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group ride today!


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damn job.. aint nothin but work. Tell dustin I said hi and he needs to ride that freshly painted machine to columbus soon

call off!

ive been asking him if he wants to ride down for bike night, but i keep gettin a "no" lol. but the bike looks awesome!

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hmmm theres a few guys over in Huber.......how about we make a bike night at some Restraunt along the 70/75 intersection sometime soon? Course its supposed to rain Friday and Saturday night so it might be awhile.........

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we better be able to get some better group rides together when i get back from campus people!

ninja nick i know you have some good roads (as good as they can be) in this area in your book of secrets... care to show me (and others that want to join) around sometime


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hmmm theres a few guys over in Huber.......how about we make a bike night at some Restraunt along the 70/75 intersection sometime soon? Course its supposed to rain Friday and Saturday night so it might be awhile.........

over on miller?? that would be awesome!

btw nick, you def need to bring your bike out to kk.. there was a busa gettin beat by an r1!! show them how its done. busa was runnin 10's all night and r1 was gettin 9's

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I'm not going to pull no nines with no drag experience and no full pipe yet or gearing. But I'll run him from a roll-on or through the twisties and smoke him! :lol:

After I get back from my vacation on the 4th I am going -1/front and +2/rear though. Then full system after that. I can't wait to get all of that shit done to it. It will be very close to 200hp at the wheel finally!

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