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Motoseries August 29-31 Nelson Ledges


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but I reject the notion that any org can prevent riders from being asshats.  If they were observing that and not addressing it, then that is absolutely a problem, but no organization can alter the way a person is riding unless the offending rider wants to modify his habits.



Absolutely can, act an Asshat one time at Mid O and I can name several CR that will show you to the gate. Two just posted, Brian and Rusty will both have you escorted out. Doesnt even have to be a CR, if Medical or Corner Workers see something we report it to Brian, Mike or Todd and it gets addressed too. Asshats do not last more than a session there.


This is when you help them pack up and tell them to have a nice day.

This right here.

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To get back on the discussion topic......I had a wonderful weekend at Nelson.  Friday night I pretty much had the track to myself the last two advanced sessions.   Saturday although hot was fun and I had a blast trying to keep up with Brandon and Matt.  Looking at the forecast I decided to bail on the N2 day on Sunday and head home.  I wish I would have stayed for the races on Sunday.  Hope to see the "usual suspects"  @ PIRC. Perhaps Mr. Race Day will make a cameo appearance.  

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Brian, I have ignored your posts for close to a year now, but you are simply wrong on several points. 


First, that wasn't an inside pass any more than passing on the left in the middle of the front straight is an inside pass.  I acknowledged from the start that it was a dumb move by the CR, or appears to be on the video anyway - but it wasn't dumb because it was an "inside pass," it was dumb because it was extremely close for no discernible reason.  I could only speculate as to why the decision to pass was made, but I'm sure it wasn't to wreck the guy behind him.  He passed on the right when then next turn was also a right.  To me it looked as though he clipped the rider's bar or clipped his front wheel when he moved left to set up for the right. 


Second, 1:0X is not an advanced time (unless you're on an SV, maybe).  At least it never was with NESBA, and everyone here seems to think N2 is "NESBA reincarnated."  I was turning 1:05's before NESBA moved me into Advanced, and I still felt like the slow guy out there.   I have never ridden with N2, so perhaps that has changed, but I would be in the 1:08 range on my out lap with cold tires and not be the fastest guy in Intermediate.  Not by a long-shot.


As for the passing rules, did you make them?  You claim to be able to read the minds of the people who did and know their reasons. The passing rules are not only for safety.  Yes, disallowing inside passes prevents one rider from lowsiding into another, but I have discussed this many times with former NESBA and current N2 event directors.  Their passing rules are designed to force you to learn before you move up into the next group.  When you're only allowed to pass on the straights, you have to learn to back off and get a good drive on larger bikes, and/or be hard on the brakes and carry more speed through the following turn.  When you're only allowed to make outside passes, you have to learn to be that much quicker in a turn, and complete your pass before the other rider runs wide and blocks your line on exit, or apex later and come up the inside with more drive right at the exit.  Safety is absolutely part of it, but that is not the sole purpose of the passing rules.






That's simply false.  I learned to back off on the back straight so that I could carry more speed through turn 10 and catch people exiting 10, then pass them on the straight.  I also learned to pass people on the brakes into 1 (while still straight up and down) before tipping in and carrying more speed through 1 than they would have.  By the time you get to turn 7, any liter bikes who were on your ass entering turn 1 are not close enough to stay in front of you braking into 10 again. 



If we're going to agree to disagree, then that's fine - but try not to be so condescending about it.  I've never claimed to be god's gift to riding, but to the best of my knowledge, you have never seen me ride and have no basis for judging my abilities.  Even if you had, you could do so without being rude, couldn't you?



They were approaching a right hand turn, dude.  That is setting up for an inside pass.  The inside of the track is on their right, correct?  Not an inside turn pass.  It wasn't a straightaway pass, either.  Riders including the CR were coming out of throttle on approach.  You can ignore my posts for a year all you want.  You're not at a level to understand and yet you are on here acting like you are because you "race" XR100s.  You're not an avid racer and cannot sit and tell me the things you are saying...  I'm not being rude.  You ACT like you know everything.  You use YOUR lap times, tell us about YOUR experiences.  Your times, ability and everything is not to a point you should be telling us such things with conviction.  You race an XR now and apparently god's gift to that as we've all heard and read through your posts. 


