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Anyone else looting?


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2 minutes ago, Steve Butters said:

Simply making an observation. I never said it was problematic. I just don't like the idea of anything being mandated on me in regards to how I dress. I know I am not alone and simply curious on whether or not other people are following this order, given the rebellious nature of this state. But I really don't care about public opinion, so think what you want lol.

Look man, you're a cool dude and we always get along.  I'm not trying to condescend to you.  But I'm asking an honest question to understand your view.  Likewise, you should consider being intellectually honest and not hide behind something like "I never said I disagreed with masks" when you clearly did and do and probably will continue to do so after this conversation. 

I don't like mandating anything either.  But from a conservative or libertarian perspective, I think I could make a stronger case for mandating masks vs not in a scenario like this in preserving personal freedom overall.  I'm open to having this conversation and understanding where you're coming from.  I'll be honest and open to ideas and perspective if you are willing. 

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9 hours ago, motocat12 said:

And it gets weirder.


Quite a few states did in fact lynch more white people than black.  In the West these greater number of white lynchings was due to political reasons not racial reasons.  California, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming lynched more whites than blacks.

Witches were lynched too....



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As for mask. My father tried one of the fabric ones, he had issues catching his breath while wearing it. One of the layers kept pulling into his mouth. He has issues with allergies. The real N95 moldex and 3m mask he has no issues with. I think it's because they are molded, but they are expensive and don't last very long on hot days... So he stays home.


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2 minutes ago, Tonik said:

For not making sammiches.



I bet they were damn good, just too good. Only a witch can make a sammich taste so good it melts.

So the hung them.

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No point in wearing a mask if you've already had it. I wear one 50/50 - if I have to or most people around are wearing one I'll put it on just so I don't hurt people's feelings, but if people aren't wearing them there's really no point. I do use hand sanitizer like it's going out of style though - that is one way I can transmit still, touch something someone else coughed on then touch something else.

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2 minutes ago, jbot said:

Look man, you're a cool dude and we always get along.  I'm not trying to condescend to you.  But I'm asking an honest question to understand your view.  Likewise, you should consider being intellectually honest and not hide behind something like "I never said I disagreed with masks" when you clearly did and do and probably will continue to do so after this conversation. 

I don't like mandating anything either.  But from a conservative or libertarian perspective, I think I could make a stronger case for mandating masks vs not in a scenario like this in preserving personal freedom overall.  I'm open to having this conversation and understanding where you're coming from.  I'll be honest and open to ideas and perspective if you are willing. 

1) Most of us are not doctors. 2) All of us can choose to use/not use masks, socially distance, etc. 3) Those of us who become infected with COVID will likely not know where or from whom we got it. 4) If you respect others, you should acknowledge the current medical protocols and do your best not to take actions that will exacerbate the problem. Simple dimple. 

I don't go out much these days, but when I do I always mask up and ensure that I am AT LEAST 8 feet away from others, masked or unmasked. I control my temper--even after waiting to get into the Key Bank branch for an appointment and being sneezed on--twice--by some asshole behind me in the enclosed vestibule who could have simply opened the door and sneezed outside instead.

Just put sartorial matters aside and bend a bit. It's not forever. 

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10 minutes ago, jbot said:

Look man, you're a cool dude and we always get along.  I'm not trying to condescend to you.  But I'm asking an honest question to understand your view.  Likewise, you should consider being intellectually honest and not hide behind something like "I never said I disagreed with masks" when you clearly did and do and probably will continue to do so after this conversation. 

I don't like mandating anything either.  But from a conservative or libertarian perspective, I think I could make a stronger case for mandating masks vs not in a scenario like this in preserving personal freedom overall.  I'm open to having this conversation and understanding where you're coming from.  I'll be honest and open to ideas and perspective if you are willing. 


11 minutes ago, jbot said:

Look man, you're a cool dude and we always get along.  I'm not trying to condescend to you.  But I'm asking an honest question to understand your view.  Likewise, you should consider being intellectually honest and not hide behind something like "I never said I disagreed with masks" when you clearly did and do and probably will continue to do so after this conversation. 

I don't like mandating anything either.  But from a conservative or libertarian perspective, I think I could make a stronger case for mandating masks vs not in a scenario like this in preserving personal freedom overall.  I'm open to having this conversation and understanding where you're coming from.  I'll be honest and open to ideas and perspective if you are willing. 

