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2.2 joy ride

Guest h8tcivics

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Guest h8tcivics

I blew my head gasket in my GP, so I was out in the bravada. my friend in his black 2.2CL were cruisn down brand rd from coffman headed toward dublin rd. I am ahead of him by 6 cars lengths. as we make the small left hand turn down brand I see him dip off the road into a ditch, fly up on 2 wheels take out a mail box, and nearly hit a exploder that was right behind him. I was freekn out. I pull over on brandonway and he pulls in behind me.


He gets out furious, and hits his hood. I get out wondering what he did. I am walking back to his car and notice a whole in the bottom passenger side of the windshield, passenger mirror ripped off, and dents scratches all the way down the side of the car. I was freakn out!!


A black SUV like a blazer of Jimmy threw a full pepsi can at his car. he swerved to avoid it, and hit his hood, then went into his windshield. his right front tire caught the edge of the road, went down into the ditch hits a whole, gets airborne on 2 wheels, on the way down takes out this ladies mail box, hits the incline where her driveway is gets more air overe the driveway, lands in the ditch on the other side nearly missing a fire pole, digs his chrome rims into the ground comes back around onto the road on the passenger wheels and hits the brakes. Now from being behind all of this you would think the exploder driver would stop to see if he is ok...nope they kept right on going.


he has a whole in his windshield from where the can went through. glass cracked more on the way to his house, Apiller is cracked and dented in, quarter panel is bent out from the impact of the can and the mail box, deep scraches all the way down the side of his car needs re-sprayed black, wiper arm bent,blade snapped,leaking fluid underneath car from landing,mirror glass shattered, ripped mirror clean off, grass in rims,bumper dented...... ALL BECAUSE SOME ASSHOLE WANTED TO THROW A CAN.


If anyone hears anyone talking about what they did, email me of PM me! We already went back to the ladies house to talk to her about her mailbox. we bought a new one tonight and I am installing it tomarrow...nice lady very concerned. she saw everything happen. and get this. The dublin police had we filed a report with them, would have issued a ticket to my friend for "Falure to control vehicle" that is bullshit, you try to drive when this happens to you! This was my after noon, calling around for repairs, glass, and painting.



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That's total bullshit. I know the cops feel like they need to site you, but that's just wrong. I hope your friend's okay and can do something about repairs. A few months ago my friend and I were riding in his wrx after getting some wendy's and some stunnas in a civic thought it'd be funny to throw a handful of french fries in his window. Didn't take long to catch em needless to say(too much downforce). They thought it was funny till we cut them off on a side road and got outta the car...fairies. Why do people think they need to do that kinda stuff.
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Guest Tony_K
Some kid in some gay little asian car threw a wendys cup full of ice at my car while driving several months ago. As loud as it was when it hit the side of my car, I was lucky it didn't damage anything, just mark the paint. This town is so full of white trash.
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Guest h8tcivics

heres the kicker. I just picked up my GP from getting a new head gasket put in it. I followed him down to the place next to U wrench it to buy a new windshield. fine and dandy. they say it will take an hour and a half. I'm like ok lets go junk yarding.


We went over to Woody's off mckinley. park my car in the same spot I always park...50 feet from the front entrance. We both walk in to find him a mirror for his acura. We are walking along and we find an 89 240SX black, 5spd...dent in side thats it...looks new. I get in the car push in on whats left of a clutch pedal and turn the key. fricken thing starts up...we took it for a spin around woodys lot....we liked it so much we bought it. we pick it up monday, they have to do paperwork. fun car. you have to start it in gear, with noo clutch..get it roling and it goes...needs some engione work along with a clutch.


we pay for it, walk out to my car with the keys. something doesnt feel right..I walk over to my passenger side and notice a huge section of glass on the ground next to my car. I ask my buddy if that was there when I pulled in...no cars next to mine anywhere. He points thats my glass. I look up and my passenger side window is bashed in...tint holding it together, back tire slashed, LCD screen gone, head unit gone, dash completely ripped apart, they ripped it out so hard they broke my shifter.


Right after I called CPD, I got my spare tire out all calm...but I should nt be. to be honest I was pissed that they broke my window. I didnt care about the screen or the headunit...I got those for like 50 bucks from a friend. It still hasnt sank in to me yet that someone broke into my car. I get my car jacked up and then...boommmmm rains harder than hell. in 30 seconds my shirt is dripping a puddle. I get my wheel off and then the CPD shows up and asks me questions through his side window.


