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Wrecked bike from Ohio Motorcycle? Who?


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just a shot in the dark but my dad said he ran into a guy saturday morning at the golf shop on cruches with road rash. dude said that he had just wrecked a "Gixxer600" that morning so on the way home from work. My dad's description of the guy matches that dudes pics on myspace, so hopefully its him. What a lucky son of a bitch if it is! You see the front end of that bike almost non existent.

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haha agreed..atleast these ppl care enough to try n find out..or is everyone on this site just really bored?! :p

No, I think everyone here is truly concerned. I hate hearing about any fellow rider getting injured, let alone killed. I thought about calling his house today, but decided against it. I don't know the guy but we did just sell him the bike 2 weeks ago.

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No, I think everyone here is truly concerned. I hate hearing about any fellow rider getting injured, let alone killed. I thought about calling his house today, but decided against it. I don't know the guy but we did just sell him the bike 2 weeks ago.

Well, That might sound a little weird... hey man i just sold you a bike two weeks ago an heard you wrecked it... before you get "are you all right" out of your mouth he might say " Dude, I just wrecked a couple of days ago and your already calling me to sell me another bike. Ambulance chasing salesman! Whats this world coming to!" :D:rolleyes:

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Well, That might sound a little weird... hey man i just sold you a bike two weeks ago an heard you wrecked it... before you get "are you all right" out of your mouth he might say " Dude, I just wrecked a couple of days ago and your already calling me to sell me another bike. Ambulance chasing salesman! Whats this world coming to!" :D:rolleyes:

I'm not in sales so I wasn't worried about the ambulance chaser thoughts. I was more concerned about someone from a motorcycle dealership calling and getting a member of his family telling me he died. If he did or is even injured, I'm pretty sure a dealership employee would be the last people his family would want to talk to.

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so has anyone found out any details of the accident? like what exactly happened and such? looks like he hit something head on, or damn near. busted the triple, and the whole front is non existent. But judging from his Myspace account he seems like the stereo-typical 'NJ Douchebag', the majority of his 260+ friends are half naked whores, and there's a shit tone of beer bottles in every single picture on that thing, so it makes sense he wouldn't be wearing any gear. Was probably his first bike too.

Oh, and ask him how those 'Motosandals' worked out for him :lol:

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haha agreed..atleast these ppl care enough to try n find out..or is everyone on this site just really bored?! :p

Yea I know I just thought it was funny. I hope my shit is stalked like this is I ever wreck and am missing for a few days lol. Anyway, someone on the site has to know this guy.. just a matter of time.

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Yea I know I just thought it was funny. I hope my shit is stalked like this is I ever wreck and am missing for a few days lol. Anyway, someone on the site has to know this guy.. just a matter of time.

Oh yes, we will stalk you if necessary...

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Dude sounds like a real winner. :rolleyes: I'm not saying we're all angels or anything, but I figure most of us aren't dumb enough to get caught being that wasted, not in public at least.

Pretty much all of his myspace pics show him partying and drinking.

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it was securely attached to the tail section in the picture Satan (name change pending) posted up. Ask if he's happy with the protection his helmet offered, or if he felt it could have done better. obviously it didn't stop the bike from being totaled. so I would put negative feed back on the helmet. didn't work as expected, bike ended up being totaled

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