To be honest, I have no real preference either way. I'm the kind of dude who just goes with the flow. I'll wear a mask if everyone else is, I'm not the guy protesting it outside the Walmart lol.. 'm pretty buzzed right now so maybe my point I'm making isn't coming through how I mean, but I just feel like while it may be a moral obligation to wear a mask, I don't agree with mandates of any kind and I feel like it's a slippery slope. I have to sacrifice my freedoms (subjectively, I understand that argument) to wear a mask in public to combat a virus that I just am not convinced is as bad as it is... Maybe it's my distrust in MSM but I just don't get it... Yea people are dying, I get it... And I don't mean to minimize it when I say it but people die every day... We can't just shut the fucking world down over a flu virus... I'm sorry if that offends anyone (actually, I'm really not), but that's my stance 🤷🏻‍♂️ my flame suit in on for all the people here about to post facts and studies and all that, call me ignorant or whatever but that's my stance... I'm fucking sick of COVID... No matter what we do, everyone is getting it... I almost feel like everyone is going to get it eventually and it becomes survival of the fittest... I personally know someone who was about to quit their job over wearing mandatory masks, my comment was wondering if that sentiment is common around here given the newly introduced order to wear masks. I'm not hiding from replying how I feel, I just know it goes against the collective mind here, so what's the point typing it all? Even though I just did

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53 minutes ago, Steve Butters said:


To be honest, I have no real preference either way. I'm the kind of dude who just goes with the flow. I'll wear a mask if everyone else is, I'm not the guy protesting it outside the Walmart lol.. 'm pretty buzzed right now so maybe my point I'm making isn't coming through how I mean, but I just feel like while it may be a moral obligation to wear a mask, I don't agree with mandates of any kind and I feel like it's a slippery slope. I have to sacrifice my freedoms (subjectively, I understand that argument) to wear a mask in public to combat a virus that I just am not convinced is as bad as it is... Maybe it's my distrust in MSM but I just don't get it... Yea people are dying, I get it... And I don't mean to minimize it when I say it but people die every day... We can't just shut the fucking world down over a flu virus... I'm sorry if that offends anyone (actually, I'm really not), but that's my stance 🤷🏻‍♂️ my flame suit in on for all the people here about to post facts and studies and all that, call me ignorant or whatever but that's my stance... I'm fucking sick of COVID... No matter what we do, everyone is getting it... I almost feel like everyone is going to get it eventually and it becomes survival of the fittest... I personally know someone who was about to quit their job over wearing mandatory masks, my comment was wondering if that sentiment is common around here given the newly introduced order to wear masks. I'm not hiding from replying how I feel, I just know it goes against the collective mind here, so what's the point typing it all? Even though I just did

honestly, it doesn't seem like a horror movie virus in the eyes of those of us that were hit the least hard like in not super densely populated Ohio that went into lock down early or those of you in nice dry heat states like Arizona so I get the sentiment.  But I think any front line health care worker in places that were hit super hard like in parts of China, Korea, NYC, Italy, etc will probably tell you different.  Personally, I can tell you that my in laws who live in Brooklyn live right across the street from a major hospital and they have seen the lined up body bags as they walk by.  But i agree with you, sometimes it's hard to see how bad it is when you just don't see people around you dropping like flies.  An honest earnest question here: what would it take for you to truly empathize with the people who could get it and likely die from it and truly believe why this is a real problem, beyond what's been parroted on MSM?  more personal experiences, immediately family members getting it, friends or their family getting it?  or information presented from a different source?  Obviously, I'm not wishing any bad health on you and yours and I'm thinking if you had contracted it personally and suffered from it like What did, it would be easier to empathize but since you're younger, you're not very likely to feel severe symptoms even if you did get it.  So outside of that, what do you think would change your mind about this?

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1 minute ago, jbot said:

honestly, it doesn't seem like a horror movie virus in the eyes of those of us that were hit the least hard like in not super densely populated Ohio that went into lock down early or those of you in nice dry heat states like Arizona so I get the sentiment.  But I think any front line health care worker in places that were hit super hard like in parts of China, Korea, NYC, Italy, etc will probably tell you different.  Personally, I can tell you that my in laws who live in Brooklyn live right across the street from a major hospital and they have seen the lined up body bags as they walk by.  But i agree with you, sometimes it's hard to see how bad it is when you just don't see people around you dropping like flies.  An honest earnest question here: what would it take for you to truly empathize with the people who could get it and likely die from it and truly believe why this is a real problem, beyond what's been parroted on MSM?  more personal experiences, immediately family members getting it, friends or their family getting it?  or information presented from a different source?  Obviously, I'm not wishing any bad health on you and yours and I'm thinking if you had contracted it personally and suffered from it like What did, it would be easier to empathize but since you're younger, you're not very likely to feel severe symptoms even if you did get it.  So outside of that, what do you think would change your mind about this?

