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Mini prepping. (Covid-19 thread)


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2 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

CNN actually took a break from their Trump hate opinion pieces to cover this story.  It even seems to be written without political bias, so you better watch it quick before CNN kills it.


Look, CNN sucks. Saying Fox is better than CNN is certainly true. But that does not make Fox good. CNN is better than MSNBC for example.

Come on, Fox was calling Covid a hoax just a few weeks ago.


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22 minutes ago, Tonik said:

Look, CNN sucks. Saying Fox is better than CNN is certainly true. But that does not make Fox good. CNN is better than MSNBC for example.

Come on, Fox was calling Covid a hoax just a few weeks ago.


If your point is that national cable news outlets suck, I'm on board.  The thing that burns me up about CNN specifically is that it used to be a pretty reliable source.  Now that Zucker runs it they are basically Democratic State Media.  He's had a personal history (vendetta) with Trump long before he ran for office.

CNN in 2001 vs CNN today = Olympic Wrestling vs WWE.

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1 minute ago, Tpoppa said:

If your point is that national cable news outlets suck, I'm on board.  The thing that burns me up about CNN specifically is that it used to be a pretty reliable source.  Now that Zucker runs it they are basically Democratic State Media.  He's had a personal history (vendetta) with Trump long before he ran for office.

CNN in 2001 vs CNN today = Olympic Wrestling vs WWE.

We are in agreement here. CNN pre Trump was pretty decent. They have jumped the shark in a major way. Saturday Night Lives latest sketch is front page for news there now FFS.

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I think the curves they are showing us are wrong. The first half of the curve is the same as the last have. Symmetrical. I don't believe this is accurate at all.

We are not going to ramp down on the number of new cases as fast as we ramped up. The downside of the curve is going to take much longer than the ramp up.

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4 minutes ago, Tonik said:

So something like this...only more flattened and curved.



A lot of the problem with the modeling was they were taking data from China and applying it. They are working with data from Italy/Taiwan/Korea now as the baseline I think, for the most part. This is another strike against China, giving out incorrect data, claiming it is factual and letting everyone else base their reaction off of it. Something like that is a pretty open declaration of ill intent against... well, everybody.


If you look at the IHME model for the whole of the US, it is doing what you're saying it should be doing: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america

You can see Italy, which is over the hump already, is coming down about as fast as it went up, at least as far as deaths are concerned: https://covid19.healthdata.org/italy

The model for Ohio is interesting, the death rate has really dropped off a cliff: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/ohio

(The model was last updated on 4/13, should be updated again on Monday)


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31 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

Here we go.


Her attorneys highlight the 14th amendment and states “no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”

They got due process, Ohio Law allows the State to declare a health emergency and do stuff like this.

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18 hours ago, Tonik said:

Look, CNN sucks. Saying Fox is better than CNN is certainly true. But that does not make Fox good. CNN is better than MSNBC for example.

Come on, Fox was calling Covid a hoax just a few weeks ago.


CNN and Fox are heads and tails of the same coin........

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3 hours ago, Tonik said:


I think the curves they are showing us are wrong. The first half of the curve is the same as the last have. Symmetrical. I don't believe this is accurate at all.

We are not going to ramp down on the number of new cases as fast as we ramped up. The downside of the curve is going to take much longer than the ramp up.

This is also what Dr. Acton says. As far as collecting data, the numbers are elusive without testing. Also, today China "admitted" that their numbers of dead were underestimated by almost 50%, which is something most of us suspected.

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If the dems were not so set on trying to impeach trump, then maybe they would have noticed what was happening in China sooner....

As for our rights,I am waiting for the lawsuits over wearing mask.

In Dayton mask are prohibited, if used to intimidate or commit a crime. 

Without testing, proper guidelines or instructions mask can impose a hazard. When it is 100 degs out and they are soaked in sweat they will not be easy to breath through or, when performing certain task. 

Buisnesses not allowing consumers due to not wearing a mask, could be sued.

This is American and people sue for any reason they can.

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1 minute ago, Tonik said:

Any guesses why she says that while showing inaccurate charts?

She openly admits that the "numbers" are not and cannot be totally accurate, but the modelled downward slope of the *curve* is, as you said, much longer and less acute than the upslope.

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21 minutes ago, CoDAF said:

What are the likely ramifications for China when the dust finally settles? When does the world finally get off its ass and do something about China and North Korea? 

Ok, you are in charge. Of the whole world...I'll be China.

Make your move.

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Was the real goal to get all the nurses infected first for herd immunity before the bulk of the public come in? 


About half of people who have the coronavirus show no symptoms, according to data from Iceland, the Italian town of Vo, and the Diamond Princess cruise ship.

The data from those places is of particular interest to researchers because in those places even people without symptoms were tested – which is not the case in the U.S. and most countries, where desperately needed tests are reserved mostly for people who show symptoms.

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4 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

New Orderless delivery! Someone just knocked on my door sat a bag of takeout down, and drove away. 

It's the universe rewarding you for staying inside. Grab it before your neighbor does.

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