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OR Indoor GP Go Karts track day Jan 24


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so now that i'm home and had some time to type some of this out


1. thanks to all the staff that was very... laissez faire (in a good way) with some of our contact during the heats and races, and for patiently taking care of the timing issues

2. thanks to mojoe for putting this together and handing out the goodies

3. it was most excellent to see you guys again


the "qualifying" heats/practice were good times, despite the timing issues that messed some people up in the placement for the races.  I was second in my group(s) the during the practice (I think howie was 1st, probably cause of that epic beard), and got moved into the 1st group for the race.  During the race, I was getting chased down like some sad plump puppy in the streets of korea by Mikey B and eventually I either caved under pressure and spun out or got tangled up with someone and never saw him again after he passed me.  My times during that race was still good enough for 2nd in the last race which was to be determined by placement rather than times (unlike the last 2 events, which was strictly by fastest lap time).  We did a nascar style start which is basically the format where we get paraded around to the starting line by the pace car and then we go on the green flag.  Mike and I got away pretty clean, and we were involved in our own little race until we ran into lap traffic and he got tangled up with someone.


After that, I was out front for a while until Mojoe in his beastly kart came up on me.  He and I exchanged some kart fluids and went back and forth for the front spot until he fell away at some point (I'm not sure what happened).  He had the slightly stronger kart and I had the slightly under powered one (from what people told me that had driven it before) and we went back and forth changing positions in the braking/accel areas.  After my battle with Mikey and Mojoe, I didn't get to "race" with anyone other than lap traffic and then the race was over all too soon.  My laptimes started at 44.8 in the first session, 44.4 (or something like that) in the second session, and my best during the last race was a 43.99 or something similar.  I think the only one that had a faster laptime than me (in our group anyway) was Joe (vw151) with a best lap time of 43.97 despite a 80ish lb weight disadvantage compared to me which is pretty damn impressive.  For me, the track was really slick so my fastest time was with the slowest kart, which helped me to not spin out like I did the last 2 sessions.


Anyway, it was fun winning the race.  Never happens to me when it matters lol.


Everyone should buy the pre-season membership package thingamabob as it's a good deal.


I think this is the link if it hasn't been linked already



I wish that first heat time was mine. There was a mistake on who got what times. Mine was really like a 47 for that first round.

I felt so dirty standing up there on the pole :).

I had a lot of fun. I'd do it again for sure.

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I was hearing that they're not hosting any more private events, but that wasn't from a staff member, so who knows if it's true.


Public opening is scheduled for March.  That date WAS from staff.


I could definitely get down with a once-a-month league through the winter, but I couldn't justify the cost during riding season.

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I was hearing that they're not hosting any more private events, but that wasn't from a staff member, so who knows if it's true.

Public opening is scheduled for March. That date WAS from staff.

I could definitely get down with a once-a-month league through the winter, but I couldn't justify the cost during riding season.

They had another private event yesterday for the mini bike folks. I'm sure there will be more to come.

As for official opening, pending everything with the city, they're opening March 1st to the public.

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Wow.  If I had seen this video

and it wasn't the same weekend as my daughter's birthday, I would have made it a point to go!  Looks like you all had a great time.


When you go again, count me in!

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