You know...thats a good question... And I don't like to think I simply lack empathy but I'm not sure anything would change my mind... Like I said, im not exactly against face masks even if the idea of it bothers my core a little bit... A good friend of mine almost lost his life to pancreatitus complications. He's been in the hospital for like a year during all of this. Finally gets out and his wife is leaving him, he can't walk anymore, he weighs 115lb... Dudes life went to shit over something that was such a fluke. I just feel like whatever is meant to be will be. I would be crushed if one of my loved ones got Corona and died from it, I'm not trying to minimalizw that. Just saying people die and I don't think all this nonsense were doing is worth it. My wife is in an at risk group and I worry about her every time she does snywhere (she's at her school campus right now) but as much as I worry for her safety I still can't bring myself to support mandated face masks... I'm a well educated person and I understand my viewpoint may lack logic to some, but it's how I feel and even if no one here will admit it, I'm not the only one 

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8 hours ago, Steve Butters said:

AZ cities are basically all requiring face masks now in public. While I appreciate the urge to quell the virus, this is America and I'm not sure how the fuck this flies... I wonder if people are complying or ignoring it.. It's pretty new so I haven't been out. 

Wait, why is this in the looting thread? Did the mods get the covid/hoarding thread too?

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10 hours ago, Steve Butters said:

You know...thats a good question... And I don't like to think I simply lack empathy but I'm not sure anything would change my mind... Like I said, im not exactly against face masks even if the idea of it bothers my core a little bit... A good friend of mine almost lost his life to pancreatitus complications. He's been in the hospital for like a year during all of this. Finally gets out and his wife is leaving him, he can't walk anymore, he weighs 115lb... Dudes life went to shit over something that was such a fluke. I just feel like whatever is meant to be will be. I would be crushed if one of my loved ones got Corona and died from it, I'm not trying to minimalizw that. Just saying people die and I don't think all this nonsense were doing is worth it. My wife is in an at risk group and I worry about her every time she does snywhere (she's at her school campus right now) but as much as I worry for her safety I still can't bring myself to support mandated face masks... I'm a well educated person and I understand my viewpoint may lack logic to some, but it's how I feel and even if no one here will admit it, I'm not the only one 

what a fucking cunt.  hope she dies a painful slow death

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13 hours ago, what said:

No point in wearing a mask if you've already had it.

Initial studies are indicating that people that had it, especially those that were asymptomatic, are more likely to get it again.

"Clinical and immunological assessment of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections | Nature Medicine" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0965-6

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  it's never going to go away. the sooner you all get it and quit fearing it the better off everything will be.  it's going to eventually kill everyone it was going to kill anyway.  can't stop the inevitable. 

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8 hours ago, Tonik said:

Initial studies are indicating that people that had it, especially those that were asymptomatic, are more likely to get it again.

"Clinical and immunological assessment of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections | Nature Medicine" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0965-6

That specifically says asymptomatic carriers have a minimized immune response and may not develop antibodies. Studies from Korea have stated that there is indeed immunity in recovered patients. So essentially if you had it and never knew you had it, you may be able to get it again and may or may not know you have gotten it again depending on your immune response. 🤷‍♂️


But yes you are technically correct and I guess my statement was not completely correct. Just partly.

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47 minutes ago, what said:

That specifically says asymptomatic carriers have a minimized immune response and may not develop antibodies. Studies from Korea have stated that there is indeed immunity in recovered patients. So essentially if you had it and never knew you had it, you may be able to get it again and may or may not know you have gotten it again depending on your immune response. 🤷‍♂️


But yes you are technically correct and I guess my statement was not completely correct. Just partly.

I think the medical/scientific communities are now gaining and will, in the immediate future, continue to acquire LOTS of knowledge about all this as the weeks and months unfold--especially from what happens when schools resume in whatever permutation each individual district decides to take nationwide. 

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The reality is still crystal clear: don't be dumb. Adhere to the protocols the experts tell us to follow. They have no agenda which would suppress commerce or personal freedom. Don't fall victim to those who assert that wearing or not wearing a mask is somehow a political statement. This isn't a "forever" thing; Dr. Fauci is a straight-shooter, and I follow what he advises the public to do in order to avoid sickness and death from COVID.

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5 hours ago, SpecialEd said:

The reality is still crystal clear: don't be dumb. Adhere to the protocols the experts tell us to follow. They have no agenda which would suppress commerce or personal freedom. Don't fall victim to those who assert that wearing or not wearing a mask is somehow a political statement. This isn't a "forever" thing; Dr. Fauci is a straight-shooter, and I follow what he advises the public to do in order to avoid sickness and death from COVID.

Masks are a good as a general practice, the benefits are out there in good detail. Despite the sensationalism being mixed in covid isn't a made up illness. I have my own thoughts on it, but I do believe it is actually very dangerous for people with weak immune systems just based off of what I experienced. I still have a very slight cough and it has been over 90 days since I first had symptoms. It did some damage to my lungs for sure - some things I've read say they have seen lung scarring that might never heal and a lingering mild dry cough might be a sign of that.

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