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Anyone else looting?


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Protesting is our right as Americans. It's the first amendment of the constitution ffs. Bad actors need dealt with, but protesting is not the problem. There have been many successful and peaceful protests going on right now that are being overshadowed by bullshit rioting. If you don't exercise your rights, you will lose them. But there are right and wrong ways of doing so. 

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6 minutes ago, Pauly said:

. The cashier flagged one as counterfeit. I took it from her and had my bank swap it for another. They said it was fine. Should I be curb stomped to death because of an alleged crime?

You went to the bank, he want back to the same grocery after being told to leave & it was counterfeit, but to a different teller while on fentanyl. I see 12 minutes of video with Police showing no aggression leading him to the car before the pinning. Something happened after that. If you start a fight with police I have less sympathy for your injuries.


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1 minute ago, motocat12 said:

The medics were called due to his behavior before crossing the street to the cruiser they tried putting him in. Do you want to give a suspect who may have been kicking for example a chance to assault the medics too?

Counter point:  he died

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1 hour ago, motocat12 said:

The medics were called due to his behavior before crossing the street to the cruiser they tried putting him in. Do you want to give a suspect who may have been kicking for example a chance to assault the medics too?

If Medics were on the scene, how did he die? Where were they during the altercation? 

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17 minutes ago, Pauly said:

If Medics were on the scene, how did he die? Where were they during the altercation? 

They were not called until he was in serious distress and already on the ground, with a knee on his neck and bleeding from his mouth.


While the paramedics were checking for his pulse, which they did not find, the cop still had his knee on the dudes neck. He was already dead, how much resisting could he possibly be doing.

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if he died in a fight with the cops that would be one thing, but he was already subdued and controllable. there is no justification for him dying, no matter what led up to that point. the police are there to deal with bad situations, get them under control, and then leave the decision up to the community on how to deal with it. the police are not there to indiscriminately kill anyone who dares defy them, even when they no longer pose a threat. they are servants of the general public, they work for us, in theory. this is where the change needs to happen.

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And there is plenty of video showing the resisting....it was minimal. Not even close to needing a taser let alone an execution...he was handcuffed on the ground. Hog tie him like they often do and toss him in the back of a car.

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2 hours ago, motocat12 said:

The medics were called due to his behavior before crossing the street to the cruiser they tried putting him in. Do you want to give a suspect who may have been kicking for example a chance to assault the medics too?

How can somebody who is unconscious assault a medic? 🤔

Also, isn't that risk kind of part of being a medic? You can't just refuse to treat people. 

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On 5/31/2020 at 11:03 PM, NinjaDoc said:

oky it’s 2020 people need to use more common sense and google. Like I said the aim of few is to just see the system crash unleash chaos and anarchy. Don’t be a sheep and don’t be a pawn. Some kinda Statistics show peeps in the 60 plus age group are the biggest spread of misinformation online ad they can’t identify fake from real or do basic internet cross checks.


that account was suspended if not the history would have revealed probably made during the last 48 hrs and typing out utter bullshit. If it looks and sounds like bullshit it’s going to be.  



Ninja doc called it...



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33 minutes ago, Tonik said:

Ahhh, but what if it was Antifa pretending to be white supremacists pretending to be Antifa?

You probably aren't far off. Who cares who they are if they are inciting violence, fuck 'em.

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It seems like many of these protests follow the same pattern.

1st wave - peaceful kids with signs and megaphones, saying "don't shoot" or "I can't breathe" 

2nd wave comes a few hours later with no megaphones and lots of bad intentions.  Stores destroyed, cars set on fire, etc. 

1st wave says they aren't with us.  We don't know who they are.  That part I believe.

Is it possible that both waves are organized by the same group?  but intentionally kept separate?  This really doesn't seem to be a coincidence anymore. 

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I don't think the protesters are coordinating with the asshats. But the asshats are opportunists and know when to strike.

There were some reports out of LA that the asshats are working together. A small group would break some windows and the cops would flood the area...while the main group was three blocks over looting like crazy. They did it several times.

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While think those officers were wrong and deserve to pay the price.  I don't agree with Black Lives Matter's core mission "#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes."

I think Police reform is long overdue, and that extends to accountability even beyond excessive force.  However, this notion of wide spread white-on-black murder is not supported by actual data:  


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27 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

If the police had the same consequences for a bad shoot/kill as a soldier on a battlefield I bet this wouldnt be happening nearly as often. 

I dont think soldiers are protected by unions are they?

You're probably right. Military members have even less rights than civilians when it comes time for court. Kinda ironic how that works out, the people fighting for our freedom have less of it themselves, but I think it does lend to further accountability.

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26 minutes ago, Steve Butters said:

You're probably right. Military members have even less rights than civilians when it comes time for court. Kinda ironic how that works out, the people fighting for our freedom have less of it themselves, but I think it does lend to further accountability.

I've read many books with first hand accounts and soldiers that are in an active war zone are more careful with their actions than some police here 10 minutes away from their own home.

This accountability is one of the reasons Lone Survivor came about and ultimately why we lost so many special operators during operation red wings. 

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Over the years Police Unions (FOP) went from "protecting officers" to protecting officers at all costs."  And yes, "all costs" does mean lying under oath and tampering with evidence to protect officers that fucked up.  It happens...because you would want your brother officers to protect you too...right?  Departments can't usually even fire cops because of the FOP.

There needs to be a balance though.  Being a cop is a hard job.  I wouldn't want to be a cop, would you?

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