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Multistrada didn't sell ( :) ), so I'm down like Charlie Brown.


Very cool, hope we to see you there in that strada once again.


Nivin if you are riding down, or just want a break, you can stop and stretch at my house in Avon. I'm a little over 2 hours away from the D.


Thanks a lot Inya, you are too kind. As of now i have to get a bike > then if i get the bike i might ride down friday all the way to SEO and staying close to meet spot.


Very sad i can't make this. :(

Sent from my iPhone.


booooo, you really need to come out. such a big crowd coming from NEO


I intend to be there.  Put me down for Slow or Medium since I've not done any rural riding since my surgery...  And I may have to leave early as I'm on call.


bringing the VFR ? :( miss already

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Nivin if you're making this then It will give me an added boost to make sure I get everything as moved out as possible so I can mKe it. Still weather dependent though

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Nivin if you're making this then It will give me an added boost to make sure I get everything as moved out as possible so I can mKe it. Still weather dependent though


Brian i am trying to even buy a bike in the next two weeks to make this. I know its gonna be a bad idea to make such haste. Still i had taken off very early for this.


In midwest you get like 20 good days to ride a motorcycle if your working a crazy schedule. So every day lost is loss on your investment. :(

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Apparently I'm out of the loop, which is what happens when you log in twice a year.


What happened to the VFR?


Sold it :( spontaneous decision and bad move. Now in bike withdrawal and shaking real bad with spells of insomnia. Looking for the next fix.

$6500 for you, Nivin. You'd look good on that Multistrada.


I want to see you in that multi for one more season or else you will quit for that silly pedal bike of yours

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Sold it :( spontaneous decision and bad move. Now in bike withdrawal and shaking real bad with spells of insomnia. Looking for the next fix.


I want to see you in that multi for one more season or else you will quit for that silly pedal bike of yours



Ahh...the 'I have a baby now and must sell all dangerous toys' move ? I commend you...but..boys need their toys. If I didn't have some form of engine and two wheels beneath me, I would be Ohio's next mass murderer. It keeps me sane.

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booooo, you really need to come out. such a big crowd coming from NEO





yea I know! I voted for another weekend but everyone wanted to do it the 16th.....

I was just as excited for the ride down with those fools as I was the actual ride.

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Weather permitting I am in.  I will set up my Island of Hate as I did last year but this year instead of sammiches it will be the     Island of Hate filled Donuts       I will bring donuts from the home area, and hit the local circle K for white and choc milk.

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I'm trying. Gonna go grab my dad's trailer to move as much shit out of my house as possible this weekend so I can have all day Saturday

Also did I mention the weather needs to cooperate? :D

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Can I being my tornado of hate to the Island of Hate? Weather depending of course


And I think you need to bring a hurricane rather than a tornado. That seems more island like....

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Saturday is iffy. I will ask the boss if I can get it off and update.


If the ride is Sunday which it may be. Looking far into the future says 30% chance Sunday but that's most definitely going to change. I'm not thinking a little 30% would shut it down. 


Put me down for medium fast. 

Saturday : TBD 

Sunday : Definitely!!!! 

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Well, now I'm out. Just got a call requesting I help run sound for my daughter's school play . Dress rehearsal is all day Saturday from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. Dammit.

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Too late to join in on this ride?

Would be riding from Akron area if that makes a difference.as far as a NE meetup?

anyways...how's everyone been? Hope you're all having a good Spring.

Hello, finally we will meet :) we been riding around the neo region a lot and never got to ride together.

Neo train is riding down from Lodi through millers burg

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Too late to join in on this ride?


Would be riding from Akron area if that makes a difference.as far as a NE meetup?


anyways...how's everyone been? Hope you're all having a good Spring.


Never too late. Just be at the church if you don't find a group to run down with.


There are two NEO runs down there. Mine, which currently has me, a crippled guy that probably won't be there and a crazy fat bald guy that might be there.  You don't need to come to my meet point, pick something along the route I describe and we will stop there on the way. Maybe 18 and 77, or cut over to Massillon and we can pick you up on 21 there. Ours is just a slab it and get there group.




Or for a more fun run down there is this crew. You will just have to swing a bit more west to get to them.



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