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Rider from Cincinnati


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Whats up everyone?

Im from the Cincinnati area and I ride a 2012 Kawasaki Ninja EX650.


Looking for others from around the area to ride with, sport bikes or cruisers doesn't matter to me.


I am also looking to do motovlogs once the season starts up again, if anyone else motovlogs and/or would like to join in thatd be cool.


Anyways thanks for taking a look

Ride safe!


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Welcome to OR.  There's several riders from Cinti here, but most of the membership/ride activity is located centrally around the C-bus area and to the east side of the state.  I'm gonna do my usual and suggest checking out the Assfault Junkies site (younger crowd, somewhat track oriented, very active ride membership in the warmer months, some drama involved) and LocalRiders.com (smaller/less active forum membership, a bit older, good riding crowd).  If you're newish to the local riding scene, head south across the river to NKY for some of the best twisties in the region.  If you're interested in hitting me up for a local ride or finding new routes ion the area, PM me here or on LR (forum name icantdrive55).  To meet some of the regular Cinti riders, stop in at Fuel Coffee any Saturday 8-12 AM.  Mostly car guys this time of year, but spring is right the corner….I hope.

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I'm up in Hamilton.

I don't know what a motovlog is.

Pay attention to assfaultjunkies for cincy local rides in KY as bubba said.

Comet lounge in north side on Tuesday nights for two wheel Tuesday. All year long but best in the spring ofcourse.

I ride a bit of everything. if it has two wheels, I dig it.

See you around.

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Hey all, sorry for the late response.

If anyone around the tristate area ever wants to get together and ride I'm all for it. I'm actually setting up things to go and ride the Dragons tail in early July.

Thanks for the welcome!

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