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What to do with stang??


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Hi-po cars are money pits. It costs lots of $$$ to take a street car and double (or triple) its power, and cars like that tend to be high-strung.


If you are in school, sell the car, get a cheap reliable car and finish school.


If you want to go fast your GSXR-600 should fulfill that need.

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Hmmm, while I have no love for Fords, I know that you have a substantial investment in that one, and you will loose your ass on it if it's not running perfect when you sell it. And parting it out will end up being a wash by the time you pay some one to turn the wrenches to put it back into running condition after you pull all the go fast goodies.


So here's my take. Number one, I have no idea who you have working on it, but it would seem if it ain't run right but once in the last 3 years you might consider firing your mechanic. Second, before you pour a bunch more money into it, you need to address getting a reliable car. Cars that go 10's and reliability can't be reasonabley used in the same sentence. Anthony will no doubt argue this point, but since he's got a second daily driver, there will be a few others that argue this, but I am yet to see them produce 10 second time slips for their daily drivers.


Having a real hot rod, something that is truely fast, money can't be an issue. Once you get a car modded to run like that with a stock configured suspension and interior. Well you have to make ass loads of power, and ass loads of power and reliability don't go together well either. And you need to finally consider this. If you sell it, will you ever afford to build another car that's just as fast or faster. Or will you simply loose interest. Most either loose interest, or get married, or whatever and the money for the go fast stuff goes to pay for a new roof, and at some point kids clothes, and diapers, and shit like that.

If the car is paid for, keep the damn thing. Even if it's setting and not running, it's not costing you money. Then when you have the ability to fix it, you have it to fix. If you sell it, you have nothing but the memory. And the little bit that it will take to fix it right, compared to what it will cost over time to build another car that's just as fast, well you seem like a bright girl, what do you think???

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Is the Mustang paid for? If so then just keep it and buy a beater or daily driver to get you around to work and school.


If it's not paid for, I think you should sell it and get what money you can out of it. Everyone knows you will NEVER get back what you have put into it. But that goes for any hobby, it's never an investment only a fix.


Either way, you need to finish school and quit thinking about the speed stuff for a while until your finances are better....period. Keep the bike for that and just get something else reliable. Even if the stang was running, you couldn't drive it or the bike during the winter. It's not going to happen.


From the sound of things, you are just going to get yourself in the same situation if you buy a WS6, T/A, LS-1...whatever. You are looking at over $8k on top of the price of the car to get the numbers you claim. If you are planning to mod a stock motor/rear-end car, you have another.....TIME BOMB on your hands. You can't just slap all these parts and money into a motor/car and expect it to work.


You have to plan it out and only do mods that the car can handle. You really have to build it backwards. Make the engine/chassis handle the power before you have it so shit doesn't start breaking on you every time you drive it. Otherwise you will be just like the stang and it's only a matter of time before the weakest link breaks next! It's just one big cycle!



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I have a daily driver and the car is paid for... I really appreciate the points of view on everything it is really helping my decisions... I guess Mike hasnt had the chance to get to the car yet and see the damage so I dont really know whats wrong and whats not wrong. Not his fault he is just very very busy with other customers too. So Im so freaking aggrivated!


I wanted the WS6 for a nice car for once and doing minor bolt ons.. no blowers or N20 and crap like that. I know they have weak clutches and rear ends... and I am not out to build another race car..


I have done suspension now cage axles clutches and so on with the stang, not including all the engine work and forged this and billet that.. blah blah. I want the car honestly but it sitting is what is killing me. Hearing from people I know every weekend "wheres your car is it dont yet, blah blah blah.. is getting so old.." I just wanna be mean sometimes and say hey if it was running dont ya thnk I would be freaking driving it? LOL But I wont be rude.. and then it gets back on my mind of how bad I want it running again :(


The bike is fun to a point :rolleyes: but it is no 600hp car.. The feeling of the car was far greater than my bike is to me.. but thats just me. But I am going to talk to a Mod motor shop in GA and see what I can do after school is done.

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Oh I want a push rod engine you have no idea how much.. 331 or 327 or whatever with a ysi trim or whatever on it.. (R block good crank and so on) My b/f's brother had a awesome setup with hi 86 and that car trapped 130+mph so it can be done ya just have to get good parts and a good tune.


I just hate the OBII computer with my car and mod motors are NOT cheap at all to mod. So I would say push rod engine all the way!


Plus I dont think there is any backing up for my 98 really it is set up to race in every sense of the word. I wish I could but I thnk it would take a lot more money to do it.

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A pushrod motor isn't going to be any different.


You still need a GOOD builder that knows what he is doing and a tune to match. Both will still give you the same problems when not done right.


If you have a daily driver now, I don't see the problem? Just stay calm until you can get the funds and time to get the Mustang finished!

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Do you really think an LS1 is going to be any cheaoer to mod? HA!