I think that if a guy is running a 1:05, that's fine for advanced.  Period.  The average expert times are in the :58-:59 times.  6-7 seconds off that is fine.  I think if an advanced rider is doing up to 10 seconds off the fastest laps at that track, they are more than fine to run advanced.  The fastest is a :57.  That means a 1:07 is going to be eligible.  Boarderline, but acceptable.  1:07 -mid teens is fine for I group.  Period.


Take any track and run that formula and it works.  But as you actually stated and I agree with is that times are less important than predictability and consistency. 


Finally, I could give two shits about what NESBA does or what YOU'VE heard or been told.  Again, you tell us like we are idiots and you know it all.  There are guys on here that feel the same way that HAVE raced with you and feel similar.  I have been at the track at the same time as you and NEVER saw you.  If you are an advanced rider, running 1:05s at a track day, talk to the world's fastest riders in NESBA, shouldn't you know on your own?


And if I must, here's my credentials...  I have been instructing, coaching and working with kids, adults and even newb riders to better themselves as riders and even racers for a LOOOONG time.  I never was a NESBA guy, but I know these heroes of yours.  Apparently they have a few bad eggs like every track day does.  N2 isn't any different.  Mid-Ohio is the same as well as STT.  But an instructor does that on my watch or at the Mid-Ohio school?  They aren't coming back.  That was a bullshit move and was 1000000% avoidable.  I have closed on guys like you at a track day SOOOO fast going into one and off a back straight at whatever track you wish to discuss and have been almost to the point of locking the front to avoid the inside pass on entry to a turn.  The point to that is that while your ability may be lower and running a slower lap, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to pass cleanly and safely.


Passing on the outside is an allowable technique due to the safety within the I group.  Yes, it can be used as a teaching element.  But if I don't teach by example or go over it with you one on one or in a group, how do you learn other than trying it freely which can kill people.


That's what you don't seem to get.  You can defend whomever you want.  Give us your critique of whatever track day company.  You can tell us how you out drive and pass guys on liter bikes and pass on the inside and carry speed, blah, blah, blah...  The fact is simple.  This is a sport where you fuck up?  You can kill someone.  It isn't little play bikes where you skin a knee.  This is big boy shit and your inability and unawareness can literally take the life of someone else.  Any two wheel racing can be dangerous.  And I want to say up front that guys like Devon, Brian, etc are great big bike riders and I respect them a great deal.  But they don't get on here blabbling BS like you do.


Brian and Devon especially are really solid riders.  I want to take Brian and get his times down and I think his ability will allow that.  But guess what?  He isn't telling us how fast he is or how he handles the track and the turns, out drives liter bikes, etc...  Devon has a lot to give as an instructor and while I think he still has a lot to learn, he is really a great library of knowledge and can get that across to others and help them.  We teach an Intermediate classroom and the topic is simply line choice and how to maintain the proper speeds, drive and a bit of braking.


Rant over.  Resume ignoring me.  I just think that impressionable people that come on this site and read the BS spewing out of your mouth can get themselves into trouble.  What there is from this site, is a group of really good riders that are very accomplished, very good at teaching others and above all?  HUMBLE.


The short list is most the guys in this thread.  There's a lot of quiet guys that do not come on and are as well.  The staff at Mid-Ohio that are from the region are some of the best guys I know.  They teach a lot and do a lot to help other riders.  A lot!!!!


I'm out.

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I know what I saw. rslocum was there and he saw it, too. I watched a helicopter land in the field because a rider was pinned underneath a motorcycle, unconscious for almost thirty minutes. I saw a rider break his shoulder by almost rear-ending a fellow rider. I saw another bike blow past a novice rider, run out of track (or talent), and then fly apart in the grass.


Maybe this is typical shit for that track. It's way shorter than anything I'm used to riding, but goddamn. Every session before lunch.. all three groups.. were red flagged. Every. Fucking. Session. Was. Red. Flagged.


