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Cancer is a son of a bitch


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I thought I'd let you guys know that my wife's grandpa passed away Wednesday evening. He had been fighting cancer and chemotherapy the past few months. Jess, my wife, spent Tuesday night at her grandparents house to help out and after a bad night he was taken to Mt Carmel East. He was surrounded by his family when he went. He was intubated but we know he knew we were there because he waited for us to be there and for his wife to tell him it was ok to go. In a matter of about 20 minutes his heart rate and blood pressure dropped until he was gone. There was nothing they could do but they gave him blood transfusions and attempted other stuff as a last ditch effort and to help comfort his wife that they were trying. His wife was there as well as Jess's dad, her brother and his wife, her other brother, her sister, a close family friend and Jess and I. He was a great man and reminded me a lot of my grandpa that died in 2001. He and I were just starting get to know each other as men instead of just grandfather and grandson. I was lucky to have gotten to know him and I think he helped fill a bit of a void of me missing my grandpa. Jess says he absolutely loved and adored my daughter Brooke and I. Her grandma wanted Brooke in his obituary even though she isn't blood because how much he loved her, and she knows he would have wanted Brooke included as well.

I'm tired of this cancer bull shit. He fought so hard through the chemo, the tests, the long nights of not sleeping, falling, not being able to eat or keep anything down, the dehydration....fuck. I've only known him for about a year and a half but I am thankful for that time. My wife and I would go over to help them around the house and for the past couple months she has been over 3-5 times a week to help out and take them to appointments. I'm extremely proud of her and what she has done but that's also caused her to become extremely close to him and now it's really hitting her hard.

I really did love that man, and he will be dearly missed. And fuck cancer!

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Lost my grandma, it'll be 10 years in December. First it was breast cancer, then it was lung cancer, then it was breast cancer again... Actually watched her die at the family christmas party in 2004. Lungs filled up with water as complications from the lung cancer.

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Thanks everyone. Wife was helping her dad and grandma all day yesterday with arrangements, didn't get home until about 11p. We stayed up until about 2a to talk and she balled. She knows she couldn't have done anything different that could have given him more time, but she's still doing the "what ifs" a bit. She's also thinking about when it's our time and that she couldn't live without me by her side which is both comforting and breaks my heart. Man, this sucks.

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Chevy, I will tell you to sleep when you can, it really messes with your head if you don't. I think from thursday night to monday morning I slept the most out of myself, wife, and my dad and I got maybe 15 hours total. The only reason I got that much was thanks to the captain and some 7up.

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My wife and I lost her father in August a couple years ago to cancer.  I have been extremely fortunate as my father who was diagnosed with cancer back in '91 has thoroughly kicked its ass and will be celebrating his 70th birthday this June.  Scuba is right though, as it's all the nastiness that patients must be subjected to in order to give them a chance to rid themselves of this shit that unfortunately does more harm than good sometimes.


I'm sorry to hear about yet another families loss in such a short time.  Stay strong Chevy, for your family.

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Just found out 5 min ago that my wife's father too has cancer. He found out that he has mesothelioma. My wife is not close to him due to choices that he made, but it still hurts her all the same.

Edited by 2talltim
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Just found out 5 min ago that my wife's father too has cancer. He found out that he has mesothelioma. My wife is not close to him due to choices that he made, but it still hurts her all the same.

Damn, so sorry to hear. My prayers are with you guys.

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Just found out 5 min ago that my wife's father too has cancer. He found out that he has mesothelioma. My wife is not close to him due to choices that he made, but it still hurts her all the same.

Ok I guess it's not confirmed but they are 90% sure. Sorry I was at work and was getting bits and pieces of info
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I'm sorry to hear that brother. I never really understood the saying that after someone dies they are in a better place, but I have started to understand the true meaning behind it. My problem is that I'm selfish and want them with me, but never thought about the pain they might be feeling. It's hard to let go sometimes, but you have to know that is really can be for the better.


A good friend of ours found out a few months ago that she has stage 4 cancer and has decided to go ahead and fight the good fight. Her favorite word happens to be fuck, so I made her this shirt. She has had so many people ask to buy it that we are going to start producing it on a larger scale and donate to a charity in her name.



And I absolutely agree with your statement, fuck cancer.


Edit: Oops, I can't spell.

Edited by Goldie
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Lost my father-in-law to kidney cancer that turned into brain cancer.

It is a particularly shitty thing to experience.

If you need to vent, come on out to lyndhurst and I'll buy the first round, and if you don't mind I'll pray that you and the Mrs. find peace with things.

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