At this point I put my spare on let her down and get in my car and drive off, all he took was my info and what was stolen. doesnt this seem a litle played out? My buddy and I have started up our own car club, decals on the back windows of our cars, his car gets hit yesterday, and then mine today. something doesnt ad up. Is there another car club mad at us?


right now my car limped home on the donut on the right rear, plastic over the window, it just looks embarressing right now. I am very pissed off right now, luckily I have full coverage. this is a first for me. I want to beat these people so bad! parents were mad, but now I think they realize that it is easily fixed. the day I get my car back it has to go back to the shop. I am now mounting a cmaera system in my car.

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Guest h8tcivics
just change my name to murphy...as in murpy's law. I got pulled tonight not for speed oh no I learned that lesson...my neons were flashing do to a bad ground....cop said they were strobes, and then tint...this is bullshit 182 dollars. court date is on the 1st of june and I am moving on the 3rd. fairwell ohio.
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Man, I thought I was having a bad week...

My motor spragged, low oil-pressure, I need a new motor due to internal probs, dealer I bought it from tried to scam me by not turning in the warranty paperwork(he's eating the cost, no matter what I have to do to get the money from him), and I'm driving my Dad's gas-hog MULE of a Chevy truck, it's eating my tips in gas(I deliver pizza), $90 in the last 5 days, my tips totalled to $105, Bonnie would have gone through $50 at the most. On top of that I had planned to go to the Chrysler Nats this weekend and couldn't cause Dad needed his truck.

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Had an experience similar to your friend's pepsi-can incident myself, about 4 years ago.

Stopped at the light where Refugee becomes 104, and some moron in an older Monte pulls up next to me, starts buggin me, revving, power-braking, etc...(I was driving an old beater base-model '90 Taurus at the time)I make no response what-so-ever. Light turns green and he takes off hard, when he realizes I'm not trying to race him he gets pissed and tosses a 2-liter bottle of water at me. Thing hits my A-pillar about 1/2" above where I was resting my fingers, and sprays water all over me. He takes off and now I am trying to catch him. He pulls shit like pulling up beside a bus and pacing it, speeds up to about 120, tries a final, desperate dive for the High Street exit, where I pull in front of him and block him. I get out, I'm gonna let this ass-hole know EXACTLY what I think of him. He starts to get out of the car, BIG mistake, as soon as his foot hits the ground, I kick his door, it slams on his leg, and I leave him sitting in his car.

If I broke his fuckin' leg so much the better!

If we didn't have stupid people like that, road rage wouldn't exist.

For anyone who thinks I went too far, if that 2-liter had hit the windshield square, it would have gone straight through and hit ME, while I was traveling at 75mph. Toss-up on whether I could have kept the car under control. I WAS RIGHT.


I feel for you and your buddy...

I never go near Woody's myself, that's a bad neighbor-hood for car-theft, no cameras, and they know you're gonna be in there for at least half an hour...

At least U-Wrench-It has an off-duty cop out there most days.

Make sure your friend gets his suspesion thoroughly checked.

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Originally posted by h8tcivics:

[QB] heres the kicker. I walk over to my passenger side and notice a huge section of glass on the ground next to my car. I ask my buddy if that was there when I pulled in...no cars next to mine anywhere. He points thats my glass. I look up and my passenger side window is bashed in...tint holding it together, back tire slashed, LCD screen gone, head unit gone, dash completely ripped apart, they ripped it out so hard they broke my shifter.


Jail's to good for scum like that.
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Guest stevil

That is all so fucked up. :mad: Can't believe your friend didn't file a report/claim insurance on all that damage. And wtf, nobody throws full cans of pop out their window and into traffic... it was obviously on purpose, same faggots playing around to see if they can lob it up and strike a car.


I've had kids throw shit at my car, and also a few break-ins. And wtf again, with the tire slashing? Who does that when stealing shit? Most people go for the goods and get the fuck out. I have to agree that this could be something personal and not just random shit.


Originally posted by h8tcivics:

I am now mounting a cmaera system in my car.

Hmmm, never thought of anything like that. Good idea...
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