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2014 Spring Epic Ride Media Thread


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Downloading video to my computer now from the event... Quite a bit of footage to surf through, but I'll put some stuff together.  For the beginning part of the footage, I gave the camera to our sweep, whaler, so it'll be him in the back catching all the bikes in the field. Then after the gas stop, I put the camera on the back of the bike and faced it backwards to catch everyone behind me... I fear that part will be not great because it gets really buzzy back there... We shall see, I will post when I get the videos edited and rendered... Should have some tonight...

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Here ya go all.  I took a few snap shots with my phone.  Not as nice as Dan's of course, but i figured i would share them with everyone anyway.  I tried to get a pic of each group at the start and a few at the gas stop.  I had a great time.  Hope we can do this again in the fall!!


Epic Ride 2014 3

Epic Ride 2014 1

Epic Ride 2014 2

Epic Ride 2014 5

Epic Ride 2014 4

Epic Ride 2014 6

Epic Ride 2014 7

Epic Ride 2014 8

Epic Ride 2014 9

Epic Ride 2014 10

Epic Ride 2014 11

Edited by Wolfman1
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Downloading video to my computer now from the event... Quite a bit of footage to surf through, but I'll put some stuff together.  For the beginning part of the footage, I gave the camera to our sweep, whaler, so it'll be him in the back catching all the bikes in the field. Then after the gas stop, I put the camera on the back of the bike and faced it backwards to catch everyone behind me... I fear that part will be not great because it gets really buzzy back there... We shall see, I will post when I get the videos edited and rendered... Should have some tonight...

Derek, just posted all the pics I took including a few from our med-fast group at the gas stop.

Edited by Wolfman1
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Dan..I would love to email the video I took of the ride and let's u do ur magic animation with it...just let me know how to get it to u....or call me at 937-543-9084

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First video of many incoming -  Still editing the others but figured I'd post the first one.


This video was from the Med-Fast group - Whaler (the POV) does his job as a sweep rider.  This is just the video of it.  


This, by no means, was intended at attacking the rider being isolated, we all started somewhere, and I praise the fact that he was willing to put away his pride for his own safety. Kudos to you for that.  


Edited by DerekClouser
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That is very cool! I am now glad that the one group ride I was able to make with you guys that Al Z Hiemer was able to sweep and I'm assuming was doing the very same in watching me to be sure I was OK. I had no idea that the sweep did that or what all the sweep does. Thanks for the video and sorry I couldn't make the rescheduled ride on Sunday. Next time!

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Great job Brian. I'm hoping the guy will not take offense and continue to ride. I think he just need some guidance and people to ride with who will help him work on skills and pace. We've all been there.

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Offering advice in a situation like that is necessary.  The rider with either take it the right way or he/she won't.  I've seen it go both ways.  Good on this guy for listening.  I've seen too many others that haven't & wound up on the ground.


I was lucky enough to ride with some seriously skilled riders when I was new to spirited, group riding.  I picked their brains regularly.  It made me a much smoother, safer, and quicker rider.

Edited by Tpoppa
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 Great job Whaler!  I was the guy just behind him in front of Whaler and when we hit the very first corner of the ride, I could tell he was in the wrong group.  I ran up on him so fast in a few turns it made me uncomfortable being behind him.  You can see how much room I gave him so he wouldn't feel pressured or pushed.  I didn't want to see him go down.  Great decision on both riders parts!  The sweep for stopping him and the rider for recognizing he was out of his league.  The sweep has just as much responsibilities as the leader to make the right decisions for the group.



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Yes, excellent job by the sweep of that group.. but I have a question? With some level of seriousness here.. how does one handle a rider that needs coaching, like the video above,  in the slowest group, not having a slower group to move them too?

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how does one handle a rider that needs coaching, like the video above,  in the slowest group, not having a slower group to move them too?

Do you mean a brand new rider?  Personally, I don't think groups rides are great for brand new riders.  I think they can add pressure and more variables than a brand new rider needs.  


If a rider has a least a few thousand miles under their belt, there needs to be some discussion of cornering technique.  Counter steering is a good place to start.  

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Yes, excellent job by the sweep of that group.. but I have a question? With some level of seriousness here.. how does one handle a rider that needs coaching, like the video above,  in the slowest group, not having a slower group to move them too?



I would put him in the back and coach him. If he is too dangerous and not improving I would bounce him from the group.

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Do you mean a brand new rider? Personally, I don't think groups rides are great for brand new riders. I think they can add pressure and more variables than a brand new rider needs.

If a rider has a least a few thousand miles under their belt, there needs to be some discussion of cornering technique. Counter steering is a good place to start.

If they can't keep corner speed at the slow groups pace, group rides need to wait. If this is a main problem, I always believe they are looking to close to in front of the bike which is scaring them. Focus on counter steering and looking farther through the corner and it will slow everything down.