Also, if you do sell your stang and get an F-body It's still going to be sitting around until you find someone to install your go-fast parts and tune it for you. It's not magically going to jump together in a weekend.

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Originally posted by The DropTop:

Do you really think an LS1 is going to be any cheaoer to mod? HA!

What's more expensive on the LS1 OTHER than re-sleving the block in a big-bore application, assuming one doesn't swap to a 6L iron block or expensive C5-R block??


I own both, and would definately say I'd MUCH rather build an F-body. I just did a back to back drive between mine, and excluding the better handling/FAR more power my Formula has, the Formula just feels more sporty. From a stock vs. stock perspective, I even enjoyed daily driving my Formula more back when it served that purpose.


As for ease of working on, my Formula is definately easier to work on.....now I also have headers, !AIR, !A/C which made a huge difference in that.


Owning both, I am honestly very surprised that people choose the Mustang over the F-body.

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Ok Jason... I can put bolt ons on Im not a complete idiot. I had people build the engine because I wanted a "custom forged, built whatever setup"


Anyhoo.. Josh.. the daily driver is the gixxer.. I know I know.. who on earth has a bike for a daily driver.. well there is a long story behind that and the plans for school I had with the bike are no longer good because school changed there locker situations so I cant carry my gun and police gear all on the bike.. Id fall off..LOL


But I thought about getting the F body and basically doing exhaust and a couple LITTLE bolt ons but leaving is basically stock.. and kinda getting out of the go REAL FAST scene... But as of yesterday the stang might just be on the road here within the next month or sooner..So I have to see how bad it is.. and if its not expensive I am gonna pulley it down and tune it and just drive the thing everyday..(take the ET streets off but I will be in school every single day for 5 months with the academy so least it wont have a ton of miles on it and school is close and that way I could still keep the bike.. jsut all a bunch of ideas right now.. but I dunno.


And yes Nitrousbird is right.. I would rather have a f-body to work on than a mod motor.. any day of the week. lol anyhoo!

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Amy, I really think that you hve been listening to these guys that are trying to claim that you can even remotely use that car as a daily driver and still make 500 plus at the rear wheels. It don't work that way, unless you are making at least a third of it with spray.


As far as the computer, I would think that would be easier to fix than it sounds. I believe that megasquirt just brought out a new EMU that will do DIS (not sure if you are running DIS or not) which might be worth looking into.


And trying to use the bike as a daily driver is a bit of a pain in the rain and such, not to mention that the Stang wouldn't be alot better with ET Streets on it. I would guess that it's a rather interesting ride in the rain as well.


You might consider looking for a $1500 beater, that way when it gets beat by some kid in a Dodge Neon with spray, you don't deside to turn it into a race car as well. Which personally I think you would do if you had an F-body and it got beat. Cuz dear, going fast is an addiction, and the more you get the more you want. As much as you would like to believe that you would get a WS-6 and do a couple of blot on's and leave it go, you will NEVER be satisfied with it. You know what it's like to go fast, and its' not something that you just walk away from.

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You need to get serious! In no way is the bike a daily driver....Rain/Snow below 30 degrees....right!


Even if the Mustang did run you have no chance of using it as a daily driver. Come winter, you will be in the ditch before you even knew what happened.


Over 300RWHP in the snow with a rear wheel drive car isn't going to work.....period. The sooner you get a real beater (Neon, Civic, Tempo,Cavalier, Sunturd, Focus, Escort, etc.) the sooner you will not worry about the car until it's ready.


Don't rush it or you are just going to be yanking the motor for what....the FOURTH time!


Hate to say it but you need some "wakeup" juice!

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OK... I must not write anything the right way for people to see what Im saying. lol Ok I am not driving the bike or the stang in the winter... I was using the bike for the summer and the rain didnt bother me too bad... BUT


I was going to use my grammys car for school on bad days and the bike on nice days BUT she changed her insurance a couple weeks ago and they wont put me on cause I had too many points 5 years ago... (they go back 5 instead of 3) Then I thought that my academy had lockers for all my gear but it is for the daytime program not the night academy (i was told wrong) SO everything was fucked up!


So I have the option of selling the bike and getting a cheap car or fixing the stang which looks like it might be a little easier than we thought and use it everyday.. You can use a 500hp car everyday I did before... NOT LIKE I WANT TOO.... But I dont have 2 grand laying around for another car.. so until someone buys the bike I have no other options.. thats what im trying to get across... I dont wanna use that car everyday and cant use the bike so thats the problem...


Yes Smokinhawk I would like to get the lumina BUT I dont have the extra money .. I have to wait for something to sell first :-(

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Guest mudbutt
Originally posted by sleepers, inc.:

HPtuners > SCT smile.gif

Both do a great job in competent hands. The problem is there are only a few hands and a lot of stubmling fingers Point.Click.Detonate.
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