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Hilliard MILF's (56k OwNeD)


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ok, so it being like the most beautiful day in a long time i decided to take my son to the park, we decided to go to "The Homestead" down the road in Hilliard. i took my digi cam to take pics of my son (naturally), and once we got there i was just dumbfounded at the amount of HOT hilliard Mom's that were at the park too!

now don't get me wrong, i don't believe any of these women are 10's, but i do believe they are ALL very cute for being age/mom's........so without any further wait here you go!


let me know what you think!




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and the last one's




and finally...one of my son.....flirting and petting a dog!


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i figured there would be some wise guys in here!

sex offender? = HELL NO!

need laid? = get it quite often, but always willing to get extra!


you guys need to relax and lighten up, they are just pics, if you don't like them tell me and i will remove them no prob!

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Originally posted by BC Xtreme:

Give this guy a strike or something, that is just weird

Actully "People Watching" is a hobby. To sit in a park and watch people, observing behavior, take a picture if need be... is not a crime. Now if one of the people asked him to not do it, and he continued or followed them, then thats harrasment.

Just because a couple people think its wierd doesnt = this a guys needs to be taught a lesson for creepyness.

Trust me, there are far worse things that this individual could be doing to deserve a strike.


If he gets a strike, then noone can ever post up a picture of anykind of any person. That could be some picture of someones mom/dad/son/daughter/ that he/she doesnt want others blasting on the net... how likely is that... none to no way in frozen hell.


Get a grip guys, theyre just pictures.

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there is a difference between observing behavior and taking pictures of MOMs at a PARK with the intention of showing other guys how fuckable they are.


if i caught someone taking pics at a park of my wife or kids i'd probably call the police, in times like these there are a lot of sickos out there.

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