If they are brand new to riding and your comments aren't helping, or you fear for the safety of the group, just slow it down to his comfort level until you find a good spot and may even need to spell it out that group riding at his/her level isn't safe for them or the group.

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Take me for example - I have a few thousand miles and a few years under my belt... but all on cruisers. I rode the epic ride, on a CBR600, in the slow group. First long ride, with good roads, on a sport bike. I got lazy on the cruisers, and realized that when I switched to the sport bike world. While I was comfortable in the slow group, I am sure I could have used some advice...


It got me to thinking though, how would you effectively coach a person on a group ride, with no further back (other than going home) to go, and still not hold others up on the ride... hence the question...

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Take me for example - I have a few thousand miles and a few years under my belt... but all on cruisers. I rode the epic ride, on a CBR600, in the slow group. First long ride, with good roads, on a sport bike. I got lazy on the cruisers, and realized that when I switched to the sport bike world. While I was comfortable in the slow group, I am sure I could have used some advice...


It got me to thinking though, how would you effectively coach a person on a group ride, with no further back (other than going home) to go, and still not hold others up on the ride... hence the question...

For your situation(I haven't actually seen you ride)....3 things, 2 have already been mentioned: 


1.  Counter Steering.  You are already doing this, or you wouldn't be able to turn.  But be aware of it, and consciously start your turns with counter steering.

2.  Look as far ahead as possible.  To say it another way, look as far through the corner as possible.  As Derek said, this will 'slow things down' and give you more time to react.

3.  Turn your head and shoulders in the direction you are turning.  Even exaggerate it.  This will force you into a 'decent' body position, and eliminate the chances of being 'crossed up.'


Go on a solo ride on a nice curvy piece of asphalt.  Try all of these 1 at a time.  When you feel comfortable with each, do them all together.  Focus on smoothly gliding through corners...next thing you know you'll be riding faster & safer.


There is obviously more to cornering technique than this, but these 3 things will give you a really good foundation to build on. 

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Thanks for the advice. I will keep it in mind as I ride...


I guess I was looking more for how the sweep, or any other "advise giver" would effectively give these pieces of advise, and coach, another rider, during a group ride, and not "ruin" the group ride for everyone else...

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Thanks for the advice. I will keep it in mind as I ride...


I guess I was looking more for how the sweep, or any other "advise giver" would effectively give these pieces of advise, and coach, another rider, during a group ride, and not "ruin" the group ride for everyone else...


Long as no one crashes, it isn't ruined. Sometimes there are issues and different levels in a group ride. It is part of it, it may change the level of enjoyment a little. But it doesn't ruin it. Anybody that doesn't want to help the noob out is welcome to take off on their own.

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I volunteered sweep in one of the Hocking trips. Quickly found the back rider was uncomfortable. We've all been there, mostly a first trip into an unknown. Fell too far back to effectively see the next rider up for clues. He was smart enough to wave me ahead to lead him. It worked. I can watch him from in front while not doing anything stupid. Total surprise though, I just did not know one out of thirty would be in need.

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Shadyone swept our group and did a stellar job as well. He communicated concerns, he watched how our other riders performed, we checked in with each other at most every stop with a thumbs up, and he ran blockade when I missed a turn so we could all whip Uee's :D

To be honest, I did not realize how much was actually expected of a sweep until he spoke with me about the FZ09 rider. I was elated that he volunteered to caboose the group, and hope to ride with him again very soon.

Is that guy in the video on the forum? I picked him up in our group right after you gents parked him, shortly after that shadyone said the same was going on in front of him, braking through the turns, bad lines, etc. AJ had him step down to the slow group when they came in behind us while we'd pulled over just before Rt33/78. If he's just learning then now is the time to get him into the msf course and some coaching. Seemed a nice dude

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Shadyone swept our group and did a stellar job as well. He communicated concerns, he watched how our other riders performed, we checked in with each other at most every stop with a thumbs up, and he ran blockade when I missed a turn so we could all whip Uee's :D

To be honest, I did not realize how much was actually expected of a sweep until he spoke with me about the FZ09 rider. I was elated that he volunteered to caboose the group, and hope to ride with him again very soon.

Is that guy in the video on the forum? I picked him up in our group right after you gents parked him, shortly after that shadyone said the same was going on in front of him, braking through the turns, bad lines, etc. AJ had him step down to the slow group when they came in behind us while we'd pulled over just before Rt33/78. If he's just learning then now is the time to get him into the msf course and some coaching. Seemed a nice dude

Thanks Hellmutt for the kind words. I think he understood that he was above his head. I wanted to talk to him after the ride but didn't get a chance. I hope we haven't scared him from our rides as he seemed like a good guy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I hope we haven't scared him from our rides as he seemed like a good guy.

Me too. But if he's pissed about it and doesn't join us all again, so be it.....at least he's still alive and unscathed. I'd much rather have a hater than a funeral to attend

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