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So what's with the hating on sportbikes today?


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Of the foolish shit I see happening on highways on a daily basis, it seems like the chain of events for a majority of it can be traced to an asshole blocking the left lane.


"keep right except to pass; yield to faster traffic" is about the only the fundamental rule you really need on the highway. If that is happening, the rest sorts itself out. I would love to see the highway patrol enforce something promoting safety, as opposed to something easy to prove in court with a laser gun.

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maybe spend money to educate instead of spending money and wasting legislative time to write a law into the books that won't/can't be effectively enforced.  cops can also easily pull people over and give them a warning and that would be enough to get the word out that without pissing everyone off with actual tickets.


i don't think we need a law for every little inconvenience in life.


Correct.  Can't legislate patience and common courtesy - both of which are soon to be extinct.

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Back 50 some years ago they use to teach drivers etiquette in drivers training. I think etiquette is pretty much and obsolete word in today’s society. But that would be a completely different conversation.

Edited by HeavyDuty
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maybe spend money to educate instead of spending money and wasting legislative time to write a law into the books that won't/can't be effectively enforced.  cops can also easily pull people over and give them a warning and that would be enough to get the word out that without pissing everyone off with actual tickets.


i don't think we need a law for every little inconvenience in life.


police need probable cause to believe that the law is being violated to initiate a traffic stop.  They can't (legally) pull people over just to "warn" them that they're not breaking any laws, but they're being rude.

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I thoroughly enjoyed riding through zona, the road from Kingman to Vegas was fantastic.


kingman to vegas is pretty boring...nice scenery the first few times....but it gets old when you make the drive often enough


and i used to like riding here too - until i got a "criminal speed" ticket, on my criminal record not just my driving record, for going 86 in a 65 (while there were cars passing me in both lanes)....doesnt matter if cars are doing 100mph, if there's a bike anywhere to be seen, the biker gets stopped...i was doing 86 just trying to keep up with traffic, middle lane, getting passed by cars in the fast lane and the HOV lane...and somehow i still got the ticket...he "cut me a break" by not arresting me, according to him....whatever man....riding is nice out here, but not anywhere near the city....worst part is half the police are unmarked, so you never really know where they are...a lot of them dont even have antennas on top or a spot light, its a completely stock vehicle outside

Edited by Steve Butters
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kingman to vegas is pretty boring...nice scenery the first few times....but it gets old when you make the drive often enough

and i used to like riding here too - until i got a "criminal speed" ticket, on my criminal record not just my driving record, for going 86 in a 65 (while there were cars passing me in both lanes)....doesnt matter if cars are doing 100mph, if there's a bike anywhere to be seen, the biker gets stopped...i was doing 86 just trying to keep up with traffic, middle lane, getting passed by cars in the fast lane and the HOV lane...and somehow i still got the ticket...he "cut me a break" by not arresting me, according to him....whatever man....riding is nice out here, but not anywhere near the city....worst part is half the police are unmarked, so you never really know where they are...a lot of them dont even have antennas on top or a spot light, its a completely stock vehicle outside

I was well into triple digits the whole way, dusk into nightfall back in September 09. I didn't see any police... maybe I was just lucky.

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once you leave the city - the police are far and few between....we usually dont see a single cop from just outside phoenix until we hit vegas....most people do 80-100 the whole way from phoenix to vegas without issue, i just dont wanna push my luck based on previous encounters....they dont get people often out here, but when they do they will nail you to the wall

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police need probable cause to believe that the law is being violated to initiate a traffic stop.  They can't (legally) pull people over just to "warn" them that they're not breaking any laws, but they're being rude.


so you're telling me police can't and don't stop people all the time without probably cause?

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There are a couple times I deserved to be flipped off.  I had only been riding a few months. For whatever reason I just didn't see a red light and slammed on my brakes last minute. In the process of crapping my pants and coming to a complete stop I accidentally hit my horn and freaked out an old lady in the lane beside me. She flipped me off right to my faceshield.  The next time an old lady flipped me off I was being an ass and totally deserved it.

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so you're telling me police can't and don't stop people all the time without probably cause?


I'm not saying they don't, but they are not supposed to, and if they do so and subsequently find evidence of a crime, that evidence should be suppressed.

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