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Straight White Guy Festival

Strictly Street

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Festival Flyers Have Residents Asking If ‘Straight White Guy Festival’ Is Real Or A Joke




COLUMBUS, Ohio - Goodale Park is the home to an ever growing number of festivals, including the Gay Pride Parade and ComFest.

But a flyer that's gone up around Clintonville is sending a less inclusive message. 

It's promoting the Straight White Guy Festival. It claims the festival will be held in Goodale Park in September.

Several pictures of the flyers tacked on telephone poles were posted on Twitter.

In a community where the push for equality is on full display, not everyone appreciates the message. 

“This kind of thing implies there's some kind of struggle going on for being a straight white person in Ohio. Straight white people are doing just fine,” said Michael Premo.

Premo heads an organization pushing same-sex marriage. He says the flyer is not productive.

Clintonville is in a panic the "Straight White Guys" might be moving into the area.
:lol: :lol: :lol:: :lol:


Edited by Strictly Street
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This is great in my opinion and just goes to show that people really do get up in arms when something like this happens but we are suppose to be OK with stuff like the NAACP etc.

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I bet if someone started a "United white boy college fund" that would be racist.


I bet their motivations would be justifiably questioned.  Heck, there already is a "united white boy college fund" in the form of historic economic advantage and enrollment figures.


Anyway, like Premo said, straight white people are doing fine (well, no certainly worse than anyone else!), and I agree wholeheartedly that the flyer is unproductive.  I maintain there should be a Straight White Nerd Parade and have Weird Al officiate.  I'd attend that one.

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Festivals for everyone!


I can't recall the exact quote, or who said it, but it goes something like "shouting about how proud you are to be different is not the way to gain acceptance."


I am all about equal rights.  Equal.  I think this is a reasonable demonstration of how ridiculous some of the pride events (or at least a segment of their participants) have gotten. 

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Festivals for everyone!


I can't recall the exact quote, or who said it, but it goes something like "shouting about how proud you are to be different is not the way to gain acceptance."


I am all about equal rights.  Equal.  I think this is a reasonable demonstration of how ridiculous some of the pride events (or at least a segment of their participants) have gotten. 


It's funny because I was in the Columbus Pride parade representing my employer, and I was surprised with how much more normal it was than I expected.  It certainly was no DooDah parade, that's for sure, nor was it a Comic/Sci-Fi con or Maker's Faire or Burning Man or Coachilla.

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All straight white guys? Hmmm.... Doesn't sound like much fun. Black people have better music and, let's be honest.... have the dance moves. Gay dudes usually bring a level of entertainment not typical of the rest of us. Chicks.... Chicks are nice to have too. I don't think I'll go.

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All straight white guys? Hmmm.... Doesn't sound like much fun. Black people have better music and, let's be honest.... have the dance moves. Gay dudes usually bring a level of entertainment not typical of the rest of us. Chicks.... Chicks are nice to have too. I don't think I'll go.


That's just not fair.  Accurate maybe, but totally racist, you insensitive clod.  Now where's that Kenny G album I had on...

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I'd go. Everyone else gets a festival or parade. We also need the White Entertainment Channel WET for short. Ellen and The Cosby Show would be played because good TV is good TV. But the people that run LOGO and BET wpuld probably be offended.

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I'd go. Everyone else gets a festival or parade. We also need the White Entertainment Channel WET for short. Ellen and The Cosby Show would be played because good TV is good TV. But the people that run LOGO and BET wpuld probably be offended.


Isn't there already WET in the form of G4, Spike, FOX News...

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Maybe all this is because, as a general rule, everyone hates a habitual winner.


Maybe, but they are hated even more so if the winning was/is done with underhanded, prejudicial arrogance.  Tell me with a straight face that old white dudes in power don't ever play dirty.

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Isn't that the juxtaposition of this discussion. It isn't acceptable to be white strait and proud. But anything else needs to be sung from the roof tops. The way I see it if you can promote your lifestyle I can promote mine.

So ride a motorcycle, listen to metal, support local music and don't be a fuckwit. Also be kind to one another, don't hate anyone it is a waste of energy. This life is short and only temporary.

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Isn't that the juxtaposition of this discussion. It isn't acceptable to be white strait and proud. But anything else needs to be sung from the roof tops. The way I see it if you can promote your lifestyle I can promote mine.

So ride a motorcycle, listen to metal, support local music and don't be a fuckwit. Also be kind to one another, don't hate anyone it is a waste of energy. This life is short and only temporary.


So, I agree with all of that, and if someone can come up with a parade name that doesn't sound like it's making insensitive mockery of minority celebrations, then count me fully in.  I just can't imagine that name at this time in history, not while people still "dog-whistle" (or outright shout) racial epitaphs, actively work to disenfranchise minority voters, legislate against same-sex marriage, and use Immigration issues as code for keeping the mexican populous on the down-low (i.e. fine for lawnscaping, construction and fast food service as long as they speak our fooking language).

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