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Electric Bikes, some I never heard of...


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Interesting. They seem to be making some progress. I'll have to wait until they get something with a 600 mile range (or really fast recharge) that is price competitive with fossil fuel bikes.

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I am curious how the infrastructure for recharging electric cars and motorcycles is going to evolve...or if it will.


Electric seems like it would work for short commuting.  Logistically, how would you take a long trip in an electric, non-hybrid, vehicle?  Rechrging seems impractical due to time.  You would almost need a 'battery swap' station to get new electrons and be quickly back on the road.

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I dream of a standard battery pack and have service stations swap out battery packs. You pay by the pack. Small cars might take one. Large SUV may take 6.


Agree.  It would almost have to be a standard battery pack to work.  

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That's pretty cool!

Not sure I'd want to ride a motorcycle on that glass surface, but it's a great concept.

I checked into their website, and if what they are saying is true, then the DOT has checked their surface for friction testing, and told them to ease up on their friction surface.  


This would indicate to me that the surface is just as good at gripping tires as asphalt.  :dunno:

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That article has an electric cruiser.  I guess I never thought about it before, but I can't see a silent motorcycle catching on with cruiser crowd.


The battery would also need to power amps and speakers to make exhaust sounds, right? 

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Seeing how the range for some of these is enough for most people to ride to work for at least a few days to a whole week, they would be great for getting to and from work which is where most of my miles come from, regardless of vehicle.

Charging stations are popping up all over the western US, hopefully there will be more elsewhere.

They aren't for everyone, but I must say I would certainly consider one for running around town and to work.

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