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The new pope is a commie. Religious right OWNED!!


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Know who else is disingenuous? Catholics. Especially when they're luring kids in for a good old fashioned buttfucking.

While the catholics are bad the Protestants are not innocent. I have to comment here that no minister in the church of Joe Pesci nor any pastafarian has been accused or convicted of pedophilia. I think even your dumb ass can agree that zero is a lot better than more than zero in the area to which you are referring. This is true regardless of which fake deity you wish to worship.

Edited by mattm
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While the catholics are bad the Protestants are not innocent. I have to comment here that no minister in the church of Joe Pesci nor any pastafarian has been accused or convicted of pedophilia. I think even your dumb ass can agree that zero is a lot better than more than zero in the area to which you are referring. This is true regardless of which fake deity you wish to worship.

You and Butters are on the same side here dude.

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What about our resident mexitalian Guido turtle fucktard? He's a conservative... Kiss all those stereotypes goodbye.

I'm only "conservative" when it comes to money and all the freeloading non working assholes that eat up my tax dollars and contribute nothing but disease and worthlessness to society. I fall in to a little known political party called the "fuckofficanats" where party lines mean nothing and smart decisions are actually made
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This thread is a perfect example of why I hate everyone.


Pope comes out very strongly for helping poor starving people. He is someone in a position of power that can help do something about it and shape the future. And instead of embracing his ideas and supporting him the asshat liberals come in here and ridicule him for something a bunch of dead popes are responsible for.


I hate everyone.

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Who cares? The Catholic Church is just a monarchy without a bloodline. The followers get no say. Women can't participate in any kind of leadership position. Why is this institution even around anymore?

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This thread is a perfect example of why I hate everyone.

Pope comes out very strongly for helping poor starving people. He is someone in a position of power that can help do something about it and shape the future. And instead of embracing his ideas and supporting him the asshat liberals come in here and ridicule him for something a bunch of dead popes are responsible for.

I hate everyone.

What? Who ridiculed the Pope for the decisions of old popes?

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Maybe because they are surrounded by adults who believe in ghosts and fairy tales.

Sometimes it is hard to accept otherwise rational people who can blabber such bullshit in one breath on faith and then need more evidence on topics that affect the rest of us now. Not in some hypothetical afterlife.

Edited by turnone
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Maybe because they are surrounded by adults who believe in ghosts and fairy tales.

Sometimes it is hard to accept otherwise rational people who can blabber such bullshit in one breath on faith and then need more evidence on topics that affect the rest of us now. Not in some hypothetical afterlife.

You mean like global warming where there's measurement data? Yea. I can see Tonik's perspective on people.

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You mean like global warming where there's measurement data? Yea. I can see Tonik's perspective on people.

Yes like rising CO2 and climate change. I like a warming planet.

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Who cares? It's the 5th largest charitable organization in the country. I'm glad they're here. Also,...



This article says what? That women have flatly been denied ordination but, without that authority, get to do a lot of work? Gee, that's nice.

And their charitable nature makes this okay? Yes, they do massive amounts of good works. They'd better - it's a Christian organization with vast wealth.

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There's more child fucking going on in the public school system than the entirety of the Catholic religion.


Oops.. another favorite talking point smashed. :(

Me thinks you are overlooking the real big problem. School teacher found fucking kids. School teacher arrested and prosecuted.

Priest (supposed to be all godly and shit) found fucking kids. Forced to move to new place and fucks a new set of kids. Rinse and repeat.

Major difference. But nice try at minimizing the catholic abuse and cover up.

That column wasn't to giving of facts and read like a 'Catholics sexual abuse isn't so bad' story.

What are the real numbers? Not hypothetical guesses. I'm pretty sure the catholic abuse per capita of kid fucking is higher.

We all know people like to fuck all sorts of things including kids. Under current societal standards and laws, we keep the kids off of the adult penis.

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What? Who ridiculed the Pope for the decisions of old popes?

I was going to suggest you kill yourself but The Church considers that a mortal sin. Wait, neither of us is Catholic.

Please kill yourself.

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Good, then stick around because nobody's going to do anything about it for another generation.

We can hope. People didn't cause it, people can't fix it. Need less people. Create bacterial please.

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We can hope. People didn't cause it, people can't fix it. Need less people. Create bacterial please.

Yeah, the vast majority of the people who study it feel otherwise but as long as the coal and big oil lobbies convince the populace, who cares, right??

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Are they there to please themselves, or their god? If they don't like it, they should join a nice, modern religion. Nobody's putting a gun to their head.


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Yeah, the vast majority of the people who study it feel otherwise but as long as the coal and big oil lobbies convince the populace, who cares, right??

Those evil people and their ability to make money. Damn them all to fake hell!!!!

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Those evil people and their ability to make money. Damn them all to fake hell!!!!


All hail people who make money, for they are the saviors of of us all!   :cheers:


And never mind that global warming bullshit, son...  Fuck all that, we gotta get on with the show.  And praise Jesus, or you're not a real American patriot, you federalist commie!












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Fucking facts. Man those things always get in the way of some good bullshit.

Where does this idea come from that people will

stop making money?

Need flash, people can still make money even if shit changes!

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Need flash, people can still make money even if shit changes!


And if you can't, you're not a true entrepreneur/job creator and shouldn't be deified - you're just a dinosaur.


Riding across the Appalachians last weekend was a reminder of wind turbine profitability.  There isn't a job for everyone, nor will there ever be (just like with fossil fuels), but the US has an opportunity to lead in these new markets instead of the French, Germans and those awful Canadians.




It was a sharp contrast to the along-the-waterline chemical plants we rode by - you know, the ones the EPA and WV politicians (of every party affiliation) have neatly ignored while making a buck.  Good thing those never leak noxious chemicals...





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Hate the windmills.......they are hideous, not cost effective, and killing too many birds of prey. Global warming is no hoax and it is happening, but much of the data and facts being crammed down our throats is where the hoax starts and ends. The word "expert" means little these days, the appropriate words that need to be used are CEO's of particular big companies and lobbyists.

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I'd rather look at windmills than coal mines and other bullshit that we do for electricity.

I personally think they look majestic and a sign of progress. Beats smoke stacks any day.

I vote for a 1 trillion dollar investment in solar. Likely bring the cost per home to just a couple thousand dollars and maybe rid ourselves of hideous high voltage power lines.

Change the world, but we couldn't do anything bold like that now could we??

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