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got pulled over today


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Well I wasn't speeding, no front plate owned me. I have been driving with my front plate on the dash for almost 2 years with no problems until. My birthday was on the 9th and renewed my tags on the 8th but was unable to renew my license because I couldn't pass the damn eye exam! So I forget about renewing them and go about my business. Yesterday on the way to work I passed a cop getting ready to pull out of the Duke station at Williams and AlumCreek, he got behind me and turned on the flashers. So I pull over and he asks me the usuall ?'s,is this your car,any outstanding warrents or tickets,I say no I'm clean. He then asks for my license and proof of insurance and as I pull my license out it dawns on me,,,,,,SHIT there expired! He took alook at them and said "Son you know these are expired?" and I explain the situation to him. He then gives me a rash of shit about the plate and driving on public roads with no license. As he's telling me this shit another cop pulls up. I'm thinking,shit the cars getting towed and I'm gonna have to pay for this one. Cop goes over and talks to the other one and comes back to me and say's" You need to cover your ass and get your license renewed asap" handed me my stuff and told me to get to work. Needless to say the plate is now where it belongs. Thanks Officer for letting me off this time.
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could "JDM" rig it off to the side with brackets. deffinitly nice to see great cops. me and a freind got pulled over a while back for speeding, both got tickets, freind went down the road double our speed, no licence, no insurance, no ID at all, cop let him off. tell you what there may always be mean cops out there but the good ones will always come through, did you happen to see the number of the cop?
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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

dangle it with zipties (or equivelant)

how about I put a nut and bolt in the middle of it with a spacer between it and the bumper,bend the ends to make it a perpeller,,told ya I was goin boost.
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