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Fall Colors

Unk Greg

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Holmes County listed as #3 best for viewing fall foliage

by National Geographic. Now if they would only catch a

pic or two of the topless natives! ; > )



And now, I have this image of a pretty Amish girl.  Twenty

something.  Topless.  Nice.  Posing beside an Amish

buggy with flames painted on the side of it.


You've tainted my image of young Amish women, or well,

some of them.  I like it.  Oh, I've become twisted.  Or, at

least exposed my twisted thoughts.





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Loved the link....paying taxes, yeah, and sometimes they slip township trustees a bit more to help care for the back twp roads that they may live on.....

Always got a kick out of the car parked just beyond the farm house....one of Der boys, chust hasn't joined the church yet. Church? Yeah, look for the odd shaped (enclosed) wagon....it carry's the benches and such for the next service....which ain't necessarily every Sunday.

Looking for work? I know some folks that make good money, hauling Amish.

Smiling here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here Jack, get down and get worldly.....or Google some more!


Big smiles here.....


That was an interesting read.  I didn't know Amish teens

did those things against their upbringing.  I would have

thought that they were more inclined to avoid those kinds

of activities.  I also viewed Amish girls as being pure as

the driven snow until they were married.  Guess it's not

as I thought after all.


How long does a community allow a young person to

practice Rumspringa before they are shunned?  The

story suggests that some in their twenties are still not

members of the church.  How does the community treat

them?  Could one go off and return years later, and then

go back to Amish life?




Edited by JackFlash
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