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First long ride on the bike


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So I got lost on my way to Austin to purchase some riding pants off Craigslist.  The Toll Road, 130, is not marked very well, and I missed the exit.  Since I am not familiar with Texas road ways, I ended up very far south of Austin.  


What Google maps doesn't show(in the time column) is the almost 90 minutes of stop and slow traffic on I-35....in 90 degree weather...


Aded in the starting and ending point of my house, including the stop off at work(0630), and the stop to top off the tank at Sam's club (1100) to start the ride.  


The majority of the roads had a speed limit of 70 to 75.  The toll road was 80-85, but even at 85, I was getting passed like I was standing still.


Weather wasn't too bad, except for the 15-20 MPH north blowing wind....and the 90 degree weather in the stop and slow section....


Got home about 1900, and only stopped for fuel(4 different times since I had no idea where gas stations were located).


I am glad that folks here had recommended having munchies and water.  Also wore compression shorts, the ones I had for mountain biking, with extra padding.  <===  This was a great idea!  Don't know who recommended it on the forum here, but my taint thanks you!

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Map doesn't do the distances justice. You need to explore Texas just once to find out the state is fucking massive. Round Rock to Oak Hill is a hour plus. I am assuming you took the upper 35 through Austin. Don't know much about the toll roads have not been Bach for years and avoided them all together when we were there.

If you head east on past Round Rock to Lake Travis there are some good roads out around the lake. The scenery is good out that way too.

Feeling nostalgic now. May have to plan a trip to Texas.

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Funny, I'm doing a trip down to San Antonio and Austin next month. Not quite close enough, but it's cool to see somebody on here down there.


Lived in SA for a few years tho and picked up some good routes through Hill Country if you ever head over in that area. The area around Medina Lake has some killer roads.

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