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Wanting some advice on ADV riding


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Just bought a Tiger 800, not the XC model, but has engine guards, skid plate  and a few other offroad farkles. I bought it mainly to be able to ride it to work/school and carry all of my crap with me, but the secondary reason was the idea of Adventure riding. My only experience with motorcycling has been with my street bike. Where are some good places I can go to see what I would need to get more into Adv riding? Appreciate the help!

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Just bought a Tiger 800, not the XC model, but has engine guards, skid plate  and a few other offroad farkles. I bought it mainly to be able to ride it to work/school and carry all of my crap with me, but the secondary reason was the idea of Adventure riding. My only experience with motorcycling has been with my street bike. Where are some good places I can go to see what I would need to get more into Adv riding? Appreciate the help!

Congratulations on the new bike. As far as good places I will suggest you may go to:  http://www.advrider.com/forums/index.php this is a world wide Adventure Forum. Adventure Ohio is Regional:  http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28732

There is a little bit of everything in AO but sometimes rides will get posted. The rides are a mix of everything. Introduce yourself and see what going on. I have posted events here on OR before but have not had much Adventure type response. Hope to see you on a group ride sometime. B.

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There are MANY categories of what are called "adventure" bikes.  The Tiger is a great bike for railing backroads and twisties and would certainly be a hoot on gravel FS roads and maybe some not-very-technical two-track trails, but it's a heavy bastard and there's no way I'd want to wrestle with it on any kind of single track or wet and slippery, or loose and sandy trail surface.  As you gain experience, you'll find that the SECOND biggest determinant of what makes for a fun ride off-road--with the FIRST being experience!!!--is tires.  Knobbies will give you much better traction in the gummy Midwest clay than a more street oriented tire; they will, however, make lots of noise, feel buzzy at highway speeds, and wear unacceptably quickly on pavement.  The kind of stuff you'll want to play on is prolly gonna be in SE Ohio.  Tons of FS roads out that way.

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Just bought a Tiger 800, Where are some good places I can go to see what I would need to get more into Adv riding? Appreciate the help!


Here are two crap Vid of some rides with the Big Box Bikes.

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You're right in my backyard (I'm in the New Albany area), and I do a lot of back road and adventure riding (probably more than street, to be honest). If you wanna go hit some back roads and big-bike friendly trails I'm always happy to have the company. I'm scouting a nice loop east of us for a Labor Day Rally for adventure folks in the next few weeks, would be a good way to get your feet in the pool and see what you like...nothing gnarly, just gravel and backroads.

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