frightening to anyone outside of that belief system. But versions of it are creeping in here, that is not to be denied. Look no further than Great Britain, and to honestly think that could not and would not happen here is foolish. Yeah Christians and their beliefs can be annoying at times, but it is a far cry from many of the practices and laws of Islam.

Yeah the crusades were so annoying... that spanish inquisition was such a bother...

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When someone explains to me how these Muslims are going to overturn a cornerstone of our constitution and enact sharia law, basically a theocracy in our country then I'll view it as a credible threat. Until then it's just the newest brand of McCarthyism.....a resurrected red scare. Get a hold of yourselves.

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Yeah the crusades were so annoying... that spanish inquisition was such a bother...


Pulling ancient history out of your ass yet again, nothing new for you. Shall I also invoke you to look at what happened at the hands of the Muslims as well in Turkey, North Africa, and pretty much throughout all of Asia Minor....since being fair and balanced is what you are all about? And one Church after another that closes down in Germany and all throughout Europe, are all being taken over by Islam and are being converted into Mosques. Shariah is not optional for Muslims, for a Muslim to accept Islam and deny Shariah would be similar to a Jew who claims to accept the five books of the Torah, but rejects the Ten Commandments. Those Muslims who reject shariah as a way of life are viewed as not being totally devoted to their religion. Moderates are in a no win situation because questioning the supremacists who advocate shariah, is in a practical sense equivalent to questioning shariah itself.......a punishable offense. Shariah is viewed as being sacred and coming from Allah himself, which in the adherents eyes makes it superior to all other law systems. But don't take my word for it, do some research on it yourself.


So all this does and will affect laws and the Judaical system in the USA, which collides directly into the separation of Church and State and much other. Christians are harmless dude, they spout off at the mouth and act out in various other ways, they are not by any means trying to take over world dominance. So yeah you can say some movements in the world and in my country are worrying me, but I am sure you will just look blindly the other way. Oh and BHO does in fact have a soft spot for Islam, and that very much shows in his actions.

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Ancient history? Islam is around 700 years younger than christianity, you can't blame a 10 yr old for laughing at dick and fart jokes when you yourself did at age 10 also...

Your religion is still responsible for some sick and twisted shit perpetrated against humanity, saying "oh that was so last year" doesn't get your religion off the hook or a free pass to act all superior to other religions... your bullshit is just as plausible as their bullshit... they should be free to persue their silly little religion just as you're free to persue yours.

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Ancient history? Islam is around 700 years younger than christianity, you can't blame a 10 yr old for laughing at dick and fart jokes when you yourself did at age 10 also...

Your religion is still responsible for some sick and twisted shit perpetrated against humanity, saying "oh that was so last year" doesn't get your religion off the hook or a free pass to act all superior to other religions... your bullshit is just as plausible as their bullshit... they should be free to persue their silly little religion just as you're free to persue yours.

Pick a lesser evil of the two then, which would you rather see stay or go if it came down to that? Not too many Christians worldwide these days killing in the name of God is there, eagerly awaiting your evidence to say otherwise. But the newer religion that believes beyond all else that they are right and the only way sure seems to be racking up the death tolls worldwide. Their way, their laws and their God........there is no other choice. You ought to read the book The cross in the shadow of the crescent, it might actually get you thinking a bit more about the state of the world at war.

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Similar.....now that's funny. One predates the other by how much again, Jesus was who compared to Muhammad? Well one was for sure just a man, but the other was not. One was for sure born a virgin birth, never sinned, performed countless miracles, died and then rose again 3 days later. I see a bit of disparity in your logic, and maybe you should read the Bible instead of picking and choosing scriptures that you feel contradict the word of God or does or does not make sense to you? I have zero problem with other beliefs, but when one has followers actively killing Americans in the name of Allah, that personally scares me a whole lot. Of course nothing scares or concerns you, life is just rainbows and unicorns. And I hate Winter........I really do. :(

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Maybe you should read the Bible instead of picking and choosing scriptures that you feel contradict the word of God or does or does not make sense to you?



I HAVE read it... cover to cover to cover to cover....


Maybe you should take a fortnight and read it yourself... use "critical thinking skills"

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