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Wedding stuff...


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SO..... Got engaged last friday.. now its time to start planning.. couple questions.


Im not baptized. can I get married in a church?

Great wedding venues.

Great Reception venues.


Most of the lower half the state is fair game as we are both from small towns on opposite sides. we are think about 250 guest.

anything else I need to know? and lets keep the "run away now" ideas to a minimum..




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Destination wedding is out as my mother grand mother aunt and uncle all on that side would be unable to afford to attend. this means we would either have to swing the cash for them or they stay home. I cant do that to my mother. and therefore to far away is out.

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Keep it simple and inexpensive. Even if the Mrs. thinks she want to have some huge elaborate wedding I can about bet a in the future even she will wish you did it different. We were poo when we got married, hell i got laid off from my job a month before, and i bet we spent less than $1000 out of our pocket for EVERYTHING, that included the dress(used), tux(rented), all 3 rings(on clearance at JC Penny), hotel the night after. Other things like Church(family church,free), minister (parents paid him ass a present), reception hall(local Big Brothers hall, rented paid by inlaws as a present), catering w/cake(basic summer picnic type food all paid for a prepared by various family member as a gift) DJ (friend my wife knew, as a gift). And after 20 years together (17 married) i couldn't imagine doing it any other way. 


I'v seen many drop big coin on fancy weddings and for what? When the day is over does it really mean anything more or less?  just dont get why some get carried away with weddings. And if your Mrs. to be starts in with "It's her big day" I'd seriously rethink everything, because marrying those types never ends well.

Edited by 2talltim
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Backyard wedding. Rented a tent and a port-a-potty, called in the mayor, bought $500 worth of booze and a $100 cake that no one ate. Had everyone bring a dish and threw one helluva party. $1500.

Still get compliments about what a great time it was. Fancy and expensive = stupid.

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For 250 people to do a traditional wedding at a venue with catered food you're looking at well over 7 grand....start saving now....

Divide the people in half and double the price and this is what my wife talked her dad in to :lol:
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For 250 people to do a traditional wedding at a venue with catered food you're looking at well over 7 grand....start saving now....

Welcome to 2014. When we got married 3 years ago it was close to 25k with 200 people. Luckily we didn't pay a dime of it and her mom and dad (separately) are loaded. It was over the top and I really did not enjoy it one bit. The plus side is when she croaks we are going to live a very comfortable life, and she is an only child.

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I got married 9 years ago on the 30th of this month. We rented a small hall in my hometown, made all the food ourselves, and my brother paid for the DJ. Not including her dress, I had less than 1k in it.


We only had about 50 guests, because I'm not a people person. But, in my opinion, it was just right. We kept all the drinking for the reception over at my in law's place where her step dad bought all the booze. THAT was perfect.

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If you plan on getting married in a Catholic church you will have to go through the indocterination training and be baptized.

Not totally true, depends on the church priest now, but one of you normally DOES have to be baptized into THAT church and have family that still goes there.


If you just want to get married in a church, you don't technically have to be baptized, actually neither do, just depends on the priest/church/beliefs.  My wife is Catholic, I am Episcopalian, we got married in a totally different church due to our wedding size.


If you are planning to do a full wedding with catering, rented venue, and plan to truly invite 250 people, plan on about 60% showing up, and less than that eating.  If you are doing a true caterer, plus venue, plus church and priest, plan 20-25K easy.


If you do what we did, invited 300 people had about 225 show up, paid for a church, venue(way cheaper than most places, and then bought our food at GFS, booze from the bar I worked at at cost, and 3 kegs for free, cupcakes, free cake, and all utensils etc we only spent 7K, including paying my friend to serve, and friend to bartend.  Most expensive part was the venue, 1500. 


Similar to MaxPower we did 75% of the stuff ourselves and kept overhead cheap.  Also like him, we still have people talk about it and tell us how perfectly fitting it was for us.  May not be your thing, but our venue was an old mansion/horse farm.  The Barn was finished with bathrooms, kitchen, concerete floor, etc, and that was where the reception was.  Mansion my parents rented to sleep their families, so that wasn't on us.  We had GFS BBQ stuff, kept appetizers down to simple stuff, mac n cheese, baked beans, stuff like that.  Super easy and just needed warmed up.


I was told for a "normal" wedding these days, plan on each guest costing roughly $125, for food, drinks, venue, gifts, etc.  That was the general number I heard a lot.

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Yea man, prices have definitely climbed. I am in the same process as OP right now.

Dude, I know the perfect place for you, same place we had ours, they can even do the ceremony outside by a pond.  google little brook meadows in lancaster ohio.  Trust me, its perfect for you guys, if she wants something nicer than just a backyard wedding.

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