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Anyone else looting?


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All the simple good cries for help and justice  in the world always overshadowed and hijacked by unnecessary unwanted extreme voices. Whtr it’s politics religion even arts and science. 😑 l bet more than 50% in these groups doesn’t even know the name Floyd. Some people Just want anarchy and to see the world burn. A world which they feel left out because all they see as real is Just fake glitz and glamour on online virtual world social networking movies music everywhere. 

and there is one faint silver lining in this is the anarchy arson and destruction, it helped bridge the racial divide. The videos I see online has people from all colors hand in hand in a colorful melody or unregulated misdirected chaos. Even freaking Asians/ browns heck I never seen them come out for anything other than seeing Niagara water falls. 

Edited by NinjaDoc
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Did that cop squeeze the life out of that guy with his knee?  Yep

Will that cop ever be convicted and spend time in a prison cell.  Nope

In cases like this, juries and courts overwhelmingly side with police officers...even against damning evidence.  The FOP works closely with the courts, and our judicial system doesn't have the teeth to prosecute and convict bad officers.  Good cops refuse to "cross the blue line" to testify against bad officers.  If they do they are hated in their own departments. That kind of protecting "brother officers" makes them all look bad.  The issue isn't police brutality the issue is police accountability.

Once I sat around a campfire with about a dozen cops.  They went around the circle telling "cop stories" and one-upping each other.  Most stories were about confiscating money, guns, & drugs that weren't on the books and never made it to the evidence room.  Most of them don't give a fuck about civil rights even when cameras are rolling.

The illegal things you suspect they do, they do.  And they get away with it.


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And I am tired of hearing that most cops are good.

They know who the bad cops among them are. They cover for them, they don't report them and they elect union leaders that protect the bad cops.

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2 hours ago, Tpoppa said:

Did that cop squeeze the life out of that guy with his knee?  Yep


the guy says he can't breathe for 3 minutes in a video. The initial autopsy says not choked or asphyxiated. Someone suggested he swallowed his stash since he has felony armed home invasion on his record in Houston. Wouldn't be the first time that blew up a heart.

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6 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

the guy says he can't breathe for 3 minutes in a video. The initial autopsy says not choked or asphyxiated. Someone suggested he swallowed his stash since he has felony armed home invasion on his record in Houston. Wouldn't be the first time that blew up a heart.

Someone suggested?  Well that sure sounds credible🙄

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I meant to post it was a theory. We know that he could breathe for 3 minutes while pinned. And that he would pass out before dying unlike the movies. And that most felons want to avoid going back.

I've been choked out before. I know that's from blood to the brain not air. I've never heard of anyone being choked from the back of the neck.

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It’s not about science it’s about basic humanity and conscience when some one is under your power posses no harm has no immediate threat no three to one pinned to floor what was the reasoning behind knee on the neck for 8 mins. Tons of “what if”ers going to come out. If like others mentioned, keep brotherhood aside, cross the blue line and be honest upfront and call out the handful of handful of bad apples these issues would have gone away for the hundreds and thousands of great people serving and protecting. 

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I don't understand why these two things have to go hand in hand. The cop was clearly in the wrong from the evidence presented so far, and he's been arrested and charged with murder. What more do they want? And it's not a fair statement that cops never get locked up, it's been happening way more frequently. 

That aside, how does trashing the city solve any problems? What more do people want? Nothing. They just want anarchy. They wanna cause havoc and do all the things they see on TV that they normally cannot get away with. Half those people probably don't give a damn about George Floyd, they just want free shoes and xboxs and the street credit to tell their buddies they torched a cop car. 

This whole movement would have more credibility to me if there wasn't countless small business owners who are entirely innocent, having their lives and businesses ruined by these people. Even black store owners are being looted. They're committing crimes against other black people while protesting about crimes against black people. 

That 7hr video also has a section where people start shooting guns at a random car driving by. Let's protest by trying to kill white people. Good idea. And fuck any of you who think this shit is okay. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Is there a problem that needs fixed? Yes. 

Is this the way to do it? We'll see, but I'm guessing no. Why not ACTUALLY protest peacefully and try to build a movement and get people on your side? Destroying the city and wasting gov money seems like the opposite way to push for "equality" even though I don't believe that's what any of these protestors want. 

Edited by Steve Butters
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One life lost because of police brutality is awful, because the police are trained and employed by our government to protect the people. This type of excessive force and killing is not representative of the majority of police and these officers will be dealt with by the courts and probably be imprisoned. If black lives matter we should focus on all the killings. I monitor the Hey Jackass website (Link below) and do not see any outrage on a daily basis in Chicago where the killings are majority black people.  

BTW, this is my last post on this topic because I am not getting in a keyboard war on such a nice day, washing the bike and riding. JMHO.


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4 hours ago, Steve Butters said:

I don't understand why these two things have to go hand in hand. The cop was clearly in the wrong from the evidence presented so far, and he's been arrested and charged with murder. What more do they want? And it's not a fair statement that cops never get locked up, it's been happening way more frequently. 

That aside, how does trashing the city solve any problems? What more do people want? Nothing. They just want anarchy. They wanna cause havoc and do all the things they see on TV that they normally cannot get away with. Half those people probably don't give a damn about George Floyd, they just want free shoes and xboxs and the street credit to tell their buddies they torched a cop car. 

This whole movement would have more credibility to me if there wasn't countless small business owners who are entirely innocent, having their lives and businesses ruined by these people. Even black store owners are being looted. They're committing crimes against other black people while protesting about crimes against black people. 

That 7hr video also has a section where people start shooting guns at a random car driving by. Let's protest by trying to kill white people. Good idea. And fuck any of you who think this shit is okay. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Is there a problem that needs fixed? Yes. 

Is this the way to do it? We'll see, but I'm guessing no. Why not ACTUALLY protest peacefully and try to build a movement and get people on your side? Destroying the city and wasting gov money seems like the opposite way to push for "equality" even though I don't believe that's what any of these protestors want. 

You're exactly right. 

No one will convince me that smashing windows in downtown Fort Wayne Indiana (which has happened the past couple nights) is an appropriate response to what happened in Minneapolis. 

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