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chrome polish...which one works the best?


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i need to polish my wheels badly, i have the "Blue Lightning" or something like that from AutoZone, it worked great on my hard pipes...but the wheels aren't coming along very well.


any suggestions? also, it seems when i do get them slightly polish, they smear and get very dirty very easily...is there some kind of sealant or protection i can use on them?

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i use the eagle one stuff on my old cragers, it is in a little silver tin can, you rip little pieces of it off and use it like a wax/polish and wipe off, it has gotten some really dirty rims clean for me before
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How bad are the wheels? I use Klasse AIO (All In One) on chrome as it's mainly a chemical cleaner with a little protection in it and works great on chrome. Meguiars ColorX is a similar formula and available locally. I'd start with the least agressive approach first on chrome and only move up to the more abrasive stuff if you have to.
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are these polished aluminum wheels or chrome..

chrome shouldnt be hard to get blingin... some 3m chrome wheel polish and bam shinen'... but a polished aluminum wheel, a little tuffer to get your shine out. hand polishing aluminum wheels will only get you so far, and as you said it will get that smeared look form hand polishing. but use a small air buffer, or dremel wiht buffing attachment and some semichrome (get it at iron pony for $7.95 a tube)

and to keep that shine, some company makes a sealer for chrome or aluminum, or you can jsut get your wheels cleared.

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