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Ohio wants to kill all pitbulls


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Dont care for Pitbulls too much...however....having them all killed is just rediculous. I do feel if a dog gets loose and bites a child or anyone off of the owners property it should be put to sleep but......to just pick a species of dog and kill it....thats insane.

agreed 10000000000000000000000% im sure Peta with have a hay day with this. Or maybe not they are hard to figure out:rolleyes:

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agreed 10000000000000000000000% im sure Peta with have a hay day with this. Or maybe not they are hard to figure out:rolleyes:

peta actually supports breed specific legislation along with killing pitbulls, and other dogs too.

google has more info.

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honestly this thread has gone nowhere. everyone has already agreed it will never hold up and get get struck down in an instint. if you are for it you obviously have never owned one or been around one(a properly trained one). its not fair to decent responsible owners like myself who raise them right to be loving and respectful. just cuz of a bunch of gang banging thugs took this sort of breed and turned it into or aquired the name tag of a "viscious breed" isnt fair.

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honestly this thread has gone nowhere. everyone has already agreed it will never hold up and get get struck down in an instint. if you are for it you obviously have never owned one or been around one(a properly trained one). its not fair to decent responsible owners like myself who raise them right to be loving and respectful. just cuz of a bunch of gang banging thugs took this sort of breed and turned it into or aquired the name tag of a "viscious breed" isnt fair.

Good response!! You are officially in charge of going through the hoods and training every gang-banger owned pitbull... Come see us when you are done.

I think everyone should be able to have missles, I am responsible with mine. If the missle hurts someone then we should punish the owner, it is stupid that you want to take away my missle just because 99% of missle owners are irresponsible.

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I'd like to pass legislation to kill all Poodles, and Jack Russels. These are two useless, worthless dogs that I feel would be a great service to the world if they were gone.

Thank you

You must be talking about TOY poodles, because POODLES are some big fucking dogs! Huge dogs to be exact.

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Rotts and pitts have nothing incommon. Rotts are a breed that are very respectible dogs. Pitts are junk inbreed over bread retards.........the AKC won't have nothing to do w/ them!! Wonder why.I vote to kill all of them.

FUUUUCK YOU! What a stupid thing to say. I bet you have done your research and are well educated on the breed :rolleyes: Damn, I bet youre such a bad ass making a comment like that.

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Pitts are junk inbreed over bread retards.........the AKC won't have nothing to do w/ them!! Wonder why.I vote to kill all of them.

I've actually researched this based on the above claim, and found it not to be a true statement... I've also found grammatical errors, but we'll ignore those and get to the content errors...


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this is stupid if you are going to kill all pitts because some are viscious, then start killing every other type of dog! There is always going to be some bad ones out of the bunch, but I tend to feel its the owners fault when a dog becomes flat out mean to everyone it meets. Rocky and I's neighbor Dave owned a pitt his name was Red...one of the largest pitts I've ever seen. That dog is a big baby! He played with our lab all the time. All he wanted to do was give kisses.

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I know I've said this already, but Pits are a more naturally aggressive breed along with Rots. It isn't all boiled done to the owner and how they are raised. It's of course no reason to start killing animals of course.

If you own a more aggressive or more protective breed your odds of having something happen goes up and sometimes it goes up significantly. There's a reason only 3 breeds and there mixes out of over 150 make up almost 80% of bites and attacks.

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I know I've said this already, but Pits are a more naturally aggressive breed along with Rots. It isn't all boiled done to the owner and how they are raised. It's of course no reason to start killing animals of course.

If you own a more aggressive or more protective breed your odds of having something happen goes up and sometimes it goes up significantly. There's a reason only 3 breeds and there mixes out of over 150 make up almost 80% of bites and attacks.

let's not forget that these are animals with a mind of their own...

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