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Road Atlanta & VIR 4/4/15 - 4/6/15


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Getting pretty pumped. If anyone is interested we have some spots open in the trailer.

I just need to change oil/coolant and maybe brake fluid, then drill some more holes in the bodywork for mounting purposes and im ready to roll.


Edited by Jester_
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made some progress today....bike is moved off the trailer and onto the workstand










Nahhh made some real progress, changed the fork seals and refreshed the fluids, changed the front sprocket over to a 16 for the long back straight at RA, repaired my throttle tube and threw on some new grips and pulled the fairing stay to repair tomorrow after work while doing the final sanding to the bodywork for paint.


Looking at the weather now, wish I would have stayed out there and changed the brake master cylinder over from the street bike.  Going to be freezing my ass off working this week into next getting everything ready.

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hahaha...I'm the one who brought it up....would be dangerous as all hell.


Made some more progress yesterday:

Drilled/tapped the rearset mounting ears.  Mounted up a pair of rearsets and did a few jump tests on them, then on the steet bike...couldn't tell a difference.

Put the "new" quickshifter from annitori on and remounted the tank.

Scuffed the bodywork for paint....found a weak spot on the lower; think the headers were pressed against it.  Cut out that area, fiberglassed it, and putty'd it.  Ready for sanding then paint today.



Really hoping the rear shock comes in today so I can mount it up along with the subframe then button up the wiring, get the damn thing started and change out the fluids

Need to get a brake side rearset functioning....have a couple that are damaged that I can piece together with a little work.

Also need to figure out what I'm doing with the gastank.  It is dented a little, which I dont care about.  But there are a few spots that got scuffed up pretty good, don't really want to run around with a soon-to-be rusting gastank.

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Sounds like good progress, I just need to switch out my coolant and put my wheels on. Probably do that on Thursday or something. 



Oh and need to see if I have enough play in chain adjustment to put a 43 on the rear. 

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You can go faster in the straights....just means I need to be quicker in the turns.


Then when I lose 50lbs and pick up a bike with more hp, your screwed....





Oh, and I paid Ron to hold you up.

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Ahhh yes the rolling road block!!!  Mister AMA fancy pants does have a tow for the entire weekend you and I will be probably running the Island of Misfit Toys group for at least Saturday so he will have the competitive edge come Sunday :)

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I will probably run Intermediate for a session or two on Saturday with you guys. Hopefully you get bumped to A rather quickly. I am torn between learning from Borello and having fun mixing it up with you guys. 

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John, video looks good!  About how many people were there? The few shots of the paddock looked a little sparse compared to when we were there last year.




We will have to see how intermediate goes, could be worse, could be signed up in N like I was 2 weeks ago  :)  

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