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Issue 3 - MJ Legalization


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I hate republican and democrat labels. Ask anyone who claims to be one or the other to define either and they'll spew ideologies that could be descriptions of either side depending on their conservative or liberal slant. Voting for someone because of the label they use is ignorant. Sorry...a little off topic.


Back on topic, vote yes on issue 3 :)

Edited by ScubaCinci
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Back on topic, vote yes on issue 2 :)



Absolutely not. Issue 2 is a lame ass bullshit attempt by the Republicans to bypass the will of the voters when we pass Issue 3.  How the hell can 10 monopolies be bad when 4 were great for the casinos?


I hope you are trolling.

Edited by Tonik
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The state should just have allowed or put on a medical bill years ago, similar to California's so anyone could get it. Allow people to grow it. Keep public possessing amounts low, like an ounce. That way you could focus on busting people selling illegally and make it zero tolerance for having more than that in public, like 10 years in prison if caught dealing outside a dispensary.

This law is fucked. Legalize Ohio 2016s plan is even more fucked in terms of publivc possession amounts, and will allow street dealers to stay in business.

Ohio needs some kind of structure this isn't the Wild West. It's not even the mid west. It's more east coast politics here anymore.

I will be voting yes for 3.

I do love however all the hippie stoners I know and how they they say the main stream media lies and lies, but then they believe the lies they tell about their precious,herb.

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Not this hippy. I know the media either lies or just don't know any better.They are selling you another bad deal just like the casino deal.

NO on issue 3.

I'm already anticipating the thread where all the people who voted for issue 3 will be pissing and moaning about how the law isn't what they thought it would be.Of course,that will be five years and millions of taxpayer dollars after all the legal b.s. if issue 2 passes.

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Issue 3 is not going to pass.


Look at us - i think it would be fair to say that 85-90% of the members here have no problem with legalized marihuana, and WE can't agree on the specifics of the issue.  If I'm being honest, I'm waffling on the issue myself.  I was leaning toward supporting issue 3, but it does feel "icky" to vote for a constitutional amendment that allows a monopoly instead of real liberty.


The law should only license the SALE of marihuana, and then existing zoning laws could govern production.  I get it - we don't want marihauna farms popping up in East Cleveland just because property is cheap or residents want to go into business.   Legal weed will be valuable, and thus attract crime.  (Interesting news pieces on Colorado weed farms btw.  They operate like the federal reserve...)

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I heard a radio interview with an Ohio state rep who is a proponent of issue 2. His chief complaint (he is not against legalizing mj) was that the language in the proposal will not allow any other sellers than the original 10 with the only caveat being if they cannot meet demand (fat chance). Anyone can grow their own, they just can't sell it. So in his mind (correctly so) these guys are trying to corner the market in Ohio. His other main concern that it is a change to the Ohio constitution which in his words "cannot be changed whatsoever - not even a comma". Then the radio host said, "well, we amend constitutions all the time. It could be later amended". To which the rep kinda of tiptoed around and admitted "well yeah, but it would require a vote". Duh.


While I'm against the whole monopoly thing, it's something that can (and likely will) be amended at some point if issue 3 passes. In the meantime, people will grow their own and sell it, just as they are doing today.


I agree with Chris ^^^ even though public sentiment for legalization is high (no pun intended), I think it will fail to pass because of the monopoly issue. I think issue 2 will pass.


Maybe Tonik can invoke the dome of hate to influence the outcome.

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After 4 years the State can license more growing area's.

The language reads:

"One additional growth facility may be allowed for in four years only if existing facilities cannot meet consumer demand"


Here it is if anyone wants to read it.


Edited by ScubaCinci
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I still firmly believe that the choice is this or not in my lifetime. Maybe not in yours. But I get drawing the line, that's why I write in Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian for president each year. We all have our line in the sand.

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I still firmly believe that the choice is this or not in my lifetime. Maybe not in yours.

I don't disagree there. The state rep actually seemed to think that another "more reasonable" ballot would come up very quickly if I3 shot down.


interesting that I read that if both Issue 2 & 3 pass, it would likely to the OH supreme court to decide.

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I don't disagree there. The state rep actually seemed to think that another "more reasonable" ballot would come up very quickly if I3 shot down.


interesting that I read that if both Issue 2 & 3 pass, it would likely to the OH supreme court to decide.


They are also looking at ways to take it to the federal level on constitutional rights issues. I don't know the specifics and IANAL but they are clearly getting ready for war.

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After 4 years the State can license more growing area's. Did you vote yes for 4 monopolies for the rich casino owners like Gilbert?

he can have that monopoly if it its bank rolling a Championship

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It's a monopoly no matter what line of bullshit they are trying to feed. Remember all those internet cafes that populated every abandoned retail space in every town across the state? The ones that provided jobs and an actual chance for people to make money plus brought people into small towns and paid rent to countless buildings. They were shut down by the gambling monopoly that was voted in by the people. The same mess is being voted on here.Just as I was all for gambling in Ohio, I am also all for legalizing marijuana. I voted no on the gambling issues that were put forth and I will be voting no on issue 3 for the exact same reasons. I hope that issue 2 disbands the monopoly the casino's have so the good people of Ohio have an equal chance to conduct business in this state.

Did you ever hear of the charitable gaming industry? That's my livelihood. Thousands employed here in Ohio. The company I work for has been in business since 1967. The upstart Internet cafes that you speak of were really cutting in on our business in Ohio so I was personally glad to see them go. It wasn't just the casinos.

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