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2016 year in review.


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So wrapping up 2016 I thought a short political review was in order.

2016 was the year the libs celebrated the nomination of Trump.  They then proceeded to rig their nomination process so the only person that could lose to him was nominated as their candidate. Then, after having been warned that the Russians were the US's greatest Geo Political foe in the world they feigned indignation when the Russians exposed their anti-democracy plan to get Trump elected. But in the end, they prevailed and were successful, they got Trump elected. They then proceeded to dismantle all of the illegal NSA spying on emails and such that they were fine with when their guy was doing it because they finally started to realized WTF they have done.

Congrats libs, mission accomplished. Pretty f'd up plan, but at least you made it happen.

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Tonic I must take exception to your analysis.  You failed (failed!) to include their beautifully designed strategy to whip up the Democratic base around keystone messages of racism (to distract from Obama's negatives and BLM's rioting and ridiculously racist demands), sexism (to detract from Hillary's negatives), xenophobia (to detract from immigration rule of law), heartlessness (to detract from socialist/collectivist agendas), classism (to detract from their own anti-coal/rural/white biases) and intellectual inferiority (to detract from their own failure to understand economics and keep from being called on their own hypocrisy).  Oh, and the fact that they overplayed every narrative to the point of the general populous tuning them out and under-representing their disgust in polls, leading to an election result that surprised just about everyone.

Liberals are still roiling - I know this for a fact after having a brilliant conversation with an actually very cool lesbian DC PAC member who says they're struggling to regain their direction.  I gently offered the notion that libertarian ideas could hold the keys to digging under partisan lines and she seemed to thoughtfully consider it.  We'll see.

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