Every session before lunch had a crash. Some had two crashes. That's a lot of smashed riders and bikes by eleven o'clock in the morning.


I'm not sure how that doesn't scream "unsafe environment".



The track day company needed to stop the event and have an additional rider's meeting.  Been there, done that.  You cannot always control what happens.  But you sure as shit can stop it all and have a talk.  Seen Moto-Series do it, STT and at Mid-Ohio... 

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I still like what Mike at Mid-O says. In a pass it is the passers responsibility to pass in a way that doesn't take the rider that is being passed out of his or her comfort zone. I think that is a good rule for track days.



That's a good rule for EVERYTHING relating to the track.  Period. 

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Also, since there is such a large audience enjoying this thread, I'd like to point your attention to the beautiful 2007 Kawasaki ZX6R Track Bike for sale in the classifieds section of this esteemed forum.  PM me with any questions, and enjoy the rest of your evening.

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Also, since there is such a large audience enjoying this thread, I'd like to point your attention to the beautiful 2007 Kawasaki ZX6R Track Bike for sale in the classifieds section of this esteemed forum.  PM me with any questions, and enjoy the rest of your evening.


Someone buy this now so he will only finish third in the championship. 

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9/13, but it's a PIRC day. I was confused by Rusty's post. Ok, I was confused because of marijuana, but I always try to read his posts in a German accent.. and that's really hard to do with a straight face when you're baked. :)

Why you confuse .i said come back in 2 weeks with motoseries,and if you cant wait that long this weekend is track day at midohio.

You guys better have bikes tech ready,something tells me some people bikes will get extra attention,lol.

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The track day company needed to stop the event and have an additional rider's meeting.  Been there, done that.  You cannot always control what happens.  But you sure as shit can stop it all and have a talk.  Seen Moto-Series do it, STT and at Mid-Ohio...

They did call an additional meeting. If I recall correctly they said to "Get your heads out of your asses."

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You're not at a level to understand and yet you are on here acting like you are because you "race" XR100s. You're not an avid racer and cannot sit and tell me the things you are saying... I'm not being rude.


You race an XR now and apparently god's gift to that .


It isn't little play bikes where you skin a knee. This is big boy shit and your inability and unawareness can literally take the life of someone else. Any two wheel racing can be dangerous. And I want to say up front that guys like Devon, Brian, etc are great big bike riders and I respect them a great deal.


You're right. None of that was rude or condescending at all. You didn't at all imply that i'm a takentless hack and lsmaller bikes arent real racing. And apparently you have a really unique way of showing your "respect" for Brian. All I've ever seen you do is rant at him about how small bikes are worthless teaching tools.

Keep telling yourself how nice and helpful you are to everyone. I never questioned your riding credentials, only the way the message is delivered. As I plainly stated, I don't consider myself any kind of riding phenom, but I know what experiences have helped me learn. You're trying to tell me that I didn't learn things I've experienced firsthand. Which one of us sounds like the know-it-all in that scenario?

I don't know why I bother responding to your posts. You don't actually hear what I'm saying an just choose to fight rather than actually responding to my points.

Here's to another year of ignoring each other.

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So, I heard there's a good, close race in the 600 class with MotoSeries?  Wish I was still running I might have had a chance to get in that mix, but I quit.


JBot, daughter is cute, if she doesn't start sleeping, just remember we went 12 months and a week before we got over 5 nights of our kid sleeping a full night.  That was awesome. 

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Also, since there is such a large audience enjoying this thread, I'd like to point your attention to the beautiful 2007 Kawasaki ZX6R Track Bike for sale in the classifieds section of this esteemed forum.  PM me with any questions, and enjoy the rest of your evening.



I am going to send the info to a buddy.  That thing is a sweet ride and you've always maintained it well.  It would make someone a great steed.  Like Madcat.

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They did call an additional meeting. If I recall correctly they said to "Get your heads out of your asses."


Sounds very insightful and informative. 

.  It would make someone a great steed.  Like Madcat.

So Madcat would make a great steed? :lol:  We could pimp him in German Village.

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