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Urban "group rides" video


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I've heard him call into 1100. Not sure who was hosting.  I actually find the people on 1100 to be more "republican" than I can identify with anymore.  I really only listen to 1100 when WMMS and 92.3 are at commercial.  Gohmann seems the most reasonable. 


People have fallen into the trap of using "conservative" and "republican" interchangeably.  On the contrary, I think the notion that the government can't tell you who to marry or what to put in your body are two of the most conservative ideas in the public scope right now.  Neither are at all "Republican."



Reed is just as crooked as Dimora and Russo.

He'll be busted soon enough but Sharpton and Obama will call everyone racists who busts him.


Mike White was the only one smart enough to GTFO before shit got real.

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