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I did a little scout ride today of the route all the way up to 669 (I took 78 instead of grabbing 555/669). Not sure if anyone has figured out the logistics of the gas stop but here are my thoughts based on what I've found: 

  • Shell station on E. Canal is closed
  • BP station on E. Canal is closed
  • There is a Turkey Hill and a Speedway on E. Canal both with 12 pumps
  • The route will take us up Burr Oak Blvd to Buchtel where there is a 12 pump Marathon station out of the way.

If you're leading a group and see both stations on Canal are full of bikes, keep following the route up Burr Oak Blvd. to the Marathon station. 

I live in Nelsonville the speedway has a decent sized parking lot and riders could always park in the lot at the BP that's closed...


Also I don't know what turkey hill station your talking about? there is a go mart farther down canal st though.

Edited by tweak740
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Also I don't know what turkey hill station your talking about? 


there is also a kroger gas station but I'm sure most riders here are picky about gas like I am....


Those are one in the same. I'm personally not picky about gas as long as it's not being pumped out of a pickup bed. 

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I may stop by in the truck to bull shit with some peps i have seen in a little while for a few, going down to Wayne to ride with the bubbys

I thought we were leaving straight from the meet up spot?

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Guys, we are about a week away from the event.  


We still need to get a list of leads for the slow-medium groups.  


When I arrive with the NE group, myself, whaler, and wolfman1 will help get things organized, but it won't be easy unless we know who the leads are going to be. 


I will be bringing with me the t-shirts for those who ordered, print outs of the route for those who may need it or want it, and I might even bring blank nametag stickers so people can put their screen names on it so people can recognize who you are. 


Look forward to seeing all of you in a week!

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I'm out. Can't handle a 14 hr day on the bike and can't find trailer space....and I got put in the slooooow group...and I have way too much work to do on the house and the yard. Maybe next time.

Come ride with the NEO crew!

14 hour days on a bike is always better than a 14 hour day doing nothing!

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I won't be doing nothing, trust me. I'm having my annual combo birthday/memorial day party at my house the following weekend and the deck needs refinishing badly...plus a billion other things need done. We made a list today and it's pretty daunting. Just can't do it.

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I'm still in.  Look for me on the yellow CBR though.  I had a dickhead in an F150 run me into the mother of all chuckholes the other night, bending the front rim on the new Ninja. I won't have the wheel back from trueing/ refinish in time to ride it next weekend.

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I'm still in.  Look for me on the yellow CBR though.  I had a dickhead in an F150 run me into the mother of all chuckholes the other night, bending the front rim on the new Ninja. I won't have the wheel back from trueing/ refinish in time to ride it next weekend.

That blows!  No other damage?

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Hey if its not too late I would like to join the ride. I'd be in the slow group.

Didn't catch this in the first post, but where are we ending this ride at?

Not to late until the day after. The end is the beginning meet spot.

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